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How to fix my knackered knee

Hi, avid reader, but first post! I wondered if others would be able to share experiences regarding the ever popular subject of knee pain and injury recovery.
I've been road riding for a couple of years (mountain biking for much longer) managing a few century sportives without ill effects. In May this year, I was training for such a ride, and had started using a single speed track bike for a 12 mile each-way daily commute, aiming to increase the workload. After a couple of weeks I noted slight discomfort in my left knee. Stupidly ignoring this, I went on my regular Sunday morning jaunt (40 miles) but 30 miles in I felt sharp pain in my left knee (pain on inner kneecap). I limped home and rested it up for a few days but missed the Sportive altogether.
Since then It just won't heal. I started by trying to self-diagnose and treat. Foam roller, stability cushion, icepacks, Ibuprofen etc. No joy, so visits to 2 separate physios (one through work, the other as part of a Retul assessment/fit) who have both said there's nothing majorly wrong with my knee other than overuse. They both gave me stretching (hamstrings, quads) and strengthening exercises (glutes, hips). One diagnosed a fallen arch on my left foot, the other (more specialised in cycling physio) said I have limited mobility in my left ankle which causes my knee to turn in. Both noted that my right leg is much stronger than the left. I have since purchased custom orthotics and had a professional bike fit, which mainly led to the saddle being brought forward and raised by a not insignificant 30mm..... It no longer conforms to the height setting using the heel method (its much higher).
I've religiously done my exercises twice daily, cut back on rides (5 mile commute once/twice weekly, occasional 20 mile ride at high cadence and no hills). However over 4 months it hasn't improved at all. My knee continually clicks, my shin makes cracking noises. If I sit for any length of time (my job requires it) it aches. If I do a lot of walking it seems to improve, but returning to work/sitting and the ache returns.
I suppose I'm trying to understand whether I have to accept that this might be permanent (neither physio thought so), or I am being impatient, or even whether someone can share tips on how they recovered from a similar problem? Should I abstain from all cycling for a prolonged period? I'm 44, btw, and otherwise quite fit.
Anyone care to share their own experiences? Thanks all!

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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freebsd_frank replied to Tjuice | 9 years ago

My experience: About 20 yrs ago I bought my first set of clipless pedals. On
the recommendation of my LBS I bought some Shimano SPDs. I started getting
knee pain after I upped my miles. I saw a thread on usenet where some guy was
also complaining of knee pain and the overwhelming recommendation was to
switch to Speedplay pedals. I did and the result is I've never had any
problems since.

My recommendation is that rather than waste money on physios and expensive
scans, get yourself some Speedplays. Until you use them, you don't realise how
constraining other pedal systems are and the stress they put your knees under.

You've seen a couple of physios and if they thought there was anything
seriously wrong they would have sent you for scans and then to a consultant
with possible regards to surgery. They haven't, which almost certainly means
that they think the injury will heal. What they haven't told you is that these
types of injuries take a long time to heal.

I injured my shoulder lifting my mother a few years ago. It didn't hurt most
of the time but things like mowing the lawn were out of the question (what a
shame!). I went to my GP and told her that I thought I'd damaged a ligament or
muscle in my shoulder and explained how I did it and the symptoms. I suggested
she might send me to a physio. Her advice: it will take months to see a physio
by which time it will probably have cleared up so don't bother. She was right
though, although it took over 6 months before the shoulder was right.

My understanding is that injuries involving ligaments and such like in the
knee can take many months to heal. For example, young fit premier league
footballers can be off for many months even though they've got the best physio
etc. money can buy.

My advice: keep cycling and up your miles; if your knee starts hurting, then
you've done enough miles. Steer clear of your fixed speed
bike and carry on spinning and avoid steep hills. Gentle exercise will
strengthen the knee and stop the very real possibility of getting depressed.

If your knee starts hurting when you're sitting at work, try going for a 5 min
walk and see if that relieves it. Also, see your GP for anti-inflammatories
(I've found diclofenac effective in the past) and painkillers for when your
knee plays up.

If your knee hasn't got any better by Xmas, then go and see your GP, tell
him/her that you injured it in May and it's no better and affecting your
hobby/work and demand to see a specialist.

Hope it gets better sooner rather than later but I'm sure it will get better.

Batchy | 9 years ago

Don't mess about, go and see a knee specialist and your knee properly looked at and xrayed/scanned. Incidentally I suffered over 40years with knee problems. Five years ago I ended up with a total left knee replacement and now I cycle up to 200miles per week with no pain. It is unlikely that a sports therapy specialist can actually see the inside of your knee. Unless of course he or she has X Ray vision !

CXR94Di2 | 9 years ago

I would see a specialist foot knee and get an MRI scan to assess if there is any damage. It could be anything from ligaments to arthritis. Get professional advice or risk a chronic condition


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