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Car crashes into building - please post your Local news stories

Running this one up the flagpole to see who salutes... 

I just don't remember this being a thing until recently, now it seems a daily occurrence.
Could it be that there are drivers not up to the job, too many cars; should houses be made to ride in single file, shops put on high viz, why are we putting newer buildings in danger like this, it's irresponsible.

'A Dorset Police spokesperson said: "Dorset Police was called at 12.48pm on Thursday, August 13, to a report of a collision involving a car and a wall outside Iceland on Poole Road in Bournemouth.

"It is reported that the vehicle was also in collision with a pedestrian, but they did not require medical treatment." ' 


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mdavidford replied to Jogle | 2 years ago

Police are looking for this suspect.

Hirsute replied to David9694 | 2 years ago


David9694 replied to Jogle | 2 years ago

Whose car, though? 

ktache replied to Jogle | 2 years ago

This cyclelikeyoudrive is not going away soon...

andystow replied to Jogle | 2 years ago
1 like

As a fellow MINI convertible owner, I shared this one on our FB page.

David9694 replied to Jogle | 2 years ago
1 like

It would be a shock if it didn't collide with anything! How are these even insureable??

David9694 replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago

He was Probably avoiding a cyclist.

Thank-you for holding back. 

Jogle replied to David9694 | 2 years ago
David9694 wrote:

1000 comments In Car Crashes into Building 

Thank-you to all contributors.  An idle lock-down moment originally, but local newspapers continue to deliver these stories week after week.

The e-scooters show how we could regulate motor vehicles if we chose to - who can drive, and within preset limits, but we prefer to indulge drivers in their need for speed. 

I tend to stick with news stories where there aren’t injuries. Perhaps the most abject I found (on an a rare, active search) was car demolishes war memorial - if somehow a cyclist had done that it would have been in the national tabloids. 

A good chunk of the cases we find sound like the local drugs trade in action, arising from that oh so harmless “yeh, I smoke a bit” - the drivers, the way they disappear off, the time of incidents, the makes of cars involved. 

Some crashes are the grey menace, the “I have no choice” brigade - it’s too easy to put a car in gear/ wrong gear and move it - into the end of your own garage or through a shop window.  Have your “medical episode” on the bus, please.

Most are evidence of significant, endemic incompetence among drivers who can’t manage avoid fixed objects, so what chance a moving object - chancing it, over-estimating their own skill, under-estimating the situation. Yet we seem happy to live with it all, a nation of boiled frogs.

I was hoping that you would have the honour of the thousandth post.

I had been looking for a spectacular picture, but I don't think I could beat a Mini War Memorial Demolition.

I've got to check my bike cameras as on the way back from work I went past car which was sticking out into the road at a strange angle. When I got to the front of it I found that a large metal bollard had come out of nowhere and attacked it. Or at least I assume that's how you destroy the front end of a car on a bollard.

stonojnr replied to David9694 | 2 years ago

rode that route at the weekend as it happened, the driver must have exited the roundabout,and just driven straightacross 3 lanes of road, mounted the kerb, and over the shared cycle to path to end up in the hedge by Frankie & Bennys

David9694 replied to Jogle | 2 years ago

sounds like the Tyre Extinguishers' latest recruit - attacks Audis and SUVs, I'm told:  

Angry peacock reportedly attacks car and causes ‘bad’ damage in Corsham

chrisonabike replied to Jogle | 2 years ago
1 like

Probably a wee free car - enraged by the council-installed pagan stone circle.

(What is it with those?  Edinburgh's slapped them all over the estates.  If garden-centre ornaments set in a corner of clarty wasteland could re-racinate the celts the country would have seceded by now and probably burnt Londinuim too.)

David9694 replied to Hirsute | 2 years ago

Enough paint to make a bike lane along the Kings Road?

David9694 replied to Jogle | 2 years ago

"He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!"

commutor28th May 6:47 pm
User ID: 1301406
Please get the facts before offensive comments. There was a reason why he hit the pump. Just for the record he is a responsible driver and not a boy racer.

Kay Brown28th May 7:08 pm
User ID: 4001481
Like I said [err, this appears to be your first post here] get your facts right before commenting. There was a genuine reason why he hit the pumps. If he was being irresponsible he would of been arrested. I know this person personally and that was not the case. Insensitive commenting without knowing the facts is not helpful

I guess we'll never get to know the "genuine reason" for hitting the pump? Not remotely a boy racer, no sireee. 

ktache replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago

Off road police bike, look at those tyres.

hawkinspeter replied to Hirsute | 2 years ago

hirsute wrote:

"No offences were identified".

How is that possible? Surely, a parking ticket would be appropriate if nothing else.

Lucky that no-one was "working" in the garden with lots of colleagues.

chrisonabike replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago
1 like

Betwaddled? Ye've ‘ad a gurt fossick but we'll 'ave ye out dreckly.

andystow replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

brooksby wrote:

How on earth did they manage that??

Support pillar was not wearing hi-vis.

pockstone replied to Jogle | 2 years ago
1 like

Since the Echo describes it a 'single vehicle crash' they don't seem to think the cyclist even existed. 

stonojnr replied to mdavidford | 2 years ago

Probably more of a local suspect here

The road has a 50mph limit to try and lessen the impact of these crashes which happen very frequently. It's not a section of road I will ever risk cycling on.

David9694 replied to stonojnr | 2 years ago
1 like

No, because there was no driver. The car unaccountably...did the first thing, then it mysteriously...did the next thing and ended up in the hedge.  
And anyway, he doesn't remember anything, must have blacked out, then come to briefly, blacked out again, and then eventually decided to walk home. 

mdavidford replied to David9694 | 2 years ago

David9694 wrote:

I guess we'll never get to know the "genuine reason" for hitting the pump?

Maybe he had to intervene to stop it assaulting another innocent vehicle.

chrisonabike replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago
1 like

Irrelevant now that there's a video of Keir Starmer drinking a beer somewhere.  Furthermore that shows that Keir Starmer is a hypocrite and should resign so Boris can get on with delivering private parties for Downing Street the cabinet nation.

David9694 replied to stonojnr | 2 years ago

Ipswich seems quite a lively place for pranging your car or overturning it on a quick squizz through the other stories 

IanMSpencer replied to mdavidford | 2 years ago

Well, you can't expect the driver to eat last night's left over curry, text his girlfriend, leer at some totty* on the other side of the road and remain in control, can you?

*Which reminds me of a school mate in the 1970s who as a first year student in Lancaster got an inheritance and blew it on a  brand new Triumph Dolomite Sprint (the dog's bo*****s at the time) and within 2 weeks ploughed into a parked car because he was letching at some girl on the other side of the road.

hawkinspeter replied to chrisonabike | 2 years ago

chrisonatrike wrote:

Irrelevant now that there's a video of Keir Starmer drinking a beer somewhere.  Furthermore that shows that Keir Starmer is a hypocrite and should resign so Boris can get on with delivering private parties for Downing Street the cabinet nation.

Keir has stated that he'll do the right thing if he does get fined, so at least he has some integrity or is very sure that it was a work event.

stonojnr replied to David9694 | 2 years ago
1 like

Yep seems to be a weekly occurrence,
This is the wackiest one recently,with a parked range rover ending up on its side

brooksby replied to hawkinspeter | 2 years ago

hawkinspeter wrote:

chrisonatrike wrote:

Irrelevant now that there's a video of Keir Starmer drinking a beer somewhere.  Furthermore that shows that Keir Starmer is a hypocrite and should resign so Boris can get on with delivering private parties for Downing Street the cabinet nation.

Keir has stated that he'll do the right thing if he does get fined, so at least he has some integrity or is very sure that it was a work event.

A Govt MP has done an interview saying how even if Starmer resigns, that has no bearing on what action Johnson takes or could have taken (the implication being that Starmer has integrity or at least pretends to, whereas Johnson really couldn't care less).

stonojnr replied to stonojnr | 2 years ago
hawkinspeter replied to brooksby | 2 years ago

brooksby wrote:

A Govt MP has done an interview saying how even if Starmer resigns, that has no bearing on what action Johnson takes or could have taken (the implication being that Starmer has integrity or at least pretends to, whereas Johnson really couldn't care less).

Well to be fair, it's like comparing apples and oranges. Johnson is in power and Starmer isn't; Johnson created the rules and Starmer didn't; Johnson has been fined and Starmer hasn't.

Hold on a minute, that makes it seem utterly incredible that Johnson hasn't been forcibly ejected from office

mdavidford replied to stonojnr | 2 years ago

I feel like cars on their rooves needs its own spin-off (if you will) thread.


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