Cake has been taken (still is, 'scuse the crumbs) and the random-number-o-meter cranked here at Towers and four lucky winners will soon be looking pretty sharp as they swank around in their new Ts.
So who has been tickled by the fickle finger of fate this week?
First up it's Texas Ted – who gets an XL in blue.
Next is AlanKK – fresh from getting controversial about pavement cycling WWII vets, officially at least, gets the medium brown "and if I'm lucky enough then I'll decide on colour later too"
Armchaircyclist - who wanted "all colours", gets the small pink
Last but not least is Colonels Buckets who gets this year's must have tee in charcoal… or grey for more plain spoken folk.
Don't worry if you missed out you can have a t-shirt of your very own too, you'll just have to pay some money for it… not too much, just enough. They will be on sale soon and you'll read about it here first.
In the meantime here are some words that we feel capture the very essence of what we've tried to do with our new t-shirt collection…
New season and a new colour – as well as the blue and brown designs that were such a hit last year, we've added a new cool and undesrtated charcoal colourway, inspired by the classic British summer weather we've been having lately.
Both the brown and gre… charcoal Ts are made from organic cotton and are Fair Trade certified and climate neutral – we've gone for a bluer blue, officially it's Azure for the, er blue T-shirt which is a Fair Trade certified too. So you can look good with a clear conscience. And the pink… well, you can look good in that one.
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Brown and Pink please
XL Pink or Brown please!
Something in M or L would be good for me
I'd love a T in any colour you like. large please.
Charcoal in Medium, pretty please
I want that blue, in small size, please...

I like the charcoal 1st and blue 2nd. And I'm a M.
Nice T-shirts! Charcoal or blue in a large would be excellent!
Any colour in small or medium would be great - cheers !
A little one for my baby if there are any.
i'd be over joyed with any of them!!!
in XL
but i doooo l.o.v.e the brown one!!
ohhh ..... charcoal colourway please in large
M in Blue please
Size: Large; Colour in priority order: charcoal, brown, blue, pink.
Do you have ladies T's? or I am being picky?
Count me in.
S in brown, please!
Charcoal or brown medium please
x large in one that looks least like a golf design please
Charcoal in Fat please
Blue Large please!
charcoal in small please
A small Charcoal please.
Any colour and large, please!
Can I have a Brown in Medium please Bob
Charcoal in medium thanks!
nice brown one please in m
I love the blue one! Please add me too.
Yes please. Large, and blue. Thank you