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Video: Motorist drives aggressively at London cyclists, knocking one over

Shocking footage was shot this morning in Stockwell

A video posted to Vimeo today shows an incident in Stockwell, South London during which an Audi driver appears to have rammed a cyclist off the road,

While that part of the incident itself was not captured on camera, shortly beforehand the driver had been throwing objects from his car at the cyclists, who were on Cycle Superhighway 7.

Stunned in Stockwell from Nick Finegold on Vimeo.

He then drives off up the road, and when the rider of the bike the camera is attached to catches up, the motorist has turned left and is reversing back towards the cyclists using the Cycle Superhighway, though he stops short of them.

It does appear though that he hit one cyclist, who is shown picking up his pannier and bike and is gesturing at the driver, while other riders advise him to leave the driver - who shouts "F8ck you" a number of times - alone.

The motorist appears to drive away but instead does a three-point turn and drives aggressively at the cyclist and the other riders who had stopped.

He then reverses up the side road at which point a siren can be heard, with the cyclists applauding, and a uniformed police officer can be seen walking up the road the driver headed up, with the cyclist at the centre of the incident then wheeling his bike in the same direction.

Nick Finegold, who posted the video to Vimeo, told us: "As I arrived the driver was throwing bottles and cans through his window at the cyclist in red, shouting to keep away from his car,

"I had been previously riding with the group and all appeared to be responsible riders.

"The driver was getting more aggressive as the cyclist stood there in disbelief of what was happening.

"At that point he drove off trying to ram the cyclist in red. He drove at speed up the road taking the first left, this point was slightly out of sight for me, but I know at that time it's very very busy with riders on the CS7.

"As I approached the junction where he turned left, a second cyclist was picking his bike from the floor, he states he was completely cut-up, I don't know if he was struck.

"The driver proceeds to make a 3-point turn and mount the pavement using his car as ram towards the cyclists that has stopped to help.

"There was also a mother and children having to take evasive action from the car on the pavement."

He added: "A passing unmarked police car stopped and an officer investigated, at this point you can see the car reversing at great speed to escape, I am not sure whether the police gave chase."

Update (3/8/18):  A second video of the incident has surfaced, shot by one of the cyclists involved in the earlier confrontation at traffic lights.

The driver can also clearly be heard claiming that he is driving a stolen car.


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Yorkshire wallet | 6 years ago
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Hawkins - maybe a squirrel was driving the car?

hawkinspeter replied to Yorkshire wallet | 6 years ago
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Yorkshire wallet wrote:

Hawkins - maybe a squirrel was driving the car?

We may never know.


Organon | 6 years ago

Just a polite enquiry for a friend; how is a motorist supposed to turn left across a CS lane on an unlit junction with oncoming cyclists form both directions not giving way? Could be a cause of potential friction.

hawkinspeter replied to Organon | 6 years ago

Organon wrote:

Just a polite enquiry for a friend; how is a motorist supposed to turn left across a CS lane on an unlit junction with oncoming cyclists form both directions not giving way? Could be a cause of potential friction.

With patience.

Motorists seem to have lots of patience for sitting in queues of (motorised) traffic, but are unwilling to wait a minute or two for a reasonable gap in cyclist traffic.

srchar replied to hawkinspeter | 6 years ago

hawkinspeter wrote:

Motorists seem to have lots of patience for sitting in queues of (motorised) traffic, but are unwilling to wait a minute or two for a reasonable gap in cyclist traffic.

So, so much. Not even a minute or two - a delay of a handful of seconds can be enough to send them into a frothing rage.

Beecho replied to hawkinspeter | 6 years ago

hawkinspeter wrote:

Organon wrote:

Just a polite enquiry for a friend; how is a motorist supposed to turn left across a CS lane on an unlit junction with oncoming cyclists form both directions not giving way? Could be a cause of potential friction.

With patience.

Motorists seem to have lots of patience for sitting in queues of (motorised) traffic, but are unwilling to wait a minute or two for a reasonable gap in cyclist traffic...

...before turning into the next queue of traffic.

must. pass. cyclists. to wait longer. in. more. traffic.

morgoth985 replied to Organon | 6 years ago

Organon wrote:

Just a polite enquiry for a friend; how is a motorist supposed to turn left across a CS lane on an unlit junction with oncoming cyclists form both directions not giving way? Could be a cause of potential friction.

No need for friction at all.  It’s easy.  Indicate in advance, look, wait until it’s clear, then move.  If the traffic is incessant, at some point someone will see you indicating, take pity on you and the cars waiting behind you, and wave you through.  Then everyone goes their separate ways.  All happy.

brooksby replied to morgoth985 | 6 years ago

Morgoth985 wrote:

Organon wrote:

Just a polite enquiry for a friend; how is a motorist supposed to turn left across a CS lane on an unlit junction with oncoming cyclists form both directions not giving way? Could be a cause of potential friction.

No need for friction at all.  It’s easy.  Indicate in advance, look, wait until it’s clear, then move.  If the traffic is incessant, at some point someone will see you indicating, take pity on you and the cars waiting behind you, and wave you through.  Then everyone goes their separate ways.  All happy.

So, the same way as trying to turn across any other lane of traffic.

morgoth985 replied to brooksby | 6 years ago

brooksby wrote:

Morgoth985 wrote:

Organon wrote:

Just a polite enquiry for a friend; how is a motorist supposed to turn left across a CS lane on an unlit junction with oncoming cyclists form both directions not giving way? Could be a cause of potential friction.

No need for friction at all.  It’s easy.  Indicate in advance, look, wait until it’s clear, then move.  If the traffic is incessant, at some point someone will see you indicating, take pity on you and the cars waiting behind you, and wave you through.  Then everyone goes their separate ways.  All happy.

So, the same way as trying to turn across any other lane of traffic.

exactly.  I get that it was a polite question and all, but it speaks volumes that it was ever thought necessary 

Ian Allardyce | 6 years ago

With all the flag waving from G winning the Tour... I wish he'd come out and talk about how cyclists are treated on the road.

LastBoyScout replied to Ian Allardyce | 6 years ago

Ian Allardyce wrote:

With all the flag waving from G winning the Tour... I wish he'd come out and talk about how cyclists are treated on the road.

Not sure it would do much good when even spoof news websites putting the boot in will be treated as gospel:

spacedyemeerkat replied to LastBoyScout | 6 years ago
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LastBoyScout wrote:

Ian Allardyce wrote:

With all the flag waving from G winning the Tour... I wish he'd come out and talk about how cyclists are treated on the road.

Not sure it would do much good when even spoof news websites putting the boot in will be treated as gospel:

I thought the first two articles were taking a humourous swipe at drivers rather than cyclists.

brooksby replied to Ian Allardyce | 6 years ago

Ian Allardyce wrote:

With all the flag waving from G winning the Tour... I wish he'd come out and talk about how cyclists are treated on the road.

We could get a F1 driver to come out and talk about how cr@p many amateur motorists behave on the road, too (element of sarcasm there ).

Geraint is a professional sportsman whose sport happens to be cycling, I wouldn't expect him to necessarily ride a bike in real life, or to talk it up.  Chris Boardman is an exception, because I think he's joined the "proper spokesman" camp.

brooksby | 6 years ago

I think that driver has some serious issues to deal with.  Possibly wit the help of valium or its equivalent (do people still take valium?).    I have NEVER seen such an appalling and aggressive piece of footage on this site, and that even includes that bloke that fell over trying to kick someone.  I would love to know how this all pans out, but suspect in our modern age of "what's the next thing, again?" we'll never know...

Scoob_84 | 6 years ago

Tell you whats truly shocking, one of those cyclists wasn't wearing a helmet!!!


Yorkshire wallet | 6 years ago

Is it me or is the driver barely able to see over the wheel?

Could be aggressive midget syndrome. Also known as Time Bandit syndrome.

hawkinspeter replied to Yorkshire wallet | 6 years ago
Yorkshire wallet wrote:

Is it me or is the driver barely able to see over the wheel?

Could be aggressive midget syndrome. Also known as Time Bandit syndrome.

That's a tad unnecessary. I know you don't intend it, but there's no need to insult people due to their lack of height. The idiot in the car deserves some abuse due to their behaviour alone.

(Also, the word midget is not recommended - dwarf is a preferred term).

Pudsey Pedaller | 6 years ago

Does anyone else think the littering might be taken more seriously than the driving offences?

StraelGuy | 6 years ago

Seconded, I worked for GMP until last year and regularly spoke to the cops who dealt with cyclist's camera footage. Their advice was to keep it off social media until they, and potentially the CPS, have had a look at the footage first.

gmac101 replied to StraelGuy | 6 years ago

StraelGuy wrote:

Seconded, I worked for GMP until last year and regularly spoke to the cops who dealt with cyclist's camera footage. Their advice was to keep it off social media until they, and potentially the CPS, have had a look at the footage first.

The met ask you to post any footage you have to back up your complaint on youtube so they can look at it and then ask you to remove it if they issue a notice of intended prosecution.  

vonhelmet replied to gmac101 | 6 years ago

gmac101 wrote:

StraelGuy wrote:

Seconded, I worked for GMP until last year and regularly spoke to the cops who dealt with cyclist's camera footage. Their advice was to keep it off social media until they, and potentially the CPS, have had a look at the footage first.

The met ask you to post any footage you have to back up your complaint on youtube so they can look at it and then ask you to remove it if they issue a notice of intended prosecution.  

You can upload to YouTube without broadcasting it to all and sundry on Facebook, Twitter, and so on. You can set videos so they can only be viewed by people you give the link to, so they’re not findable by searching.

So yeah, maybe they ask you to use YouTube, but that’s not the same as the wide broadcast that these videos seem to get.

atgni replied to StraelGuy | 6 years ago
StraelGuy wrote:

Seconded, I worked for GMP until last year and regularly spoke to the cops who dealt with cyclist's camera footage. Their advice was to keep it off social media until they, and potentially the CPS, have had a look at the footage first.

Have there actually been any cases that have been thrown out due to not getting a fair trial after gopro/dash/helmet/whatever cam footage was widly seen?
I suspect not.
CPS and others being unnecessarily cautious and unreasonably preventing cases going forward.
Publicising these incidents via footage might make public opinion change.

ChairRDRF | 6 years ago

Don't foregt to actually report this: go to  Also Twitter @metcc.


It may be neccessary to take this off social media while it is being dealt with (or not dealt with).


Can I ask a favour of roadcc? Showing these videos doesn't actually help in itself - we all know what can and does happen out there. Why don't you report to Police Service in question , and that post online if police do not follow up? That way you may actually help and not impede curt case because video was in the public domain.


I know you're not just in it to upset people and want to change things by getting something done about such vile law breaking.


Aren't you?



Awavey replied to ChairRDRF | 6 years ago

ChairRDRF wrote:

Can I ask a favour of roadcc? Showing these videos doesn't actually help in itself - we all know what can and does happen out there. Why don't you report to Police Service in question , and that post online if police do not follow up? That way you may actually help and not impede curt case because video was in the public domain.


well you say that but I can almost guarantee there will be an article within the next month highlighting some report/survey questioning why there arent enough people biking to work, possibly on a national cycle to work day, and if prior examples are anything to go on the wisdom of crowds usually comes up with answers like wearing a helmet messes up my hair or there arent enough showers at work, England isnt Holland and so on , not "we all know what can and does happen out there" when a driver, and it had to be an Audi didnt it, behaves like this.

so yes Id like these kinds of videos to get the maximum publicity so that go viral and every idiot who drives like this slowly recognises alot of cyclists now have cameras and those drivers will be called out for it.

I dont know why the police are concerned publishing the video would jeopardise a case, given lots of successful criminal investigations involve footage shown on national tv,sometimes live as it happens, long before they get to court.

ChairRDRF replied to Awavey | 6 years ago
1 like

Awavey wrote:

ChairRDRF wrote:

Can I ask a favour of roadcc? Showing these videos doesn't actually help in itself - we all know what can and does happen out there. Why don't you report to Police Service in question , and that post online if police do not follow up? That way you may actually help and not impede curt case because video was in the public domain.


well you say that but I can almost guarantee there will be an article within the next month highlighting some report/survey questioning why there arent enough people biking to work, possibly on a national cycle to work day, and if prior examples are anything to go on the wisdom of crowds usually comes up with answers like wearing a helmet messes up my hair or there arent enough showers at work, England isnt Holland and so on , not "we all know what can and does happen out there" when a driver, and it had to be an Audi didnt it, behaves like this.

so yes Id like these kinds of videos to get the maximum publicity so that go viral and every idiot who drives like this slowly recognises alot of cyclists now have cameras and those drivers will be called out for it.

I dont know why the police are concerned publishing the video would jeopardise a case, given lots of successful criminal investigations involve footage shown on national tv,sometimes live as it happens, long before they get to court.

I don't think posting these videos will deter the kind of people who do this. Publicity for succesful prosecutions might.

The general advice I get from police and lawyers is that it is better to not show the videos until after a verdict has been arived at. If police fail to act on video it might be an idea to put it up then.

oldstrath replied to ChairRDRF | 6 years ago

ChairRDRF wrote:

Don't foregt to actually report this: go to  Also Twitter @metcc.


It may be neccessary to take this off social media while it is being dealt with (or not dealt with).


Can I ask a favour of roadcc? Showing these videos doesn't actually help in itself - we all know what can and does happen out there. Why don't you report to Police Service in question , and that post online if police do not follow up? That way you may actually help and not impede curt case because video was in the public domain.


I know you're not just in it to upset people and want to change things by getting something done about such vile law breaking.


Aren't you?



The wide broadcasting of a video showing two triathletes scaring a horse didn't stop the police investigating that apparently terrible crime.

don simon fbpe | 6 years ago

Worry about that later, just get those knees jerking first.

Looked like and arsehole driver to me.

Hirsute | 6 years ago

A case where use of the D lock would be self defense to a driver attempting to run several people over.

jlebrech replied to Hirsute | 6 years ago

hirsute wrote:

A case where use of the D lock would be self defense to a driver attempting to run several people over.

Useful for locking his head to a lamp post.

Housecathst | 6 years ago

Looks like a potential terrorists incident to me, hopefully the police and the cps will be treating it as such. 


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