The Cycle Bus group founder Adam Tranter - who also runs the specialist cycling PR firm Fusion Media - told the Kenilworth Weekly News that the group was shouted at by an angry resident in Abbey Fields for cycling through the park. A by-law technically prevents cycling in Abbey Fields, but Tranter has called for it to be lifted every Friday during term time so children can cycle safely to school with the cycle bus group.
Mr Tranter said: “Unfortunately, on Friday morning (last Friday on November 22) we were verbally abused by another park user. This person took issue with our cycling in the park without being able to see the positive we're doing. When we asked 'Do you think it would be safe to take children on the roads outside?', they said 'I don't care'.
At the time it ruined our day but we're not going to let it get us down in the long-term. Since the confrontation, we've been flooded with support by the community and had well-wishing messages from all over the world, even as far as Australia."
"We are a volunteer and parent-led group who help young children cycle to school safely. These by-laws are stopping children and other vulnerable road users from cycling safely. There is no other alternative route for anybody who needs to get from one side of town to the other.
Mr Tranter said the Cycle Bus takes about 20 cars off the road each week with the organised school run, and pedestrians are always given priority when they ride on shared use paths. He also notes that the infant cyclists struggle to ride faster than about 5mph, "so really there is no confrontation unless somebody chooses for there to be.”
Local councillor Andrew Milton commented: “I was deeply disappointed to hear about the problems experienced by the Cycle Bus last week.
“I understand the sensitivities around cycling in Abbey Fields but I think some perspective is urgently needed here.
"Our town council and district council have both declared climate emergencies this year and in an emergency we need to take action quickly. The initiative that Adam and Aurelie have started along with other parents is exactly the type of thing we need to see more of and it has my full support. I'll do all within my power to make sure that the Cycle Bus can continue safely and unhindered.”
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As always, nothing is simple. Its crap that you can't ride through the park, however some of the paths are narrow and on a steep descent (south side of the park) I can see how it wouldn't be safe to mix with pedestrians in those places, however, it's nothing that widening the paths wouldn't instantly mitigate.
There's a consultation/survey going on about Abbey Fields at the moment, feel free to fill it in and tick the cycling boxes -
Edit - I've just read some of the comments on FB opposed to cycling in the park - PLEASE DO fill in the survey like a local and tell them you think a cycling provision is required.
"The coroner said highways officials had investigated whether the proximity of a cycle lane to a residents’ parking bay where the BMW was parked had been a factor in the accident; they also noted that Mr Marron had been cycling without a helmet, on a bike borrowed from a friend and was "travelling neither quickly nor slowly" before he crashed."
Er that cleared that up then????
Typical entitled 5-year olds. They come round our parks, terrorising the adults with their reckless speeding and are often noisy. How dare they think that they're too good to be sat in traffic, breathing a bit of pollution and watching the world through a window!
Has this investigator ever cycled on dropped handlebars or indeed ever cycled, more like.
"A North Yorkshire Police collision investigator claimed that a peaked baseball cap Mr Marron was wearing may have obscured his view of the parked BMW he crashed into, and that the dropped handlebar bike "encouraged riders to look down rather than up."
I bet a million pounds that this investigator has never worn a baseball cap whilst riding on the drops.
I stopped cycling in baseball caps and switched to proper cycling caps decades ago because I couldn't see properly wearing a baseball cap. Cycling caps are the way they are for good practical reasons.