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Hertfordshire Police apologise to cyclist and say brake-checking motorist should have been interviewed

Footage appears to show driver deliberately causing collision on empty roundabout

Hertfordshire Police have apologised to a cyclist involved in a collision caused by a brake-checking motorist for ‘prematurely finalising the case’. The force said the motorist should have been questioned and that case officers had therefore been ‘given advice’ regarding collision investigation. However, the case cannot now be reopened unless new evidence comes to light.

On January 12, reader John was involved in an incident with the driver of a Ford Fusion on Melbourn Road, Royston, which we reported on here.

The video appears to show the driver clipping John while overtaking – knocking his car’s wing mirror back in the process – before sharply hitting the brakes in the middle of an empty roundabout. That second manoeuvre resulted in John riding into the back of the vehicle.

After viewing the footage, Hertfordshire Constabulary wrote to inform John, “the weight of evidence to prove that any offences have been committed is not sufficient for a prosecution to take place.”

That came following a whole saga attempting to report the incident in the first place, as detailed in our original article.

Dissatisfied with the decision, John made an official complaint to the Independent Office for Police Conduct.

Explaining how officers decided to close the case, complaints investigator Kevin Bennett told John that the motorist had returned a notice confirming that he was driver of the car at the time and providing his account of what happened, “which does differ from yours.” 

However, Bennett concludes that “there appear to be offences that should have been investigated further by way of interviewing the driver” – although he adds that a request for an interview would have been on a voluntary basis with no guarantee the driver would have participated.

Bennett continues: “All I am able to do is apologise on behalf of the Collisions Unit that they have not given you the level of service that you would have expected and I can assure you that all the Case Officers in the Collisions Unit have been given advice regarding collision investigation.

“As I have mentioned previously, as both parties have been informed that the case has been filed as ‘no further action’, the case is now officially closed and cannot be re-opened, however this does not prevent you taking out a private prosecution in a Civil Court where the burden of proof is set at a lower level as they work on the balance of probabilities, rather than beyond all reasonable doubt.”

Elsewhere in his response, Bennett seems to question some of John’s riding, including his decision to overtake a slower moving cyclist when the motorist was behind him.

“You are stating that the car was so close that the mirror hit you, whereas the driver of the Fusion has stated that as he sounded his horn as he passed you that you kicked the mirror in temper as he sounded his horn, causing damage to his car. 

“It also raises the point that whilst approaching the slower moving cyclist and being aware that the Ford Fusion was close behind you, that it may have been advisable to have stayed back behind the slower cyclist until the Fusion has gone past you, therefore eliminating that hazard. 

“That’s not to say I believe that you are at fault, it’s just that the evidence is inconclusive to prove one way beyond all reasonable doubt and sometimes it may be prudent to stay back and stay safe.”

Bennett also makes a reference to John looking down to clip back into his pedals after losing balance following the initial contact.

“It is clear from the footage that you were not expecting the Fusion to stop as there is no indication that you have attempted to swerve out of the way or brake and I note from your statement that you had been distracted as you were re-engaging your cleats into your pedals. 

“Again, I am not suggesting that you were at fault, but merely pointing out that had you not been re-engaging your cleats that you may have been able to stop, which would also have been the case had you been travelling at a more appropriate distance behind the Fusion; a point that could be exposed by the defence if the matter was heard in court.”

John said he was “extremely disheartened” with several of Bennett’s conclusions.

“In parts it flat out contradicts the video,” he said. “For example the driver claims that he sounded his horn as he passed and that I kicked his wing mirror. The video clearly shows (you can see the shadow) that my response to the horn was to give a clear and unambiguous arm signal that I intended to complete my overtake of the slower cyclist.

“I was already overtaking when the horn was sounded, my exit from the roundabout was already taking into account that overtake and I’m moving about twice the speed of the other cyclist.

“Despite the clear and unambiguous video evidence, it appears that the driver’s account is given equal credence to what actually happened.”

Reflecting on the collision on the roundabout, John added: “The car was well ahead and pulling away when I glanced down as I was having trouble re-engaging my cleat and was caught out by the brake check. Frankly it was totally unexpected.

“I’ll know different in future, but in over 35 years of driving, motorcycling and cycling as an adult I HAVE NEVER had that manoeuvre performed on me before. It is incredibly dangerous and is considered by most police forces in the UK and abroad as a serious moving traffic offence.”

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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Kevin Foulds | 4 years ago

Put an official complaint in against the police and take it from there.

CXR94Di2 | 4 years ago

If a collision has taken place, there is no time limit to serve the NIP. In this case the driver has responded to the NIP already. There is still time to interview and lay charges within 6 months of the offence.

I would complain further and remind them of the deadlines to prosecution.

eburtthebike replied to CXR94Di2 | 4 years ago

CXR94Di2 wrote:

If a collision has taken place, there is no time limit to serve the NIP. In this case the driver has responded to the NIP already. There is still time to interview and lay charges within 6 months of the offence. I would complain further and remind them of the deadlines to prosecution.

Thank you for that useful information.

stewieatb | 4 years ago

"[You could undertake] a private prosecution in a Civil Court where the burden of proof is set at a lower level as they work on the balance of probabilities, rather than beyond all reasonable doubt.”

That is... Not true. The officer who wrote this doesn't understand the difference between a private prosecution of a criminal offence, and a civil case for damages. Which is pretty fucking damning for an officer of the law.

Richard D replied to stewieatb | 4 years ago

stewieatb wrote:

That is... Not true. The officer who wrote this doesn't understand the difference between a private prosecution of a criminal offence, and a civil case for damages. Which is pretty fucking damning for an officer of the law.

I was about to post the same thing.  Ignoring everything else the officer said, much of which is of questionable accuracy, his statement as to the law is complete bollocks.

The driver should not have been "interviewed"; they should have been prosecuted.  and as injury was likely and the manoeuvre very deliberate, for dangerous driving.  Though I'd have probably accepted a plea to careless driving if I'd been the prosecutor.

Oldfatgit | 4 years ago

I'm in no way shape or form an expert, but ...
If the cyclist had kicked the wing mirror, would it not have been folded forwards, as is towards the bonnet of the car?
Surely, the wing mirror being bent backwards, towards the passenger window, would be more indicative of the mirror being struck in the direction of travel.
Any kick would be surely against the direction of travel?

ktache replied to Oldfatgit | 4 years ago

You appear to be more of an expert than any of the investigating officers.

hawkinspeter | 4 years ago

I daresay it is possible but very difficult to kick a car's wing mirror whilst riding - certainly not recommended and would take a bit of flexibility and practise. It'd be a lot easiier to use your hand instead but even that would have a good chance of throwing you off-balance.

There doesn't seem to be any mention of the motorist's clear and obvious offence of not stopping to exchange details - I can't see any reason why that isn't being prosecuted.

kil0ran replied to hawkinspeter | 4 years ago

Absolutely, I've first hand experience of this. I've only smacked a wing mirror in once whilst riding and was lucky not to end up in a hedge doing it. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. It also bloody hurts if you're not wearing gloves. As to the victim kicking it flat that's a physical impossibility.

ktache | 4 years ago

I cannot ever have possibly thought about kicking a wing mirror, such an action would completely unbalance me and leave me lying on the floor. 

Obvious lie by the very guilty motorist.

Sriracha | 4 years ago

"you kicked the mirror"
How could you even do that, and hope to stay on the bike? Get your foot up to shoulder height, strike the moving target, and not fall off under the wheels of the car? Kudos if he managed that - as if.
In any case, unless the cyclists legs are at least 1.5m long, the car was wsy too close.

Richard D replied to Sriracha | 4 years ago

Frankly just hitting the mirror with the hand is risky enough.  But (aside from being an inherently unlikely manouvre for the cyclist to carry out) the obvious riposte is "if you are close enough for me to touch your car, you were TOO BLOODY CLOSE!"

eburtthebike | 4 years ago

Well, getting a muted apology out of the police is something I suppose, but the comments of Kevin Bennet are frankly justification of deliberate, conscious dangerous driving.  It is the police's defined job to keep the public safe, and by failing to take measures against this driver, they have failed in their duty.

If John does decide to take out a private prosecution, difficult and risky, especially in the light of the Mick Mason case, I'd gladly bung in a few quid.

I'm wondering who the driver knew in the police.

Zigster replied to eburtthebike | 4 years ago
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I would chip in too.  The diver of the Ford Focus is a cnut who will do it again now he knows there are no consequences. And Kevin Bennett isn't much better. 


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