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Police appeal after cyclist had axe thrown at him from van window

Carl Ainsworth plans to approach a nearby garage for CCTV footage of the van to obtain its registration plate

*Update, 4.46pm: has now received a statement from Staffordshire Police. The original article is below the statement. 

Police were called at 8.56pm on Sunday 11 July to B5017 Four Lane End following reports of an axe being thrown out of a van at a cyclist.

Officers advised the cyclist – who was uninjured – to go home and that they would attend his home address.

Police visited the victim, who had taken the axe home, the following morning. The victim declined to give a formal statement to police. The axe was seized for destruction.

Officers are currently collating CCTV footage of the area at the time and ask anyone with information to contact them.

The van is described as a white, but dirty, Ford Transit.

Anyone who saw what happened, or has any information, should contact Staffordshire Police on Facebook, Twitter, or call 101, quoting incident number 752 of 11 July. Alternatively, contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 11.

A cyclist who had an axe thrown at him from a white van has said that police told him they won't be following up on the incident because he didn't obtain the registration plate number for the vehicle. 

Carl Ainsworth says he was riding at approximately 8.50pm on Sunday evening on Belmot Road in Needwood, Staffordshire, when an axe was thrown at him from a white high roof van. Carl contacted Staffordshire Police, and says an officer told him the incident wouldn't be followed up on unless they receive further complaints about the occupants of a van matching the description. He was also told there was nothing they could do without the registration number, and that fingerprints wouldn't be taken from the weapon. 

Carl told "Unfortunately the van came at me from behind and by the time I had realised what had happened I couldn't get the number plate. 

"I'm going to approach the petrol station at the roundabout at the end of the road for CCTV footage. I told them [Staffordshire Police] the garage has CCTV and the van would have to drive past to go anywhere to which they said they won't be going to try and get footage.

"They have collected the axe from me which I had to go back and collect myself and have said it will be destroyed and highly unlikely prints will be taken from it." 

Carl posted a photo and news of the incident to a local Facebook group, which has already been shared hundreds of times.

"Hopefully I get a reg plate then we will see if they are interested", added Carl.  

"Throwing an axe from a vehicle at a cyclist is surely attempted manslaughter, maybe they would have a different approach if it was and a mother and child.

"Either way very frustrating. Last year I had a bike stolen and had to get CCTV myself and track them down, put myself in harm's way to get my bike back as the police were not interested. And this is even worse." has contacted Staffordshire Police for comment. 

Arriving at in 2017 via 220 Triathlon Magazine, Jack dipped his toe in most jobs on the site and over at eBikeTips before being named the new editor of in 2020, much to his surprise. His cycling life began during his students days, when he cobbled together a few hundred quid off the back of a hard winter selling hats (long story) and bought his first road bike - a Trek 1.1 that was quickly relegated to winter steed, before it was sadly pinched a few years later. Creatively replacing it with a Trek 1.2, Jack mostly rides this bike around local cycle paths nowadays, but when he wants to get the racer out and be competitive his preferred events are time trials, sportives, triathlons and pogo sticking - the latter being another long story.  

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hawkinspeter | 3 years ago

I can understand it if they were to state that it's unlikely they'd get usable prints from the axe, but to refuse to even check if there are any seems a complete dereliction of duty. Also, not investigating because they want the victim to investigate for them seems like lazy excuse making - I bet they'd do a full investigation if someone chucked an axe at a copper from a moving vehicle.

This absolutely must be escalated and hopefully, the police involved in this will be immediately dismissed as they are not fit to serve.

In other news, the Govt. can't even be arsed to do a suitable response to the petition for addressing driver aggression against cyclists.

eburtthebike | 3 years ago

It seems pretty clear that in Stafforshire, crimes cannot be committed against cyclists; they are vermin and the police view any attacks on them as merely culling the herd to reduce the infestation, with attackers congratulated, not condemned and investigated.  Presumably, if the cyclist had been found dead with a bloodstained axe nearby, the police would have written it off as a tragic accident and refuse to investigate.  It was surely worth checking the cctv for a matching van, given that they had the direction of travel, a description of the van and a time.

As others have said, time to raise the profile of this in the media, the PCC, MP, complaints etc, and any local/national cycling groups that Carl belongs to.  It beggars belief that the police won't investigate a serious assault and attempted murder, and they should be named and shamed until they do.  If, as implied, they simply refuse to investigate crimes against cyclists, then their management has failed and should be replaced as not fit for purpose.

Chris | 3 years ago

Excellent, we're allowed to hurl axes around.

Wish I'd known this years ago.

Captain Badger replied to Chris | 3 years ago

Chris wrote:

Excellent, we're allowed to hurl axes around.

Wish I'd known this years ago.

No, silly...

We're not, we're cyclists. We're not even allowed to swear.

It's drivers that are allowed to aim deadly weapons at people, but only people on bikes.....


IanMK replied to Captain Badger | 3 years ago

Just to be clear, if I have a close pass I'm still not allowed to catch up with the driver at the next set of lights and slash his tyres?

Captain Badger replied to IanMK | 3 years ago
1 like

IanMK wrote:

Just to be clear, if I have a close pass I'm still not allowed to catch up with the driver at the next set of lights and slash his tyres?

No... just smile and wave, smile and wave

Captain Badger | 3 years ago

Carl is a very calm individual. 

The fact that he finds the police's willful failure to investigate a serious violent crime against the person, and to treat evidence as if it were lost property, refuse to even make the most basic investigations, merely frustrating shows a sense of zen that I can only dream of. Facking scum. facking shame on them for the scum they are (these particularly rozzers I mean)

Captain Badger | 3 years ago

What next? Axe murder not investigated as witnesses fail to note down NI number of suspect?

Muddy Ford | 3 years ago

wtf! This lack of action needs to be escalated to the Police Commissioner. Cycling UK / British Cycling should step in to assist with leveraging a response and getting the incident properly recorded as attempted murder.

Mungecrundle | 3 years ago

If they refuse to act on what sounds like a potentially very serious attempted assault with a deadly weapon then one wonders what other crimes of a more serious nature are taking up the entirety of Staffordshire Police's resources.

Maybe they could review if the time and effort involved in destroying evidence could be better employed in the fight against crime?

wtjs | 3 years ago

I think it was Staffordshire Police which issued the official 'we want cyclist blood on the road before we're interested'. They then attempted to weasel out of this, declaring that they 'didn't really mean it'. They seem to be back on their True Belief now with this insistence on 'cyclist blood on the axe'.

Secret_squirrel | 3 years ago

OMG.  This is a new low even for cop-cyclist interaction.

lukei1 | 3 years ago
1 like

Not even trying to fingerprint it is absolutely disgusting

TriTaxMan | 3 years ago

Yep something is completely wrong with the police response to this.  It is attempted murder and they simply won't do anything about it.

I'm just wondering what would happen if the cyclist in question decided to throw an axe at a pedestrian before riding off?  Im sure they would be bending over backwards to find the cyclist pursuing every lead with the utmost vigor.

But it's only a cyclist and it never hit them came their reply......

ktache | 3 years ago

Start making some complaints Carl, move it up the chain.

TriTaxMan replied to ktache | 3 years ago

ktache wrote:

Start making some complaints Carl, move it up the chain.

Should also be moved to the media and local MP for them to look into it.  It's an apalling response from the police force

ratherbeintobago replied to TriTaxMan | 3 years ago

And PCC, and councillors.

Bmblbzzz | 3 years ago

Not a serious crime, just attempted murder... 

Captain Badger replied to Bmblbzzz | 3 years ago

Bmblbzzz wrote:

Not a serious crime, just attempted murder... 

I thought it was only human beings that could be murdered.....

the little onion | 3 years ago

Institutionally anti-cyclist


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