Corto 45km (total climbing 397m) £32.50
Medio Fondo 152km (total climbing 2,060m) £52.50
Gran Fondo 222km (total climbing 2,905m) £57.50
Dragon Devil 300km (total climbing 3,437m) £87.50 - SOLD OUT
WomenOnly Cycletta 45km (total climbing 397m) £32.50
Gran Fondo and Medio Fondo general entries have sold out. However, you can still enter for either of these distances if you commit to raise a minimum of £200 for the Official Charity Partner of the Wiggle Dragon Ride: Macmillan Cancer Support.
*All distances are approximate and prices exclude an online transaction fee
Let down triply by the NI justice system....
How about getting rid of drop kerb applications for new residents. You chose to live in that house knowing about the parking situation. Take...
'It's just greed' fury as parking machine to be installed at 'unspoilt' beauty spot...
Agree - while in some senses a laufmaschine or dandy horse is a bicycle I'd say functionally it's more of a scooter....
As it said, each to their own. I've been very happy with my Zipp 303s which seems to be fast enough for me, have a life time guarantee and we're...
You can't enter BC races because you don't have a BC license?...
I didn't take him to be calling this particular incident a mere encounter but rather to be using "encounters" to mean "opportunities for violent...
Another pathetic sentence for killing a cyclist....
...and maybe a third? Don't forget the M49 'ghost' junction:
What a shit world we've created.