The Cambrian Classic
Welcome to The Cambrian Audax, a classic and challenging road cycling event, starting from Herefordshire and heading west across the Cambrian Mountains then back. Stunning scenery, fantastic climbing and deserted Welsh roads await your cycling predilection. The date for this year’s calendar event is Saturday 21st March 2015. Bridge Street Sports Centre in Leominster will be the HQ for three Audax rides of varying distances up to 210km.
The Cambrian 200km
Revived and reinvigorated The Cambrian Classic Audax returns, a stunning 210km ride into Mid-Wales and back. A new start HQ in Leominster but otherwise unchanged route with controls at Llanidloes, Machynlleth and Llanidloes. An arduous but breath-taking ride with stunning views of the Cambrian Mountains and reservoirs. In 2015, BRM validated for P-B-P qualification!
The Cambrian Minor 140km
Following the same route as its big brother ride, The Cambrian Minor is a breath-taking ride to Llanidloes and back from Leominster with stunning views of the Cambrian Mountains.
The Cambrian 'Marches' 80km
A scenic and delightful day out exploring the quiet lanes of north Herefordshire and south Shropshire on an 84km road cycling audax event with two café controls at Little Brampton and Shobdon airfield.
Discussion thread at;
I didn't take him to be calling this particular incident a mere encounter but rather to be using "encounters" to mean "opportunities for violent...
I did notice the rim decals, but I knew you built the rim yourself after LeJoG so fair play to you sir and extra props for that. Not worth it until...
Come on guys, appreciate all the entertainment you provide and discussion you provoke but really, two seconds just skimming your articles for...
Councils don't seem terrible keen ... maybe eburtthebike can give us the insider view in why not?...
Maybe, and its just a thought, a huge multinational oil company might have the resources to provide safety kit like that. Anyone know of one?
Part the second ...
Another pathetic sentence for killing a cyclist....
You sound like the PR for hookless wheels. ...
...and maybe a third? Don't forget the M49 'ghost' junction:
What a shit world we've created.