Test your season's fitness on this awesome end of season gran fondo! Taking in many of Hampshire's best climbs, including Butser and Old Winchester Hill, The Autumn Riser is a perfect way to see out the sportive season. With three routes of 46, 82 and 125 miles, this is an event for riders of all abilities!
The rolling hills in the South Downs make for some spectacular scenery and the area is filled with interesting history. At the top of Old Winchester hill are the remnants of an old Iron Age fort, and old churches and villages litter both routes. At times you’ll forget that you’re only a stones throw away from the major cities of Southampton and Portsmouth.
As per all Cyclofanatic Events, entrants will receive breakfast and lunch as part of the entry fee - giving you great value for money and plenty of fuel either side of your ride!
Councils don't seem terrible keen ... maybe eburtthebike can give us the insider view in why not?...
Maybe, and its just a thought, a huge multinational oil company might have the resources to provide safety kit like that. Anyone know of one?
With the prison crisis I can reluctantly accept the sentence, but she should have been banned for life!
Part the second ...
Another pathetic sentence for killing a cyclist....
You sound like the PR for hookless wheels. ...
...and maybe a third? Don't forget the M49 'ghost' junction: https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/work-m49-ghost-junction-...
You could argue that either way but it seems reasonable to call it two separate incidents, he was assaulted, went home, later went back to the...
What a shit world we've created.