After another successful Kids Ride in the new year, we are hoping to get even more Kids out this Easter!
There will be two meeting places - the wind shelter at the bottom of George Fifth Avenue to the West, and the shelter near the lights at Ham Road from the East.
Aiming to end up all together at Worthing Pier for a photo opportunity, to be the new cover picture for the Worthing Cycling Facebook Page!
This isn't an organised event, so turn up, join in along the way, meet at the pier, or whatever suits you. Last time we took over a cafe for brunch, but if the weather is more acceptable, I am sure we will end up outside for refreshments somewhere!
Any one who isn't sure - I will be on my Cargo Bike with child shaped passengers, last time we had a wide age group from those only just pedalling, to teens, and adults who never grew up. The aim as always is to stay on the traffic free cycle routes along the sea front - there is free parking at the western end if you need to transport everyone nearer, and I will be riding back that way afterwards.
This is all about kids on bikes, having fun, making new friends, and burning off some calories after all those Easter Eggs. No one gets left behind, as there is no set schedule - after all this isn't an officially organised ride, just people on bikes!
Please share this event as much as possible, invite all your friends to do the same! As last time, there should be bells, badges and balloons to hand out too!!
Car smashes into chippy...
I'm impressed by my DX1000, the keys look difficult for picking, though I'd like to seethe LPL having a go at one. And it definitely feels the part...
So cyclists will be punished far heavier than killer drivers. Sums up the fkd up UK.
I've done the 312 and other closed roads events like the Etape Caledonia and each time there is bad press like this in advance but on the day the...
It's not that surprising that Mr GrumpyGobshite hasn't seen the 20mph limit "stuck too [sic] in 47 years" as it was only reintroduced in 2004, it...
Spiral wound cables can expand and contract and possibly help with brake modulation, as well as make tighter bends. ...
My TL200 rear light stopped working after 14 months - it seems IP ratings arent what they say on the tin! I have tried different brands and all...
I've no idea what the situation is here, but I've seen plenty of "under construction" cycle lanes where there are only signs/barriers around the...
whereas the whole point is that they didn't hit you this time
AIUI an entering-circulating accident [sic] would be when the vehicle entering the roundabout fails to give way to the vehicle circulating.