Rookie or expert, you will tackle the highest, steepest, most world-renowned cycling terrain. You will push yourself to your physical and mental limits – and experience what it’s really like to ‘ride like a pro’. Hundreds of riders from around the globe, representing more than 50 nationalities, take part in the Haute Route events that are a mix of Classic and Marathon stages, plus an Individual Time Trial. Each stage is timed and ranked (rankings for each stage are published daily, with overall ranking published at the end of each event by male, female and team). Riders can enter as individuals or as teams and a few exceptional riders take on two events (Iron Riders) or all three (Triple Crown Riders).
With professional level event organisation including medical teams, mechanical support, rolling road security, film crews and, of course, massages, you will be 100% immersed in the world of cycling for seven unforgettable days.
For the first time in 2015, three compact editions of the world’s highest and toughest cyclosportives will run over shortened two-day or three-day formats geared towards riders looking for a first taste of the Haute Route or those unable to enter the traditional week-long events.
Check out all the events on this website:
Part the second ...
Only need to look to the Vielo range of 1x road or gravel bikes as your one stop solution - being specifically designed as 1x only, all the...
Another pathetic sentence for killing a cyclist....
You sound like the PR for hookless wheels. ...
Yeah! Make it a Red Route, tear up the footway - heck, put some more lanes in. NSL for free flow - gotta keep that motor traffic capacity / that ...
...and maybe a third? Don't forget the M49 'ghost' junction:
That corner round the back of the cinema catches riders out in pretty much every race. The pavement there is also fairly narrow, and not barriered,...
You could argue that either way but it seems reasonable to call it two separate incidents, he was assaulted, went home, later went back to the...
What a shit world we've created.
....or just buy galibier's Barrier glove and you don't need 2 pair of gloves. I think mine are 5 winters old.