Date: May 8th 2016
County: Oxfordshire
Event name: Classic Oxfordshire bike ride & The Gr8 Escape Fun ride
Start Venue: Harwell Oxford, Didcot, Oxon OX11 0QX
Start time: 8-10am at a time to suit you for the 30, 60, 75 mile routes
10:00-11:00am for the 12 mile fun ride &
7:00-8:00am for the 100mile route
Distance: 12, 30, 60, 75 or 100 mile routes
Entry fee: see Bike Events website
Official charity: Against Breast Cancer
Extra info: Come and join us on this popular bike ride, cycling through pretty villages and lush Spring countryside alongside the River Thames as it winds from south Oxfordshire up to Abingdon and into the Vale of the White Horse. Visiting countryside full of beautiful half-timbered cottages, green riverbanks and colourful marketplaces, it’s a great start to the cycling season.
For more details and to sign up online, visit: / /
The review says "tapered head tube", but the photos accompanying it clearly show that the head tube is not tapered.
Well... as it happens, I have the Bosch EasyPump. I bought it a year ago with some Christmas gift money. Its main use is on my van which doesn't...
" mayor aims to bring “credibility” to active travel initiatives...."...
Drivers have spoken ...
Amen to all that!
I do too. It's a 'real world' read fill of people doing real world riding instead of a glossy lightweight brochure for spenders and dreamers....
Exactly. I won't lie, I did quite enjoy pointing out that the reason olive oil had got so much more expensive was because of the droughts in the...
What about all the computer misuse? Stop with the downloading already!
"Professional Triangle tire Punctured tire Nail for Spike Anti-Theft car Safety Emergency car" Sorry, but WHAT??
Have you seen the size of Micras these days? Now, it it were a Micra from the 80s...