With a course running out east from it's Reigate start, this is a treat of a ride, flowing from the North Downs out towards Kent Weald around Sevenoaks and Hever Castle.
It's a nicely paced and balanced route, which eases you into your day with it's early miles providing a perfect leg stretcher, before delivering you into a deceptively hilly mid section that set's the biggest of the day's challenges. From there, it's a long and fast run to the finish back through the heart of some truly stunning countryside.
Uhm, you be you, man. Kinna rude finding out most people aint seein' it the same; but hey, least wise you have the memories.
I cannot begin to tell you how happy a bollard makes me.
in a sense you could: "Cumbria Police arrested a 40-year-old man from Lancaster"
Organiser has in my opinion a simple solution next year. Run the event through the TLI. ...
What a shit world we've created.
What a shit world we've created.
....or just buy galibier's Barrier glove and you don't need 2 pair of gloves. I think mine are 5 winters old.
Probably better suited as an all-road wheelset - the internal width of 22mm is kind of narrow for a gravel wheel these days, where the standard is...
If I was a DS I'd be lambasting Bettiol for being defeatist but as a spectator, his view seems pretty realistic. Anyway I want Pogi to stay out of...
I hope this outcome brings some form of closure for Roseanne’s wider family and my thoughts very much remain with them today...