A dedicated crossing to make life easier and safer for pedestrians and cyclists negotiating the A41 has just been completed in Watford. The crossing at the junctions of Woodmere Avenue and Westlea Avenue now forms part of National Cycle Network route 6/61, which links Watford and St Albans.
It features a build-out of the central reserve, with associated dropped kerbs, hazard, directional and tactile paving and new signals for a Toucan crossing. The scheme also includes a new illuminated and segregated path for cyclists and pedestrians across the park adjacent to the Community Centre.
The path connects the existing cycle route that runs along Meriden Way to the A41 service road and the new crossing.
The scheme has been carried out in partnership between Hertfordshire County Council and Watford Borough Council and was put in place to ensure that there is a clearly defined crossing point on the route which cyclists and pedestrians can use safely.
Stuart Pile, Executive Member for Highways and Transport said: “We’re very pleased to see this major junction improvement completed in Watford.
“The county council has long been committed to providing safe and convenient cycle routes that enable people to travel in and between our town centres quickly and easily just by hopping on a bike – not to mention the environmental and health benefits.”
Roger Bangs of the local cycling group, SPOKES, said: “SPOKES have campaigned for a long time to have this safe crossing provided on the A41. It will benefit local pedestrians and cyclists as well as improving the National Cycling Route between Watford & St Albans”.
The Hertfordshire Local Transport Plan for 2010/11 identified two main targets for cycling within the county – to increase othe number of cycling trips across the authority by 11 per cent, and to increase shared journeys to school by sustainable means across the authority.
Dorothy Thornhill, Elected Mayor of Watford said: “This joint project will be of benefit to all residents in the borough, greatly improving the pedestrian links between Tudor and Meriden wards.
"This development will hopefully encourage people to hop on their bikes or walk to get around their local area.”
Ah, but they're criminals - by definition if they entered illegally. It's when they change the laws to enhance their power and then break them...
I think you've illustrated your point there - the plane was maintained but the symmetry was enhanced. 🙂🙃
Haptic feedback somewhere in the sytem? Just triggers a vibration when you press the shift button?
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I agree. All my bikes were useless before they had wheels.
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That's because of old-fashioned thinking and a conspiracy of the Legacy Bike Manufacturers!...
Weird. I went there a few weeks ago and all I saw was a cycle lane and plenty of free parking provision next to it, no keeerrraazy wiggly lines....