A professional fashion show featuring designs for high visibility, running and cycling clothing and accessories takes place this Saturday as part of the White Night Festival Outdoors in the Unitarian Church, New Road, Brighton.
The Wheels of Fortune Fashion Event will coincide with the launch of an autumn poster campaign around the theme of ‘see and be seen’, and a joint council/ fire service/ police initiative to encourage cyclists to use lights for night time riding.
The fashion show will feature designs from Cyclodelic, which combines thousands of miles of pedaling experience with the simple goal of creating beautiful clothing and accessories for women who don’t want to forfeit fashion over function when arriving by bike.
The growing popularity of cycling amongst women in the last 12 months has meant there is a new wave of female cyclists. And after success selling their bicycle accessories range through Topshop during the summer, Cyclodelic launched their first women’s clothing collection at the Cycle Show a couple of weeks ago.
Come and see how you can be proud to be seen and stay safe in dangerously sexy fashion. The event starts at 10.30pm and is free.
The White Night Festival is an all night cultural festival invites visitors to partake in some much-needed fortune for a magical evening where things are not always quite as they seem.
Brighton’s second White Night Festival has a series of real and virtual trails and installations behind venue doors and outside among the historical streets and squares. Most of the events are free and some run until dawn so take advantage of the end of British Summer Time and spin the wheel of chance for an extra hour.
Councils don't seem terrible keen ... maybe eburtthebike can give us the insider view in why not?...
Maybe, and its just a thought, a huge multinational oil company might have the resources to provide safety kit like that. Anyone know of one?
With the prison crisis I can reluctantly accept the sentence, but she should have been banned for life!
Part the second ...
Another pathetic sentence for killing a cyclist....
You sound like the PR for hookless wheels. ...
...and maybe a third? Don't forget the M49 'ghost' junction: https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/work-m49-ghost-junction-...
You could argue that either way but it seems reasonable to call it two separate incidents, he was assaulted, went home, later went back to the...
What a shit world we've created.