Tesco Mobile are channeling French comedian and general madman Remi Gaillard and featuring cyclists in their new #BanishAverage advertising campaign.
DJ from the 90s, actor, and reality TV dabbler, Goldie, emerges from who-knows-where to front the campaign. The golden toothed electronic musician rides shotgun in a truck while a rather eccentric-looking girl rides an exercise bike in the back.
In the advert, which you can see below, seven unwitting commuters are filmed at 5pm on a dreary afternoon. They are overtaken by a man riding a penny-farthing and are then greeted by Goldie, hanging out of the truck.
A group of cyclists later catch up with the commuters as they come to a faux finish line, á la Gaillard’s video which we’ve got for you at the end of this article, complete with bunting, banners and confetti.
The production company responsible for the advert, Indy8, were unavailable to comment on the whether or not the commuters in the video are genuinely unwitting cyclists, or whether they’re actors who are being paid to play along jovially.
We're reluctant to suspend our disbelief, because as you can see in the video below, the response of the cyclists in Gaillard’s prank are not entirely positive. Well except for the last guy, he loves it.
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Go through Lewisham on my commute to & from work, Darn! Would have loved it!!!! Great ad
tesco, goldie, bikes, what a combo! LOL
Goldie's taken the money and run many, many times before this, and good luck to him. Eastenders anyone?
As for the advert, it's a good example of taking someone else's nice idea and systematically pummelling the charm out of it. It'd make excellent fodder for sweary industry blog CopyC***s, if it were still active.
Still, looking forward to the sequel with Doc Scott doing a flypast in a gyrocopter.
Oooh lovely.
The ASA can get all frothy and cite "socially irresponsible" cycling again.
"whether [...] the commuters in the video are genuinely unwitting cyclists, or whether they’re actors"
Am I alone in finding the answer to this question completely self-evident?
Reminds me of this (filmed in Montréal)
Here's the inspiration...
Otherwise, brilliant!
Love it, looks like they had fun.
And the very last one, as she's looking backwards, the car heading towards her, indicating right, turns across her and knocks her off.
They didn't show that bit.
Timeless was a cool album, 'Angel' still gives my woofers a good workout from time to time.
And now he's doing ads for Tesco.
I guess edgy doesn't pay the mortgage.
So how much did tesco pay you?
Can the last one out turn the lights off...
Reminds me a bit of the news stuff from the Eric Andre show too, for that matter. (http://video.adultswim.com/the-eric-andre-show/battling-news-anchors.html)
If something as full on as the French prank happened here, I'd think I was on course for being duffed up, or pushed into a canal by Dom Joly, personally.
Still, the Goldie one is pretty good natured. And I really liked Metalheadz.
No seatbelt Goldie.....