Some councillors in Darlington have suggested a ban on cycling in the town centre following an incident in which a pensioner was left with life changing brain injuries following a fall from his bike.
Brian Coates, 74, was walking in the town centre in September when he fell on to his head. Witnesses suggested he may have been startled by a group of young boys on bikes who were seen in the area.
With the support of Mr Coates’s family, Cllr Coultas and Cllr Bryan Thistlethwaite are now calling for a ban on cycling in the town centre altogether.
At a meeting reported by the Northern Echo, Cllr Coultas said: “Mr Coates had massive bleeding on the brain and is lucky to have survived.
“His family are devastated and their lives have completely changed.
“If those bikes had not been there, this accident would not have happened.
“The data shows no accidents until this one have been reported but one accident is too many and that data fails to show all the near misses.
“The fear is out there and it is preventing some people from shopping in the town centre.
“On behalf of Mr Coates’ family and all those fearful of shopping in Darlington because of the danger of being struck by a bike, I am calling on the council to begin the process of banning cycling in the town centre pedestrian heart.”
Mr Coates remains in hospital following the fall in Skinnergate.
Not all local councillors supported the idea of a ban, however. Councillor Dot Long said: “We allowed cycling in the pedestrian heart because we allowed for cyclists’ safety and didn’t want to push them onto the ring road.
“As a cyclist myself, this issue is about common sense and consideration for others – the figures demonstrate that the majority of cyclists do follow those rules and if it’s a crowded place, most will get off their bikes and walk – tackling those who don’t is a police matter.
“To go straight to a ban is ill-conceived. It’s very difficult to put that message across here in the context of this incident and I hope this doesn’t seem tasteless, but we haven’t banned cricket because of the dreadful thing that happened to Phillip Hughes.”
Local reaction to the idea of a ban was mixed. One commenter online said: “This is a complete over reaction to something which may (or may not) have happened. There are frequent deaths caused by motor vehicles reported in The Echo and yet never any calls to ban motor vehicles.”
Another disagreed however, saying: “I would hate to see anyone else in the position of Mr Coates and his family if it can be avoided.”
Back in 2009, we reported on a study that concluded that cycling through Darlington’s pedestrianised town centre poses no threat to shoppers.
Four years after it was proposed, cycling through the town centre was given the green light in 2008.
From January to March, the police recorded no incidents involving cyclists within the town centre area.
Full support was given for the cycling in the town centre proposals as the result of a successful trial period, although council officers promised to monitor the situation.
A council report on the situation at the time said: "The data that has been collected appears to show that cycling levels are continuing to increase into the town centre whilst accidents do not appear to be increasing."
A code of conduct for cyclists was been drawn up, with copies of the code handed out, along with safety equipment including lights, bells and high-visibility vests.
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Call me cynical but I wonder if councillors Coultas and Thistlewaite haven't been waiting for any excuse to ban cycling because they "know" it is dangerous despite any pesky evidence to the contrary. Unfortunately Darlington isn't alone in facing cycling bans "for the sake of the: choose one children/elderly/blind/terminally unobservant. Mr Coates' accident is a personal tragedy and the family has my sympathy but that is no excuse for councillors to exercise their personal bias. Decisions ought to be made based on evidence not knee jerk reactions.
So 2 outgroups named here, cyclists & youth's, just need to add Muslim's & they have a full house, no evidence needed just an unsubstantiated allegation. Sounds like the Councillor would attend the opening of an envelope if it got him press time.

This was a terrible accident but as far as I understand from the local press there is no evidence that bikes were involved and certainly none that there was a collision.
You are very unlikely to be run over by a bike in Darlington town centre and much more likely to end up under a bus or taxi or under a car entering or leaving the car park. Darlington is not a very pedestrian friendly pedestrian area.
As for people not visiting the town for mortal fear of bicycles, I think you might find the parking charges for what is a fairly limited range of shops and the terrible traffic due to the roadworks are more to blame, both deterrents to visitors which were implemented by the councillors complaining about bikes
Ah yes, don't cycle into Darlo town centre, you can't drive because it costs £5 a day to park and you wouldn't visit anyway because there's nothing there any more.
Also, given the guy was startled by some kids on BMX's how does he cope with the fantastically moronic bus station in the middle of a pedestrian zone?
I will add however, that the council organised rides from Dolphin Centre, are superb!
The issue in this debate, is Darlington Council who suffer so badly from jumping on every bandwagon that they'd probably join a petition for them all to be shot at dawn.
Also note that Darlington is/was a cycling town and I think (can't be bothered to google) that the road is a sustrans route.
lol Darlo is a joke, look at what happened with their buses.
The Darlo bus wars are a micrcosm of what's happened throughout the North East. There are effective monopolies throughout the region, and any attempt at market entry attracts predatory retaliation.
As the default position in this country is to blame the victim regardless of circumstances - Lets ban all pedestrians from pedestrianized areas. After all "one accident is too many".
On a serious note I wish Mr Coates a full and speedy recovery.
The risk of cycling for the general population is 20 times the risk of not cycling (CTC claims).
Older people are going to have more risk from not cycling/exercising (from diabetes, heart disease, stroke and some cancers) and hopefully less risk from cycling (cycling without lights while drunk).
Freudian? - " is preventing some people from shopping in the town centre..."
This article is factually incorrect for starters. Original story is
The gentleman was a pedestrian who fell and hit his head after either being startled by a few youths on bikes, or possibly one of them colliding with him, although I don't think that was ever proved.
This call is mad though.
Vehicles are allowed in D'ton centre, it is not fully pedestrianised. There is quite high traffic movement along part of Skinnergate as it is an exit from a car park.
Do those councillors call for bans of cars after every car crash? There was a well published hit & run in Darlington a year or two back where a child was killed. Where were the councillor's shrill cries then? that driver's never been traced btw.
Can we also make a call for pedestrian helmets, as they would have possibly helped this gentleman, also had he taken every precaution and worn hivis...
Dare I use the 'h' word..?
Man falls of bike, bikes outlawed.
'Nanny state' at its worst.
A man died in an accident involving a lorry and a car on the A19 in August. How about a ban on cars and lorries?
But society needs cars and lorries.