A special online exhibition has been published by Leeds Museums and Galleries to mark the first anniversary of the Tour’s visit. Focusing on Kirkgate Cycling Club, the online exhibition comprises a series of videos first produced to celebrate the club’s centenary in 2011.
The Yorkshire Evening Post reports how the ‘digistories’ have been put together as part of Leeds City Council’s celebrations to mark one year since the Yorkshire Grand Depart. They feature members of the club reminiscing about significant rides they took in the UK and Europe, the original idea being to take a snapshot of the history of a club which was highly regarded in its 1950s heyday.
Among the contributors are Alan and Pat Edmondson, who in the year 2000 became the first couple to ride tandem across the Pyrenees, covering 460 miles in under four days. They tackled more than a dozen peaks, including the Col du Tourmalet.
Another of those who took part was John Smith, who joined the club in the early 1950s. “I joined the club as a 14-year-old. It was my life for many years and it was probably one of the best things I ever did. We’re still friends and get together on many occasions.”
Another member, William Horn, agreed that relationships were close. “I joined just after John and we’re all still friends – and I did ok out of Kirkgate too because I got a wife out of it.”
Alan and Pat Edmondson also met at the club and Alan said that there were about 19 couples in the club altogether – 10 of whom met through it.
Despite officially disbanding in the 1960s, members have continued to organise reunions. Many are still cycling well into their seventies and the club also supports the West Riding Track League at Roundhay.
Councillor Judith Blake, leader of Leeds City Council, said: “It’s hard to believe a year has already passed since the Grand Depart, with the incredible scenes we witnessed and the pride we experienced as a city still so fresh in the memory. This exhibition will allow us to celebrate an important part of the city’s sporting heritage.”
The Day Today, Broken News? I can't decide!...
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Nope - clearly the whole thing was an optical illusion and he's living it up on a party island somewhere…
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