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Manchester City Council to investigate Wilmslow Road Cycleway teething problems

Significant flooding seen after snow last week

Following morning snow in Manchester last Friday, a number of people complained about significant flooding on the new Wilmslow Road Cycleway. In response, Manchester City Council have said that they will investigate any issues brought to their attention.

One local cyclist tweeted a photo of the flooding.



In response, Councillor Chris Paul, Labour member for Withington, then highlighted another problem.



Paul has since tweeted to say he thought the cause of the flooding may have been attended to and that there were also signs of repair to the dip.

Councillor Kate Chappell, Manchester City Council's executive member for the environment, told

"Work continues to be undertaken to transform facilities for cyclists along the Wilmslow Road corridor, making it easier for people of all ages to get about and access jobs, services and businesses by bike.

"We will be completing a detailed evaluation of the construction and will fully investigate any issues brought to our attention by cyclists and other road users, in partnership with our contractor."

As the Wilmslow Road Cycleway nears completion, several junctions are also to be reviewed. Following a collision between a cyclist and a turning van last month, campaigners suggested that a redesign was needed as the new road layout is potentially confusing.

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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SHooton | 9 years ago
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No surprise - the cycle lane that was built outside the velodrome is pretty much flooded all winter as the drain gets blocked. The issue is not just about design, its about maintenance. If a road is flooded or scattered with debris the police/council will clear it for the cras, but they never seem to deal with cycle lane blockages as quickly.

Allotmentlad | 9 years ago

It was exactly the same this morning after some not particularly heavy rain so if it has been rectified it didn't work.  

Manchestercyclist | 9 years ago
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This is the reality of the wilmslow road cycle lane. A single white line and no enforcement, which is why the council always have the picture of the same bus stop used for their promotional material.

It's a start but the locals have no idea whatsoever about road traffic laws and I don't expect them to change unless GMP get involved.

Puddles are the least of your worries when cycling in Manchester.

rnick | 9 years ago

It will be a lot better in a few months - once the potholes appear the water will soak away.

Jem PT | 9 years ago

Eeee. 'tis grim oop north!

PaulBox | 9 years ago

To be fair, how were the designers / engineers expected to know that it rains in Manchester...?


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