Sustrans’ £50 million Connect 2 project continues to transform the everyday journeys of communities across the UK with the latest award of £500,000 to Omagh, in Northern Ireland.
The money is part of a £2.5million scheme to build a riverside walkway and cycle path, including several pedestrian and cycle bridges, connecting communities on either side of the River Strule.
Sustrans and Omagh District Council this week signed a Memorandum of Understanding confirming their joint commitment to the development of the tranquil riverside path through the Lisanelly/St Lucia site.
The communities will be thoroughly involved in the design and development of the scheme over the year ahead. As well as providing links to each other, it will allow them to reach the places they need to go such as work, school or the shops by sustainable means.
Chairman of Omagh District Council, Councillor Martin McColgan, said: “This is a very important project, to maximise the potential of one of Omagh's main assets, and is one of the core elements in our long term vision for Omagh. It will open up the river as a corridor of activity for recreational, leisure and civic uses, strengthen links within the town and enable sustainable short journeys on foot or by bike."
Sustrans area manager, Rick Cook, says: "Once open, we hope this will transform everyday journeys for communities on either side of the river, enabling them to get to the town centre or shops under their own steam."
Meanwhile in Wales, cyclists and walkers will notice a difference to scenery along the newly opened traffic-free path near Blackmill, Bridgend.
Seven volunteer Sustrans rangers spent a day planting 100 trees including hawthorn, spindle, hazel and holly, along the path at Cwm Ogwr Fach.
As well as providing a haven for local wildlife, the trees will offer more privacy to houses backing onto the route.
The trees were donated by Western Power and transported to the site by the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers.
The route opened in July to add another traffic-free section to the Celtic Trail, which stretches across the breadth of Wales from Fishguard to Chepstow.
For further information about Sustrans, visit the website:
Ah - but they are! They are dog walkers just wanting the right to walk (their dog). Of course they have to drive there....
What wokery is this? I thought those tech-bros were there to save us from the "mind virus"?
Sadly this is two very common patterns:...
The Junior Minister appears pig ignorant of the law in this area....
Agreed, and to be clear, I don't expect everybody to be an expert in everything (I certainly am not). Ha, I worked at bike shops long enough to...
Opposition to controversial East Bristol Liveable Neighbourhood ‘will filter away’ say council bosses...
I know it's not the same, but they are saying Quest will have free highlights.
Yeah but if you take away any chance of getting their licence back they'll turn into some kind of amoral road-bandit! * checks court records again ...
As far as I can see, the only place anything like that number appears in the source story is in the video, near the end, when they're chatting...
A338: Van flips over in crash on busy road 40 mph zone