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Manchester tram boss warns cyclists not to hitch rides

Man in Droylsden channels Marty McFly by grabbing hold

Footage of a Manchester cyclist grabbing hold of one of the city’s trams so as to hitch a ride has led Metrolink Director Peter Cushing to warn locals that such a practice is exceptionally dangerous. Branding the behaviour ‘mindless’ he has asked passengers to report any such incident to the driver.

The Manchester Evening News has published the video in which an unidentified man catches hold of a tram setting off from the Droylsden stop before being towed along at increasing speed to Audenshaw. At this point, he peels off and continues along the main road as the tram pulls into the stop.

As he skims past parked cars, the tram passenger who is shooting the footage is heard to refer to him as a ‘madman’.

After seeing the video, Cushing said:

“This type of behaviour is not only mindless, it is exceptionally dangerous and could very easily lead to a serious injury or a life threatening accident – as well as jeopardising other road users’ safety.

“I would ask any passengers who spot this type of activity to report it to the driver immediately and urge any cyclists considering such a foolish course of action to think very seriously about the potential outcome.”

Droylsden is one stop along from Cemetery Road which has gained a reputation as being an especially treacherous spot for those on bikes. Solicitors are currently representing a number of cyclists who have fallen there at the point at which the tram tracks veer towards a siding.

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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Leviathan | 8 years ago
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So that's why people keep flagging segments along tram routes.

zanf | 8 years ago

Metrolink director is not pleased.....


phy2sll | 8 years ago
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Less dangerous than hanging on to the team car while having your brakes adjusted.

usedtobefaster replied to phy2sll | 8 years ago

phy2sll wrote:

Less dangerous than hanging on to the team car while having your brakes adjusted.

I think you'll find UCI rules banned mechanical fixes whilst moving a few years back


onthebummel48 | 8 years ago
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It's also illegal as well...the silly sausage. 

Highway Code Rule 68


- hold onto a moving vehicle or trailer

Jem PT | 8 years ago

That is so dangerous!!


(he should have been wearing a helmet!)

brooksby | 8 years ago

But arent't the trams themselves "... exceptionally dangerous and could very easily lead to a serious injury or a life threatening accident"?

Dnnnnnn replied to brooksby | 8 years ago

brooksby wrote:

But arent't the trams themselves "... exceptionally dangerous and could very easily lead to a serious injury or a life threatening accident"?

Not if used as intended.

brooksby replied to Dnnnnnn | 8 years ago

Duncann wrote:

brooksby wrote:

But arent't the trams themselves "... exceptionally dangerous and could very easily lead to a serious injury or a life threatening accident"?

Not if used as intended.

I agree that hanging onto one is a bit brainless, but I meant more that we hear constant* stories about cyclists coming off on tram tracks.


*Disclaimer: not constant (but pretty frequently).

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