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Man who punched cyclist for pulling out in front of car fined

Wanted cyclist to apologise to his girlfriend, who 'wasn't confident driver'...

A man who punched a cyclist in retaliation for pulling out in front of his girlfriend’s car has been fined.

Tyler Green, of Witham St Hughes in Lincolnshire, knocked the cyclist, Michael Tuddenham off his bike last month.

The cyclist, who was avoiding an icy patch on the A1500 by cycling in the middle of the road, said he moved over when he heard a vehicle approach from behind.

According to Lincolnshire Live, Daniel Pietryka for the prosecution said: "A Ford Focus drove past him, someone shouted out.

"That Ford Focus pulled up.

"He said he pulled up to the junction and as he did the front seat passenger got out and approached him and said 'do you want some?'

"He feared he was going to be difficult.

"The man punched him on the left side of the face causing him and his bicycle to fall on the floor. Luckily the police drove by and it's led to an arrest."

In mitigation the defence solicitor Miss Simpson said: "He says his girlfriend is not a confident driver. They're behind the cyclist, the cyclist drives right into the middle of the road.

"As a car behind a cyclist that's going to cause some kind of alarm, particularly for a driver that's not confident.

"He says he asked the cyclist to apologise to his girlfriend because she was upset. He describes the cyclist as being aggressive and coming towards him.

"He punched him in the face. He says he wasn't defending himself, he's gone over the top really and he should have just left."

Green was fined £210 and ordered to pay £85 costs and £100 compensation to Mr Tuddenham at Lincoln Magistrates' Court on Thursday, February 16.

Last summer we reported how police in Sussex appealed for help to find a man who repeatedly punched a cyclist in Brighton,.

The victim, aged 23, had been riding at around 10am on Brighton’s promenade alongside Kings Road, a space shared between cyclists and pedestrians.

According to Sussex Police, the cyclist “braked to avoid a man and then rode past him.

“There was an exchange of words between the two men before the pedestrian grabbed the cyclist and punched him repeatedly.

“A bystander intervened and then someone else, who appeared to know the man, pulled him away telling him to stop.”

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Legs_Eleven_Wor... | 7 years ago
1 like

The 'boyfriend' should be dealt with by liberal application of an iron bar to the face. 

Tylermatthew replied to Legs_Eleven_Worcester | 4 years ago

Hahahahahhahaah push bike riding nob end .. grow up

stomec replied to Tylermatthew | 4 years ago
1 like

At first I couldn't work out why someone had commented on an article 3 years old...

Then I wondered - surely you are not THE Tyler Matthew Green?  Who for some reason is googling himself, and finding reports of his previous convictions on a cycling website and then commenting on them?

How are things?  I hope you managed to turn your life around, it looks like things were going quite badly 3 years ago.

Edit - should have checked first:

It isn't too late however, maybe take a look at an anger management programme:

Good luck 

Dingaling replied to Tylermatthew | 4 years ago

You clearly don't understand the problem with Tyler Green.

PaulBox | 7 years ago

The defence solicitor(Miss Simpson) should receive a sharp kick in the clam for agreeing to say this:


 "He says his girlfriend is not a confident driver. They're behind the cyclist, the cyclist drives right into the middle of the road.

"As a car behind a cyclist that's going to cause some kind of alarm, particularly for a driver that's not confident.

"He says he asked the cyclist to apologise to his girlfriend because she was upset. He describes the cyclist as being aggressive and coming towards him.

"He punched him in the face. He says he wasn't defending himself, he's gone over the top really and he should have just left."

STiG911 replied to PaulBox | 7 years ago
1 like

PaulBox wrote:

The defence solicitor(Miss Simpson) should receive a sharp kick in the clam...

I'd like to say how offensive that line is but I'm too busy laughing my nuts off.

Ush | 7 years ago

The judge(s) in this case demonstrated the wisdom of Solomon.  Can you please publish their names?  

Kendalred replied to Ush | 7 years ago

Ush wrote:

The judge(s) in this case demonstrated the wisdom of Solomon.  Can you please publish their names?  

They weren't judges, they were Magistrates, and as such were probably sentencing within the guidelines they are given. The article does not, as far as I can see, refer to the charge that the defendant was convicted on (or pleaded guilty to).

Not sure why you want their names - what difference does it make?


Ush replied to Kendalred | 7 years ago
1 like

KendalRed wrote:

They weren't judges, they were Magistrates, and as such were probably sentencing within the guidelines they are given. The article does not, as far as I can see, refer to the charge that the defendant was convicted on (or pleaded guilty to).


Not sure why you want their names - what difference does it make?

I am interested in the sentencing, prosecution and other records associated with the enforcement of law as it applies to cyclists.  It's  important that information like that is easily and publicly available.  Why would _you_ not want it?

srchar | 7 years ago

I would have thought the victim sustained at least some bruising, which makes this a case of ABH.  Given the offender's previous convictions for general bellendery, surely a short prison sentence would have been appropriate. Fines clearly don't bother the guy.

I have to say I would find it very hard, as the victim, having seen no justice served whatsoever, not to pay some rough men to pay the guy a visit at home and teach him a proper lesson.

Legs_Eleven_Wor... replied to srchar | 7 years ago

srchar wrote:

I would have thought the victim sustained at least some bruising, which makes this a case of ABH.  Given the offender's previous convictions for general bellendery, surely a short prison sentence would have been appropriate. Fines clearly don't bother the guy.

I have to say I would find it very hard, as the victim, having seen no justice served whatsoever, not to pay some rough men to pay the guy a visit at home and teach him a proper lesson.


Legally, this is forbidden.  Natural law, however, demands no less. 

ChrisB200SX | 7 years ago

Can we change the headline, clearly "pulling out in front of motorist" is incorrect? The cyclist merely negotiated a hazard, exactly as you'd expect. Jeesuus, if I got attacked everytime I went around a pothole ... there would probably be a lot of attackers in hospital, or the dock.

burtthebike | 7 years ago

"Green was fined £210 and ordered to pay £85 costs and £100 compensation to Mr Tuddenham.."

British justice at its finest.  Totally unprovoked assault, very severe slap on the wrist, and total twat allowed to continue on his way, assaulting whoever he likes, with little fear of the consequences.  Why wan't this fine at least a £1000?  and the compensation seems hardly adequate for the shock of the assault, the time taken to report it and the time taken in subsequent proceedings.  Make that a grand as well.

Mr Green is clearly not someone who willing participates in society, and must be taught how to behave; slaps on the wrist ain't gonna do it.

tritecommentbot | 7 years ago

What, so this isn't  even his first offence? 

Guess he's not black then.

Yorkshire wallet | 7 years ago

Charming individual


Tyler Matthew Green, 18, of 60B Queensway, Skellingthorpe, Lincoln, pleaded guilty at Lincoln Magistrates' Court to damaging a hotel room and fittings to the value of £500 belonging to the Pyewipe Public House. He was given a conditional discharge for six months, ordered to pay compensation of £500, a victim surcharge of £15 and costs of £85.


Tyler Matthew Green, 20, of 60B Queensway, Skellingthorpe, pleaded guilty to taking a motor vehicle without the consent of the owner and before it was recovered an accident occurred whereby damage was caused to the vehicle, driving outside the authorisation class of a licence and without insurance. He was given an electronically monitored curfew for eight weeks, fined £120, ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £20 and a criminal courts charge of £150. He was disqualified from holding or obtaining a licence for 12 months.

QED | 7 years ago


Total cost of punching someone in the face for no reason: £395 "Green was fined £210 and ordered to pay £85 costs and £100 compensation" 

This reminds me of a historical anecdote.  A rich Senator's son went walking through ancient Rome slapping the face of every person he didn't like. His slave walking behind him immediately paid the fixed fee penalty which was no great cost to his master. This was told to me by a Roman law professor explaining how the law can become totally ineffectual when it fails to keep up with reality and fails to have a dissuasive effect.

ron611087 | 7 years ago

I'm not sure how his girlfriend's lack of confidence is mitigating any more than pink doorknobs in Brussels are. A driver should give a cyclist enough space precisely for the reasons the cyclist needed it - to avoid obstacles.

We create a highway code,  and then ignore it on the road and in the courts. What's the fucking point of it?

Russell Orgazoid | 7 years ago

Hiding behind an excuse involving his girlfriend. Weak cunt.

DrG82 | 7 years ago

If the driver is so unconfident maybe she shouldn't be driving.

If this Tyler Green is the same one as convicted for these other crimes linked to (smashing up a hotel and stealing/crashing cars) maybe he should be lined up for more sever corrective treatment as he's obviously got serious issues that a £395 loss is not going to solve.

How about wiring up his knackers to a Tazer triggered by a HRM so he gets a nit of a shock if he gets a bit too lively.

tritecommentbot | 7 years ago

This clown and his missus sound mental. She shits herself when she sees a cyclist and he shits himself when she shits herself.


Car must smell great.



EddyBerckx | 7 years ago

Cunts the lot of them

Yorkshire wallet | 7 years ago

Amazing how the less confident somehow manage to pass their driving tests though. Tens of thousands of people on the roads that really shouldn't be.

brooksby replied to Yorkshire wallet | 7 years ago

Yorkshire wallet wrote:

Amazing how the less confident somehow manage to pass their driving tests though. Tens of thousands of people on the roads that really shouldn't be.

I guess because the driving test is a one time only tick box for knowledge and aptitude at that time, and doesn't address personality/confidence/etc. It probably should.

jasecd | 7 years ago

Assuming this is the same cretin (at an earlier address):

Tyler Matthew Green, 20, of 60B Queensway, Skellingthorpe, pleaded guilty to taking a motor vehicle without the consent of the owner and before it was recovered an accident occurred whereby damage was caused to the vehicle, driving outside the authorisation class of a licence and without insurance. He was given an electronically monitored curfew for eight weeks, fined £120, ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £20 and a criminal courts charge of £150. He was disqualified from holding or obtaining a licence for 12 months.

Tyler Matthew Green, 18, of 60B Queensway, Skellingthorpe, Lincoln, pleaded guilty at Lincoln Magistrates' Court to damaging a hotel room and fittings to the value of £500 belonging to the Pyewipe Public House. He was given a conditional discharge for six months, ordered to pay compensation of £500, a victim surcharge of £15 and costs of £85.

Metaphor replied to jasecd | 7 years ago


"Tyler Matthew Green, 20, of 60B Queensway, Skellingthorpe …"

Is the exact address of those subject to trial routinely divulged publicly?

Kim replied to Metaphor | 7 years ago
Ramuz wrote:


"Tyler Matthew Green, 20, of 60B Queensway, Skellingthorpe …"

Is the exact address of those subject to trial routinely divulged publicly?

If you read the court proceedings in the local newspapers, you will find that is quite common following convictions and has been for years...

Tylermatthew replied to Metaphor | 4 years ago

Yes it is buddy pop down if you fancy yourself

Grahamd | 7 years ago

Clearly the thug has no understanding of law or how to assist a less confident driver, and she appears too meek to pull over at her boyfriends request. Either way the driving licence for both parties should have been withdrawn.

bassjunkieuk | 7 years ago

I think the important bit to take from this is was it's was this moron's "less confident" GF driving instead of the overly aggressive man being left in control of a few tons of metal.

I'd also suggest if you're "alarmed" by a cyclist swerving a little to avoid a potential hazard you are either following too closely or attempting to overtake incorrectly.

hawkinspeter | 7 years ago

They should have banned his girlfriend from driving for a month to give her time to relax a bit and as a lesson for not driving round a complete asshat.


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