Easter's a weird one, eh? It's inconsistent. You never know which weekend it'll fall, you never know whether you'll get a summery April weekend or a showery one, and as a result you're never sure what your Easter #mycyclingweekend will hold.
What you do know, however, is that it'll be a gloriously long #mycyclingweekend!
You lot made the most of some spectacularly spring-like weather this weekend. Some of you had showers; some of you had blazing sunshine. Classic British springtime.
While the weather was inconsistent there were a few consistent themes. Namely beautiful bikes, happy faces, and the odd bit of Easter spirit.
Even the pros were getting involved in that last one. Check out Team Sky's bunny hopping antics at the Amstel Gold Race on Sunday:
The pros weren't the only ones having a great day out on their bikes though!
We received some great shots of you guys this #mycyclingweekend. The only shame was we could only choose one winner.
This #mycyclingweekend we're giving the road.cc goodie bag away to Jim Hooper who put his all in on a beautiful spring day in the New Forest.
We didn't think you needed any extra reward after a hard day's ride after seeing your beautiful Moser in such beautiful surroundings, Jim, but we're sending you the goodie bag anyway! Congratulations.
Jim's wasn't the only good looking bike on display this weekend. Instagram user lloydalxndr showed off his Surly on teh Gragside slopes, nicknumbernine's Orbea enjoyed a day out at the beach, while maszto_mam_to's wheels were somewhat dwarfed by the dinosaur he found.
Elsewhere some of you were just pleased to get out in the dry. Particularly Instagram user caughtinthevoid who enjoyed a sunny but windy evening ride after escaping an earlier downpour.
Remember, it's never too late to get in on the #mycyclingweekend fun. Just upload a photo to Instagram or Twitter, include the #mycyclingweekend hashtag and we'll feast our eyes on your handywork.
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