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Video: Sir Chris Hoy tests fat bike with a ski on the front wheel

Testing in Iceland ahead of bid to ride to the South Pole

Sir Chris Hoy has been glacier fat bike testing in Iceland in preparation for his attempt to cycle to the South Pole.

Hoy revealed his plan on Top Gear recently, describing it as “a strange and huge challenge.” However, he added that he was still trying to find “somebody stupid enough to do it with me.”

Whether or not he’s found such a person yet, it seems as if bike testing at least went well.

And here’s a short bit of footage of what he claims was his first time “skiing”.

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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Valbrona | 7 years ago

I really don't want to hear about the antics of this tiresome individual after his appearance on Top Gear. His proposed trip to the South Pole looks self-indulgent and silly.

Leviathan replied to Valbrona | 7 years ago
Valbrona wrote:

I really don't want to hear about the antics of this tiresome individual after his appearance on Top Gear. His proposed trip to the South Pole looks self-indulgent and silly.

Oh, so you watch Top Gear then. And yet you complain about 'antics.'


Valbrona replied to Leviathan | 7 years ago
Leviathan wrote:
Valbrona wrote:

I really don't want to hear about the antics of this tiresome individual after his appearance on Top Gear. His proposed trip to the South Pole looks self-indulgent and silly.

Oh, so you watch Top Gear then. And yet you complain about 'antics.'

Nope. Don't ever watch Top Gear. Don't even as much as own a Driving Licence. I learned on this website a short while ago that the guy had appeared on Top Gear.

In view of your fantastic level of intellect, are you by any chance a Police Officer?

EddyBerckx replied to Valbrona | 7 years ago
Valbrona wrote:
Leviathan wrote:
Valbrona wrote:

I really don't want to hear about the antics of this tiresome individual after his appearance on Top Gear. His proposed trip to the South Pole looks self-indulgent and silly.

Oh, so you watch Top Gear then. And yet you complain about 'antics.'

Nope. Don't ever watch Top Gear. Don't even as much as own a Driving Licence. I learned on this website a short while ago that the guy had appeared on Top Gear.

In view of your fantastic level of intellect, are you by any chance a Police Officer?


In view of your fantastic level of muppetry, are you a muppet?

ClubSmed replied to Valbrona | 7 years ago
Valbrona wrote:
Leviathan wrote:
Valbrona wrote:

I really don't want to hear about the antics of this tiresome individual after his appearance on Top Gear. His proposed trip to the South Pole looks self-indulgent and silly.

Oh, so you watch Top Gear then. And yet you complain about 'antics.'

Nope. Don't ever watch Top Gear. Don't even as much as own a Driving Licence. I learned on this website a short while ago that the guy had appeared on Top Gear.

In view of your fantastic level of intellect, are you by any chance a Police Officer?

Wait, you are judging a guy because of his performance that you didn't see on a show you have never watched?

Leviathan replied to Valbrona | 7 years ago
Valbrona wrote:
Leviathan wrote:
Valbrona wrote:

I really don't want to hear about the antics of this tiresome individual after his appearance on Top Gear. His proposed trip to the South Pole looks self-indulgent and silly.

Oh, so you watch Top Gear then. And yet you complain about 'antics.'

Nope. Don't ever watch Top Gear. Don't even as much as own a Driving Licence. I learned on this website a short while ago that the guy had appeared on Top Gear.

In view of your fantastic level of intellect, are you by any chance a Police Officer?

So having hear that he was on TopGear, a show you profess not to have seen, and being aware that CH is also a racing driver (I assume, because you call him tiresome you have seen some of his other previous endeavours and not found them pleasing,) still clicked on an article about him, read it, found it also not to your pleasing and then decided to tell us all about it. Is that more accurate?

nortonpdj replied to Valbrona | 7 years ago
Valbrona wrote:

I really don't want to hear about the antics of this tiresome individual after his appearance on Top Gear. His proposed trip to the South Pole looks self-indulgent and silly.

Seems a bit harsh. Just wondering why?


Valbrona replied to nortonpdj | 7 years ago
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nortonpdj wrote:
Valbrona wrote:

I really don't want to hear about the antics of this tiresome individual after his appearance on Top Gear. His proposed trip to the South Pole looks self-indulgent and silly.

Seems a bit harsh. Just wondering why?

It might be useful to compare the guy to another highly successful cyclist who set up his own bike brand, Chris Boardman.

CB's contribution to the world of cycling and the support he gives to cycling issues is highly commendable.

Chris Hoy guests on Top Gear - hated by cyclists and lots of other people with brains - and then says he wants to ride a bike to the South Pole. Genius. Hate to think what the carbon footprint is to the Southern Hemisphere.

S_P_A_C_E_M_A_N | 7 years ago
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I do hope that these antics don't delay the sixth book in the Flying Fergus series, the release of which is eagerly anticipated in our household.

handlebarcam | 7 years ago

There are a lot of ice sheets down in Antarctica which are only loosely connected to the continental land mass, thanks to global warming. Is Chris Hoy sure he wants to apply the power of those York-Ham-like thighs of his to the ice surface? Too much torque applied to get started and, whoops-a-daisy, there goes the rest of the Solomon Islands.

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