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£2,000 reward offered to track down man who jumped level crossing gate with his bike

Train driver suffered psychological trauma after incident at North Sheen last month

The charity Crimestoppers is offering a £2,000 reward to track down a man who jumped over a level crossing gate in south west London and told an onlooker who pleaded with him to stop, "I don't f*cking care, mate."

Footage of the incident, which happened in North Sheen last month went viral after it was retweeted by the broadcaster and cyclist Jeremy Vine on Twitter.

The London Evening Standard reports that the reward is being offered because the train driver, who sounded its horn as it missed the man by inches, has suffered from psychological trauma.

Dave Hunter, head of operations at Crimestoppers, said: “This man could have caused himself serious injury or even death. 

“His actions were incredibly dangerous. Someone will know who he is and we hope they will see that there is no excuse for this behaviour.

"The barriers are there for a very good reason. 

 “As an independent charity, Crimestoppers offers a safe way for people to give information about crime.

“We won’t ask for your personal details - you won’t have to give a statement to police or appear in court," he added.

"We just need to know this man’s name.” 

The reward will be valid for three months and is only applicable to information shared with Crimestoppers, who can be contacted, anonymously, on 0800 555 111 or online at

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BehindTheBikesheds replied to giff77 | 7 years ago
giff77 wrote:
BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

Non event, missed him by inches, no-one was physically harmed so as we know there's no crime is there

Traumatised, oh get over it ffs, this is an every day event in this country and worse, sounds like someone is after a bit of compo/time off work!

Get over yersel. You've no idea about the driver's background. They could already have had to deal with a jumper.  you do know what's left when a train hits a body. Nothing much.   Your comment is totally insensitive. 

Totally insenitive, really? I was almost wiped out by a bus this evening, the driver admitted he didn't even see me. I've been taken out by motorists and suffered injury, came within inches of being killed by a skip lorry and so on. Was I traumatised after the event, no, and I was on the receiving end, I'm no different to the vast majority of the population in that respect. You get over it pretty quickly from the intial shock.

are killers of people on the roads traumatised, from the reactions and lies spouted pretty much 100% no they aren't.

You too have no idea their background and if they've being involved in a 'one-under', however human beings throw these types of events off within a short space of time because the simple fact is no-one was hurt, near misses happen every minute of every day and how many state they are 'psychologically traumatised' for not having injured anyone, never mind killed?

get over yourself.

giff77 replied to BehindTheBikesheds | 7 years ago
BehindTheBikesheds wrote:
giff77 wrote:
BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

Non event, missed him by inches, no-one was physically harmed so as we know there's no crime is there

Traumatised, oh get over it ffs, this is an every day event in this country and worse, sounds like someone is after a bit of compo/time off work!

Get over yersel. You've no idea about the driver's background. They could already have had to deal with a jumper.  you do know what's left when a train hits a body. Nothing much.   Your comment is totally insensitive. 

Totally insenitive, really? I was almost wiped out by a bus this evening, the driver admitted he didn't even see me. I've been taken out by motorists and suffered injury, came within inches of being killed by a skip lorry and so on. Was I traumatised after the event, no, and I was on the receiving end, I'm no different to the vast majority of the population in that respect. You get over it pretty quickly from the intial shock.

are killers of people on the roads traumatised, from the reactions and lies spouted pretty much 100% no they aren't.

You too have no idea their background and if they've being involved in a 'one-under', however human beings throw these types of events off within a short space of time because the simple fact is no-one was hurt, near misses happen every minute of every day and how many state they are 'psychologically traumatised' for not having injured anyone, never mind killed?

get over yourself.

i really can't believe how dismissive you are towards how people deal with situations and how broad your paint strokes are in regards to the fact that people just forget it as no one was hurt.  Seemingly normal mundane occurances can be a trigger to unearthing  some previous trauma. While humans have a remarkable capacity to dealing with stressful situations on the other hand they can only take so much. You only need to look at troops returning from wars and they actually look fine and then a a balloon popping sends them over the edge. 


I personally have have been through a number of very traumatic events and while I feel generally a pretty well rounded individual and pretty much recovered from these events  sometimes something quite  simple will happen and it will totally knock me back.  I've learnt how to deal with these scenarios over the years.  Others are at a different place in dealing with trauma.


i agree that there are many out there that are dismissive in regards to taking a life on the roads and I am convinced that this is so because they are convinced that it was an 'accident' rather than a consequence of their negligence and irresponsibility as a road user  


FluffyKittenofT... replied to giff77 | 7 years ago

I think the point of the 'dismissive' comments is that this story makes a startling juxtaposition with the multiple recent ones showing misses every bit as near as this, involving motorists with cyclists. Coupled with the responses of some police services to such passes that they weren't bothered because nobody was actually hit.

If it's not a big deal if a driver nearly hits a cyclist as long as there's no impact, then would that not imply this isn't a big deal either?

But this isn't the police, it's Crimestoppers, so it's not actually double-standards on the cops' part.

HalfWheeler replied to BehindTheBikesheds | 7 years ago
BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

Non event, missed him by inches, no-one was physically harmed so as we know there's no crime is there

Traumatised, oh get over it ffs, this is an every day event in this country and worse, sounds like someone is after a bit of compo/time off work!

Either callousness or heavy handed sarcasm. Both a bit dickish.

peted76 replied to BehindTheBikesheds | 7 years ago
BehindTheBikesheds wrote:

Traumatised, oh get over it ffs, this is an every day event in this country and worse, sounds like someone is after a bit of compo/time off work!


Everyone, it appears we've just identified Katie Hopkins behind the alias! Ah isn't she lovely  1


tourdelound | 7 years ago
1 like

........" and The Darwin Award of the day goes to".........

dodgy replied to tourdelound | 7 years ago
tourdelound wrote:

........" and The Darwin Award of the day goes to".........


do you know what the qualification is?

Yorkshire wallet | 7 years ago

I'll identify him - he's a twat.

don simon fbpe | 7 years ago

I went for a road ride at the wekend. Who can I claim my £126,000 from?


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