A 90-minute unofficial documentary about this year’s inaugural Indian-Pacific Wheel Race has as one of its main subjects Mike Hall, the British ultracyclist killed while competing in the event.
Also featured in the film, which has been released on YouTube, is Hall’s friend and rival Kristof Allegaert, whom he was chasing for the race leadership when he was killed by a driver near Canberra.
It’s another competitor, Rupert Guinness, who sets the scene at the start of the documentary as he talks about the original Overlanders, adventurers who criss-crossed the continent on bicycles more than a century ago.
The cycling journalist is one of two Australian riders also featured in the film, the other being Mark Ferguson.
The film, which is directed by Abdullah Zeinab and Jyssica Lian, focuses principally on Hall and Allegaert as they make their way from Fremantle towards Perth.
Around two thirds of the way, the emphasis of the film moves away from the racing as news arrives of Hall’s death and the race’s cancellation.
There’s footage of the celebration of Hall’s life that was held in his home town of Harrogate and interviews with his mother Patricia and his partner Anna, with whom he lived in mid-Wales.
Please note for technical reasons the film will only play on laptops in some countries.
There’s also an official film for the race which costs £4.69 to buy on Vimeo. Here’s the trailer for it.
the INDIAN PACIFIC WHEEL RACE - Film from Anthony Gordon @ on Vimeo.
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