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Surrey school says students can only cycle to school if they fit a number plate to their bikes

School says it wants to promote safe cycling “so that our students can be active lifelong riders”

Students attending the Beacon School in Banstead were this week informed that they will need number plates on their bikes if they wish to cycle to school.

A letter dated November 13 states that from Monday December 11, all students of the academy school for 11-18 year olds, “will require a cycling permit in the form of a number plate.”

The permit is obtained and issued after students and parents/carers sign a cycling agreement. “The number plate must be attached to the student’s bicycle underneath the seat so that all students can be identified cycling to and from school.”

Students are asked to follow the Highway Code; to take responsibility for the roadworthiness of their bikes; to behave “in a manner which shows them and the school in the best possible light”; and to use bike lights and hi-vis clothing “as appropriate”.

Parents are also advised: “Please note that should a student not ride safely to school or wear a helmet, the school will inform parents and may refuse the student permission to cycle to school in the future. Should a student continue to cycle to school once permission has been revoked the school will lock the bicycle until a parent/carer is available to collect the bicycle.”

The letter begins by listing some of the benefits of cycling to school.

  • Improving health through physical activity
  • Establishing positive active travel behaviour
  • Promoting independence and improving safety awareness
  • Reducing congestion, noise and pollution in the community
  • Reducing environmental impact of the journey to school

Headteacher Keith Batchelor, who described himself as “a very slow recreational cyclist,” told

“I am extremely positive about the role of cycling and the health and wellbeing benefits of cycling. I have seen number plate systems be highly effective in a number of schools which support students to cycle safely to school.

“The system will allow us to target cycle training and safety awareness sessions to our students, to reward good and safe cycling by giving members of the community a way to give us feedback about how our students are using the roads locally. As well as helping us to discuss with students any occasions where their cycling may not meet our expectations.

“Alongside this we are also expecting students to wear helmets, be visible, use lights and ride bikes that are road safe.

“We live in a beautiful area for cycling but also the roads are extremely busy, with the school being next to the A217 which links the M25 with south London. Our refined policy is there to promote safe cycling so that our students can be active lifelong riders.”

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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davel | 7 years ago

So for the interests of balance, I'd be interested to know what prompted this, and whether they're as preachy with car drivers.

I'd take a punt that this is to counter a few kids pulling wheelies that some people seem to think is heralding the Apocalypse, and they've done fuck-all to counter the very real threat of kids being squashed by twats trying to park their Chelsea tractors in the school.

But is anyone close enough to the school to actually know, before I join the Twitterwar?

dafyddp | 7 years ago

Will students who gradually develop diabetes, heart disease and other obesity-related illnessness similarly be tagged, I wonder? Piss-boiled my stuff. I think I’d be sending my kids to school on a different old bike every day just to piss them off.

Velovoyeur | 7 years ago

If my kids went to this school I would have to inform the headteacher that it was none of their business how they get to school. I appreciate the advice about safe cycling but, as parent, the decision rests with me. This is a great example of a school believing it has total authoritarian control over kids. To quote Pink Floyd " hey teacher, leave those kids alone". 

BehindTheBikesheds | 7 years ago

Oh and a school nearby Gyln school which has ties to the Beacon school head already had this license olate and helmet rule since at least April.
So looks like since the new head came in he's spreading his vileness and going beyond his lawful powers.
And local authorities do fuck all to stop it and yet also do fuck all to prevent KSIs by not restricting motorists actions.

Canyon48 | 7 years ago


I know schools have a care of duty to students (that starts from as soon as they leave their house to go to school), but this isn't caring, it's controlling.

Next up, students need a permit to walk to school.

As others have said, can't wait until the school sends out letters to parents telling them to stick to the speed limit etc.

Bluebug replied to Canyon48 | 7 years ago

wellsprop wrote:


I know schools have a care of duty to students (that starts from as soon as they leave their house to go to school), but this isn't caring, it's controlling.

Next up, students need a permit to walk to school.

Don't joke.  Some schools - ok they are mostly primary schools - have taken my friends' who are parents to task over allowing their 9, 10 and 11 year olds walk to and from school  on their own. The thing is the kids are walking in a minimum of pairs and frequently walk with another parent just because they are all going the same way. 



kil0ran | 7 years ago

Hang on, won't a number plate obscure the usual position for a reflector/light/saddlebag? Don't see many kids riding with 100mm of seatpost do you...

SteveAustin | 7 years ago
1 like

good idea

don simon fbpe | 7 years ago

I'm sure they'd appreciate some alternative views from the wider community.

burtthebike replied to don simon fbpe | 7 years ago

don simon wrote:

I'm sure they'd appreciate some alternative views from the wider community.

The first thing you see on that site is anti-bullying!  Probably isn't aimed at head teachers though.

don simon fbpe replied to burtthebike | 7 years ago
1 like

burtthebike wrote:

don simon wrote:

I'm sure they'd appreciate some alternative views from the wider community.

The first thing you see on that site is anti-bullying!  Probably isn't aimed at head teachers though.

I've tweeted them about it.

Goldfever4 | 7 years ago

Utter bollocks

zippypablo | 7 years ago

If having a number plate on my bikes made cycling safe (like some invisible shield?) then I'd fit them today. However, the biggest risk to my safety is usually something that already has a number plate fitted.

BehindTheBikesheds | 7 years ago

Yet more unlawful bs, tentacles that reach beyond their authority but ignore the actions of those posing the harm and then say it's all part of safety. Then make threats if you don't do their bidding.
If all the parents ignore this and all send their kids to school sans helmet and 'permit' then the school will fail.
This crap especially helmets is slowly creeping in and no-one is doing a fucking thing to stop it!
Makes my bloid boil. To think my sons own school used to have over 100 bike spaces in a locked and covered facility and since they used the space to increase the building size and push the bikes away from the building, no longer enclosed or locked area and 20 spaces tops cycling has massively reduced.

I hope the parents tell the school to fuck off!

DrG82 | 7 years ago

Because fitting number plates to cars suddenly solved all problems with drivers breaking the law.
And this idiot is responsible for educating the next generation! Just kill me now.

PeakBoy | 7 years ago

Given the school’s interest in enforcement outside of their demise I look forward to all speeding and parking incidents by staff or parents being reported to the relevant authorities.

LarryDavidJr | 7 years ago

You'd be better targeting the parents and their already-registered two ton death machines.

Be interesting to see how  well that number plate protects them from Tarquins Mummy rolling over them in a 4x4.

Besides which, it's not up to him if a child rides to school or not, nor the manner in which he/she does it.

Bet the "feedback from the community" will be a riot too.

Keith Batchelor.  You are an idiot.

oldstrath | 7 years ago

Your policy is designed to teach these kids that cyclists should know their place, subservient to the great god Car. Maybe Halfords will sponsor your plates.


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