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Police officer found guilty of injuring cyclist appeals conviction

Cyclist Daniel Grady suffered broken wrist and fractured ribs when Mark Turner pulled out at junction

A police officer from Cumbria who was found guilty of careless driving earlier this year after he knocked a cyclist off his bike as he drove to work has appealed against his conviction.

Mark Turner, aged 57, was convicted of the offence at South Cumbria Magistrates’ Court in July, where he was fined £300 and had his driving licence endorsed with four penalty points.

His appeal was due to be heard today at Preston Crown Court, reports the North West Evening Mail.

He was driving to work on the evening of 7 September 2016 when he hit cyclist Daniel Grady, leaving him with a broken wrist and fractured ribs.

At the trial in July, witnesses in vehicles behind the police officer described how they had seen Mr Grady, who had right of way, approaching but Turner failed to stop before turning right, causing the collision.

However, Turner claimed that he had not seen the rider.

Giving evidence in July, Mr Grady said: "I saw the car and thought, in the back of my mind, he is going to go.

"I had a feeling so I reacted and slammed the brakes on. I tried slowing down but I couldn't do it in time," he added.

District judge Gerald Chalk, who passed sentence on Turner in July, also ordered him to pay costs of £750 and a victim surcharge of £30.

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