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Near Miss of the Day 199: Close pass at mini roundabout

Our regular feature highlighting close passes caught on camera from around the country – today it’s Hertfordshire

Today's video in our Near Miss of the Day series shows a motorist in Hertfordshire making a close pass on a cyclist on a mini roundabout.

It happened to reader Mungecrundle, who told us: "This mini roundabout in Royston is a black spot for close passes as drivers attempt to overtake on the approach to or even through the roundabout.

"It's such a frequent occurrence that it really no longer even phases me, hence no swearing or indeed any commentary at all in the video."

He added "Not submitted to authorities as the Hertfordshire process is too long winded and also there was contact between myself and the wing mirror which might not have gone in my favour."

> Near Miss of the Day turns 100 - Why do we do the feature and what have we learnt from it?

Over the years has reported on literally hundreds of close passes and near misses involving badly driven vehicles from every corner of the country – so many, in fact, that we’ve decided to turn the phenomenon into a regular feature on the site. One day hopefully we will run out of close passes and near misses to report on, but until that happy day arrives, Near Miss of the Day will keep rolling on.

If you’ve caught on camera a close encounter of the uncomfortable kind with another road user that you’d like to share with the wider cycling community please send it to us at info [at] or send us a message via the Facebook page.

If the video is on YouTube, please send us a link, if not we can add any footage you supply to our YouTube channel as an unlisted video (so it won't show up on searches).

Please also let us know whether you contacted the police and if so what their reaction was, as well as the reaction of the vehicle operator if it was a bus, lorry or van with company markings etc.

> What to do if you capture a near miss or close pass (or worse) on camera while cycling

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clayfit | 6 years ago

There is so much wrong in that video!

- useless cycle lane

- car parked in cycle lane

- car double-parked

- ever-present danger of being doored by the parked cars

- island at the mini roundabout that squeezes cars towards the left

- negligent close pass, which gave zero benefit to the car doing the overtaking.

- bad road surface

- cars going through amber/red light.

Frighteningly distopian, and frustrating that the traffic planners think that this road is somehow adequate. A vision of road hell.

Daveyraveygravey | 6 years ago

I would have been smacking all kinds of shit out of that car.  On what level is it acceptable to be THAT close to a bike?  People that drive like that should be made to walk in the road, and we can all then drive danger-close to them so perhaps maybe they can get some appreciation of how bad it is.

And that BMW 4 wheel drive in the "cycle lane" laugh

iandusud | 6 years ago
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The other thing that annoys me is the "cycle lane". That excuse for cycling infrastructure does nothing for cyclists other than to put them in even more danger if they use it, and risk abuse from from car drivers if they don't! 

Mungecrundle | 6 years ago
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I thought someone would have picked up on the obligatory BMW parked in the cycle lane at the bus stop. Maybe that also is such a commonplace as to be unremarkable?

Usually at this mini roundabout I turn left, but I had to go into town that day. I used to take the lane but this ended up with aggression rather than indifference. Aggression was worse, indifference I can deal with and always have that bailout option of turning left. Of course the ones that half overtake and then turn left are still a problem but I have not had one of those since getting the camera.

Also, as a local, I know the sequence on those lights changes very quickly. Passing on amber is marginal at best.

Hirsute replied to Mungecrundle | 6 years ago

Mungecrundle wrote:

I thought someone would have picked up on the obligatory BMW parked in the cycle lane at the bus stop. Maybe that also is such a commonplace as to be unremarkable?

What cycle lane ?! Oh, that bit of paint.

But what was the double parking towards the end?

alansmurphy | 6 years ago

It didn't jump a red light though...

vonhelmet replied to alansmurphy | 6 years ago

alansmurphy wrote:

It didn't jump a red light though...

Hard to say without knowing how the lights are sequenced. The lights we could see were amber, but the ones against the Kia might have turned red sooner.

Awavey replied to vonhelmet | 6 years ago
vonhelmet wrote:

alansmurphy wrote:

It didn't jump a red light though...

Hard to say without knowing how the lights are sequenced. The lights we could see were amber, but the ones against the Kia might have turned red sooner.

Technically amber does mean stop,you can only pass at amber if you've crossed the line already,they hadn't,or if it's unsafe to stop,more debatable as the red van could have been tailgating...But they should have been prepared to stop. Some traffic cameras are keyed on Amber gamblers & you could fail a driving test if you did it during one & the police do and have charged people for it which courts have upheld.

dassie | 6 years ago
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Poor driving.  I always take the lane well in advance, when approaching a roundabout like this, sometimes indicating that I will do so.  In the main it prevents a driver predisposed to making stupid / dangerous decisions from doing so.

MarkiMark | 6 years ago
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I must admit in this scenario I would probably have taken the middle of the lane. But in his defence the Kia was already alongside him quite a way before the roundabout, so he didn't much of an opportunity to move out. I like the mirror hit though. Think I'll adopt this in future. I'm sure the police wouldn't look too harshly on this action given the proximity of the vehicle, and it's a non-damaging action, mirrors are designed to fold when hit!

burtthebike | 6 years ago

Mini-rbts are generally awful for cyclists and pedestrians, but they keep motorised traffic flowing, so lots of councils use them.  Last time I checked they had a high rate of cyclist collisions.

Reminds me of twenty years ago when my local council (South Glos) were putting in more and more of them, to which I strenuously objected, to be told that the national figures for cyclists collisions didn't apply there, as the total number of those collisions at mini-rbts in the area were much less than other types of junctions.  After I'd stopped laughing, I pointed out that they had possibly twelve mini-rbts and probably 10k other types.  It was about then that I lost even the tiny bit of respect I had for my council's planners.  They were either incredibly stupid or thought I was.

LastBoyScout | 6 years ago

He added "Not submitted to authorities as the Hertfordshire process is too long winded and also there was contact between myself and the wing mirror which might not have gone in my favour."

How can it possibly NOT go in your favour when it's clear that the vehicle hit you?

brooksby replied to LastBoyScout | 6 years ago
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LastBoyScout wrote:

He added "Not submitted to authorities as the Hertfordshire process is too long winded and also there was contact between myself and the wing mirror which might not have gone in my favour."

How can it possibly NOT go in your favour when it's clear that the vehicle hit you?

And, if you could touch the car (or the car could touch you) then it proves that it was too d@mned close!

Crippledbiker | 6 years ago

Take the damn lane!

vonhelmet | 6 years ago
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Given the height of the vehicle I doubt they even knew you were there.

Anyway. Mini roundabouts are nearly always shit. People just drive over them and their size makes the whole “give way to the right” thing harder to manage, because things happen that much quicker given the tiny amount of space you’re working in.

freespirit1 | 6 years ago

If you're able to whack their mirror, they must surely be less than 1.5 metres away. I would report it and then point that particular fact out.

carlosdsanchez | 6 years ago

I'd still report it to the police. As the comment above states, the driver is probably oblivious that they're doing anything wrong. They need educating and a prosectuion for careless driving might help with that.

Yorkshire wallet | 6 years ago

Ah an old favourite, the slow close pass. Actually worse as they probably have no idea where you are in relation to them but they probably think they're being safe as they aren't speeding.

Getting pumped for 200. I hope has some special for us.

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