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Andrew Neil turns to "Jameson's and sleeping pills" after cycling crash

Broadcaster is due to host new Brexit show from next week after convalescing for most of August

Andrew Neil – who is due to present a new weekly Brexit shown on BBC Two from next Wednesday – says has been recovering from a cycling crash for most of the last month. The broadcaster says that he “shattered” his rib cage after falling while descending at 30km/h but hopes to be back on his bike this weekend.

Here at we didn’t realise that Neil was a cyclist, although we see that he said he was cycling to work “for health reasons” in an interview with the Guardian in 2007.

It clearly wasn’t a new development then either because writing on Twitter this week he recounted a cycling accident he suffered in Manhattan 15 years ago.

That tale was a prelude to details of his latest spill, which occurred in France.

“On August 4th I had my 2nd cycling accident, much worse than NY. For reasons too complicated/embarrassing to explain I repeated ‘arrsum overe titium’, as we say in Latin, to splat with full rib cage on a French road. To hit a road at 30k/hour is not a good idea. Who knew?

“It was quite a thump. Because I was going downhill. As I crawled towards the kerb a car stopped and two young Frenchmen got out. They helped to sit me up against a wall. It was [dawning] on me this was my worst accident ever.

“’We will call the Pompiers’, they said, and stay with you til they arrive (French fire service operates as paramedics).  ‘Have some water’.

“I said, stubborn Jock that I am, that I would be fine. But they stayed until they knew someone was coming for me. I was picked up by a friend.

“I have been convalescing for all of August. The first 10 days were the worst. A shattered rib cage meant there was no comfortable position in which to sleep, even with copious amounts of Jameson’s and sleeping pills.

“I am 80% mended now but still have pains depending on how I move. Who knew how important the rib cage and muscles around it were for almost every movement, even getting out of bed. I fear some [psychological] damage. But I won’t know for sure until I get my teeth into a politician.

“The body armour has arrived and I intend to be back on my bike this weekend. I’m apprehensive but it has to be done. I will counter my fear with thoughts of the kindness of strangers should it all go pear-shaped again.”

Neil will front a new political programme on BBC Two from next week, having stepped down from hosting his long-running politics show This Week earlier this year.

The Andrew Neil Show will dissect Brexit every Wednesday at 7pm from next week until the end of October.

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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brooksby | 5 years ago

Jameson's and sleeping pills? I'd be taking that as a cry for help, given the current levels of political discourse in this country..,

packie77 | 5 years ago

Best wishes for a  complete  and speedy recovery.

What a Hero,a scotsman who has the brains and gumption

to appreciate Jamesons fine Irish Whiskey is a giant in his


From a 40% Scotsman(and 55% Irish and 5% goodness knowwhat)

Looking forward to the Brexit nonsense,hoping you can get sense

out of the political spoofers.

redscouse | 5 years ago

humble apologies ...wrong nazi it was Goebels diaries ...employed a known nazi to do it too...


he's still a tory twat



srchar replied to redscouse | 5 years ago
redscouse wrote:

he's still a tory twat

Always puzzles me that a nobody on the internet can write off someone as sharp, entertaining and principled as Andrew Neil with such a lazy jibe.

brooksby wrote:

Jameson's and sleeping pills? I'd be taking that as a cry for help, given the current levels of political discourse in this country..,

Well, quite! (see above)

redscouse | 5 years ago

Ask him about the hitler diaries... The tory twat

Eton Rifle replied to redscouse | 5 years ago
redscouse wrote:

Ask him about the hitler diaries... The tory twat

May 3rd 1945

Woke up

Had Frosties for breakfast

Lost war

Shot self

srchar replied to redscouse | 5 years ago
redscouse wrote:

Ask him about the hitler diaries... The tory twat

Why? Andrew Neil worked at The Economist when The Times published the faked memoirs. He's also the least biased journalist on the telly, as evidence by accusations of bias from the entire political spectrum.

Who's the twat now?

redscouse | 5 years ago

Ask him about the hitler diaries... The tory twat

FrankH | 5 years ago
1 like

"I fear some [psychological] damage. But I won’t know for sure until I get my teeth into a politician."  yes laugh

Get well soon, Mr Neil.

earth | 5 years ago

I believe they have a law in France that says if you are the only person to witness a road accident you have to stop and help.  Something like the good samaritan.  That's a law worth following here.

ktache | 5 years ago

I thought it a shame that This Week ended.

srchar | 5 years ago

I love watching Andrew Neil. So well briefed and knowledgeable, it doesn't matter what side of the political spectrum his interviewee comes from, they always get a hard (but fair) time. Wish him well for his recovery.

portec | 5 years ago

Good to hear he's on the mend. Not that I knew he was injured, or that he is a cyclist. My respect for the best political interviewer in Britain has increased a little.

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