The Welsh Assembly Government’s commitment to get more people cycling takes another step forward with the introduction of 12 new cycling instructors for children.
The first National Standards Cycle Instructors, who will teach according to the new official system for cycle training, celebrate qualifying as instructors today and will soon begin training children in the hope more of them will cycle to school.
The 12 instructors have been trained thanks to a partnership between the Welsh Assembly Government and the CTC, the UK’s national cyclists’ organisation.
The Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing, Jane Davidson, said: “The Welsh Assembly Government is committed to getting more people to cycle; we want to see more of our children on their bikes and cycling to school.”
Gwenda Owen, CTC’s Cycle Training Development Officer for Wales, said: “The National Standards give parents and children the confidence to make their daily journeys by bike under real conditions. These12 instructors will lead the way to more children cycling making healthier, happier children and fewer cars on the school run in Cardiff.”
The cycle training National Standards have already been adopted by a small number of local authorities in Wales but, thanks to new funding for 110 instructors and the partnership with CTC, all children across Wales will soon have access to the highest standard of cycle training.
Working with CTC and the Sports Council, the £250,000 funding over three years will be used to get the National Standards adopted across Wales alongside the successful Bikeability brand – cycling proficiency for the 21st century.
That's not true of identifiable public spending. For balance, you'd have to note the much greater contribution to the Exchequer made by London too ...
Driving is a right embedded in the Maggie Carter (sic)...
I will confess to not having watched the programme yet but I don't think it helps that this article keeps referring to some of these bikes as ...
Perhaps the batteries on his e-clubs and e-caddy ran out while on the course, and he had to drag an 80kg trolley with him?
Once again vehicles take priority. Hardly surprised these days and only goes on to highlight how little the council's and gvt genuinely care for...
I think it will help - the second fixing point is a sleeve, and the bracket then clamps to it. This means the bracket can still define itself...
They can be remarkably honest about the consequences of using their vehicles though
There appears to be a bollard at a 45º angle mostly obscured by the bins - presumably they were able to remove that and then drive through the gap.
Have to say as a long time and multiple (7 bikes) user of Camapg - I have about half the fleet on genuine rivetted Campag chains and half on SRAM...
There is also the BBC's own complaints process, which is utterly useless, but it might be good to submit a complaint there to show Ofcom that you...