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Police patrols deployed on Box Hill as friction grows between locals and cyclists

Unprecedented numbers of riders head to Surrey at the weekends to try out London 2012 route for themselves

Extra police patrols have been introduced at Box Hill as a result of growing friction between local residents and motorists on the one hand and an increasing number of cyclists on the other who wish to try out for themselves what will be the main climb of the London 2012 road race.

As one of the highest points in the South East of England, Box Hill, owned by the National Trust, has long been a popular destination for the region’s cyclists. Its inclusion in the Olympic road race route, however, has seen unprecedented numbers flock to the area, including many from further afield, reports the BBC.

According to the BBC, both Box Hill itself and the A25, which runs through the neighbouring town of Dorking, have seen a “significant” rise in the number of cyclists using those roads, particularly at weekends.

The BBC adds that a number of road traffic incidents had taken place and that locals had also complained about the “nuisance” created by cyclists riding two or three abreast.

As a result, police have increased patrols in the area, including stopping people to warn them to expect large numbers of cyclists.

Sergeant Andy Rundle of Surrey Police told the BBC: "We are taking any community concerns very seriously," adding that for several weeks now a car and bicycle patrol had been put in place at Box Hill.

"This isn't an issue solely of cyclists but an issue of increased visitors to Box Hill full stop," he continued.

"We are stopping motorists and cyclists and making sure that all road users are mindful that they are likely to encounter increased numbers of cyclists.

"It is a challenge the local police have to rise to and make sure that everyone is considerate of every other road user," he added.

Adrian Webb, chairman of Redhill Cycling Club, pointed out that the Highway Code permitted cyclists to ride two abreast so long as it was safe to do so.

"Box Hill is not on a main arterial route,” he commented. “It is a leisurely zig zag road up to a small village and a National Trust outlook so it should not be impeding anybody's way."

Responding to claims that some riders had shown menacing behaviour towards  drivers attempting to overtake, he said: “If cyclists are aggressive, that is inexcusable."

He added that bike riders were at times forced to ride in the middle of the road due to potholes.

"Cyclists are traffic as well," he explained. “That is a leisure route and people should be able to cycle up there.

"This is a partnership between cyclists and motorists. The two have to work together," he concluded.

Box Hill has proven to be a controversial choice of route for the Olympic Road Race ever since the final itinerary was announced earlier this year.

Its inclusion on the route had been an open secret for long before that after the IOC and UCI vetoed the original choice of route, a loop starting and finishing in Regent’s Park and including a loop around Hampstead Heath, since they wanted to showcase more of London’s major attractions.

That was partly because, with the men’s road race being the first event of the Games in which medals will be awarded, the event provides an opportunity to use locations such as Hampton Court Palace as a backdrop to television pictures that will be beamed around the world.

The men’s race will tackle the Box Hill loop nine times, and the women’s race twice, before heading back into Central London to finish in front of Buckingham Palace on The Mall, where both races also begin.

In further controversy, however, most fans will be denied seeing first-hand what should be the some of the most gripping moments of one of the Games' showpiece events; while spectator access is free to the entire road race route other than the start and finish, the National Trust has severely restricted numbers on Box Hill to just 3,400 wristband holders to help protect the rare fauna and flora found there.


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Ciaran Patrick | 13 years ago

The bit that made me laugh was

“If cyclists are aggressive, that is inexcusable."

How about car drivers being aggressive because they can't get up to speeds that exceed the speed limit or the fact that car drivers round box hill now have to pay a little more attention because of the increase in bikes on the road.

This extra concerntration must be very tiring for these drivers. Poor dears.

ironbloke | 13 years ago

How does one get a wrist band for box hill?

Simon_MacMichael replied to ironbloke | 13 years ago
ironbloke wrote:

How does one get a wrist band for box hill?

By ballot for local residents (including the ones who moan about cyclists, presumably) and British Cycling members, apparently.

As the story we've just published today says, LOCOG and National Trust are talking about ways in which numbers can be increased, although I'm not sure that would result in wristbands being made generally available.

Cervelo12 | 13 years ago

Sadly i've stopped cycling to Box Hill, after a white van tried to knock me off my bike at speed on purpose about 4 weeks ago. I personally wish logoc hadn't chosen Box Hill for the games, as before the test event the atmosphere was different. Since the test event I feel the attitude has changed towards cyclists in the area. I feel there must have been a better climb to choose for the event and one where spectators can enjoy and create an atmosphere. Who is the logoc organiser for the cycling road race - do they really think they have chosen the best route? i doubt it now.

moonbucket | 13 years ago

When you consider the crux of the matter it's actually quite preposterous!

This is nothing to do with cycling and everything to do with inconveniencing motorists. After all, increased cyclists in an area has next to zero environmental impact, causes little noise pollution and, as any cafe/bar owner will know, will see increased local spending!

Contrast that with noisy, polluting motorists who zoom right through the area with their only concern how quickly they can get from a - b.

The people of this area should welcome the cyclists with open arms and cakes, lots of cakes - they might even see the number of cars drop as the motorists find the route less appealing and stick to the main roads instead. Win-win!

velotech_cycling replied to moonbucket | 13 years ago

"This is nothing to do with cycling and everything to do with inconveniencing motorists."

For my part I think that you are bang-on there - and that spreads through the whole debate, whether we are talking about Box Hill or my local High Street.

There seems to be a general assumption that as soon as an individual sits behind a steering wheel, they somehow have priveliges on the road not extended to others - not so, obviously - but until all members of society can get that into their heads from a very early age - we are going to be on the back foot.

I had a long debate with a motorist about this last week, whilst his five-year old child sat safely strapped into the back of the car after the driver had cut me up having "not seen me" which then became "you shouldn't be on the road anyway" to "why aren't you wearing a helmet - you should be" ... all the usual nonsense. Thing is, what chance do we have that the child will grow up with a balanced view?

Ah, well - have to keep chipping away, I guess ...

Paul M | 13 years ago

Menacing behaviour by cyclists towards motorists?

Reminiscent of the famous exchange between Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin: on being advised to maintain good relations with the Vatican, "Uncle Joe" is said to have asked "How many divisions has the Pope?"

I guess I could always threaten to leave a lot of blood for a driver to wipe off his bumper!

step-hent | 13 years ago

The police seem at least to be talking a good game - their point that everyone has to be considerate of everyone else is exactly right. Let's hope they police it sensibly, but at least so far it doesn't look like a 'crackdown on cyclists' when the situation is clearly more complex.

timlennon | 13 years ago

"Threatening behaviour whilst on a bicycle". I bet car drivers quiver with fear at the prospect of a bit of lycra and expensive carbon fibre being thrown at their vehicle in a fit of rage!

OldRidgeback | 13 years ago

Well it makes a change from motorcyclists being targeted. I've been stopped on my motorbike numerous times by the police for random document checks but never in my car.

thereverent | 13 years ago

I hope the police are looking out for motoring offences as they wil see plenty in the area.

"Cyclists are traffic as well"

This should be repeated as so many people can't grasp this concept.

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