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Shane Warne in anti-cyclist Twitter rant - but Melbourne cyclist says cricketer drove into him

Witness comes forward to support cyclist's version of events, but ex-test star says bikes should be registered...

A Melbourne cyclist insists that cricketer Shane Warne deliberately drove into him with his Mercedes, at odds with the latter’s version of events of an incident that took place yesterday evening as he drove home from the Melbourne Cricket Ground.

However, the cyclist’s version has also been supported by an anonymous witness who approached a local newspaper as the incident grabbed national attention after Warne started talking about the incident on Twitter.

It’s likely the incident would have attracted little attention had it not been for an increasingly irate series of tweets posted by Warne about it on the social networking website.

Those came just days after Warne had gone on the site to call for cyclists to pay ‘rego’ – in other words, to have their bikes licensed and registered.

In yesterday’s incident, Warne claimed that the cyclist had hit his car as he moved past it and positioned his bike in front of it at traffic lights, then turned and delivered abuse at him.

He said he told the cyclist to get off the road, admitting that he clipped his tyre as he drove his Mercedes past him.

That doesn’t quite square with the cyclist’s own version of events, outlined in a letter sent to the Herald Sun and the website Cycling Tips, nor with the account given by an independent witness to the incident.

The latter told the Herald Sun: “He [Warne] literally did run over the bike.''

In his letter, the cyclist involved in the incident described how, after he had moved his bike into the centre lane at the lights, the driver – who had not yet realised was Warne – was shouting at him, yelling, “What are you doing? You don’t own the road! Get out of the way.”

The cyclist went on, “I shook my head and probably yelled something similarly inane back. Now even more agitated the driver continued to yell, ‘you don’t own the road.’

“I looked more closely and recognised him as Shane Warne, laughed and asked, “What are you doing?” and began to get ready to clip into my bike to continue the ride home.”

“But before I could the driver lurched his car forward forcing my bike wheel and almost my leg under the front of his car.

“Dumbfounded at how overtly aggressive the driver had been and aware that we were now holding up the traffic, I pulled my bike from under the car and attempted to continue riding. My wheel was jammed against the frame of my bike and the chain was tangled so I had to carry it to the footpath to fix it.”

According to Warne, “everyone was shaking their head at this bike rider as he was being very dangerous.”

Again, however, that conflicts with the cyclist’s own version of events, in which he describes how witnesses offered him help – along with details of Warne’s vehicle’s registration number.

The cyclist added: “I’d had no intention of making any of this public – I simply wanted deal with it privately and ask him to repair my bike.

“However Mr Warne, the public man that he is, seemed to want the whole thing in plain view. After reading his twitter account I discovered the comments he’d been making about cyclists in the previous days. I was surprised by how angry and frustrated he seemed to be.”

Both parties filed complaints with the police, although the latter advised each to explore a civil action instead "due to the minor nature of the incident."

Warne’s fiancee, actress Liz Hurley, tweeted yesterday evening: “Crikey,@warne888 was attacked by a mad cyclist. I'd have opened the car door into said loon's path had I been there,” but concluded that tweet by adding, “Keep calm, just kidding.”

In subsequent tweets, Hurley – or perhaps a PR adviser who had managed to wrestle her phone off her – said she sympathised with the dangers faced by cyclists in London.

“Cyclists get a pretty raw deal in London-very few bike lanes, insane lorry drivers & if they rode two abreast they'd get squashed flat,” she wrote.

She made it clear, however, that she wouldn’t be taking to the streets on two wheels any time soon. “I happen to be a fan of Boris Bikes, not that I'd get on one for love or money. Too dangerous. Plus, makes your thighs too muscular.”

Warne, who retired from test cricket in 2007, is currently playing for Melbourne Stars in Australia’s Big Bash Twenty20 tournament.

Chiara Paserini, the wife of one of Australia's current sporting heroes, Cadel Evans, added her voice to the debate on Twitter, saying, “I would be very scared of meeting someone like @warne888 during a bike ride. His hate towards cyclists is worrying. Glad I only ride a little!''

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skippy | 13 years ago

Hurley got onto Twitter also " Supporting her man"! They deserve each other ! Wonder how long they will last after liz is granted citizenship ?
Bridie was too kind to the " role model " and that " devine character " must be seeking headlines again ? Remember when Cadel returned to Melbourne after the TDF ? Guess who jumped onto the front page , don't all rush !
Suggested in my blog that Warnie pay up and give a few of his " free tickets" to the cyclist and his lady before he meets the magistrate ! Perhaps " his honor " will get a few incentives to be forgiving towards this cricketing retiree ?

jugster | 13 years ago

Every pot finds its lid, as they say. I think those two halfwits deserve each other.

That Bridie article is great, I think Hurley & Warne should have to commute on a bike for the rest of their natural born lives!

yenrod | 13 years ago

Shane Warne - nasty piece of work! He's shown his true colours just like Clarkson has -and hes a tw@t.

GeeTee | 13 years ago

Warne is just one more tool with an over blown sense of self importance. He lost the plot, then got on to Twitter after the event so as to get on the PR front foot. Good on the cyclist for not putting up with that crap.

moonbucket | 13 years ago

You'd think a sportsman would have a common bond with cyclists. Ah, just noticed my mistake, there. Carry on.

OldRidgeback | 13 years ago

Great article that Simon - puts a lot into perspective. I particularly liked this bit:

It’s important to remember that while Warne made a career out of being a spin bowler, he was far more famous for his sledging, his hair, his recidivist womanising, and poor nutritional choices. He can be proud of his contribution to cricket’s image as a sport of overweight, overpaid blokes who drink a lot.

andylul | 13 years ago

Has James Martin had a sex change?

This woman needs to calm down a bit - she makes Jeremy Clarkson sound like a spokesman for the CTC

"Motorists are sick of the silent two-wheeled menaces on our road. We are sick of the way they weave through traffic, run red lights, come out of nowhere and ignore road rules to suit themselves.

We are sick of the empty bike lanes that make already clogged roads impassable and the fact the bicycle lobby’s power is disproportionate to their numbers. We are sick of their sense of entitlement and increasing aggression.

We are sick of the dangerous fiction that the road is there to share. In fact, the road is there for cars. Bicycles are there only under sufferance."

Simon E replied to andylul | 13 years ago
andylul wrote:

"Motorists are sick of the silent two-wheeled menaces on our road."

"two-wheeled menaces"??

I don't know.... the lengths people go to in order to avoid confronting reality. But columinsts are expected to write 'provocative' articles, they're much more newsworthy than the facts.

Cycle racer Bridie O'Donnell has written an excellent article on Warne and sporting role models:

On a related matter, I see that the road rage driver that threatened Martin Porter QC has finally been convicted. It isn't difficult to work out what really is the "menace" on our roads!

Edit: I see under 'Related Articles' the top story is:
Australian helmet cam study reveals motorists to blame in vast majority of cycling crashes (+ videos)
Well, I never woulda guessed it!

Have written a complaint email to news [at] and devinemiranda [at]

velobetty replied to andylul | 13 years ago
andylul wrote:

"We are sick of the dangerous fiction that the road is there to share. In fact, the road is there for cars. Bicycles are there only under sufferance."

In fact bicycles and pedestrians are there by right of way, cars under license.

Last night on my 6-mile cycle home I saw two bicycles go through red lights, but they used them as a 'yield' and went through safely. I also saw 7 vehicles running red lights at speed, 4 licensed taxi-drivers driving while on a mobile phone and one HGV driver doing the same.

alotronic | 13 years ago

I used to commute and train in Melbourne for 8 years. I'm afraid London is comparatively easy and safe.

People do 50mph on the wide open suburban streets, there's tram tracks and there is a certain type of Australian male who would rather die than be seen to concede a point. My Warne, unsurprisingly, is one of those.

I had something similar to this happen to me, back wheel buckled by someone who just decided they didn't like me (while stopped, luckily). Mostly just ignored by a certain type of driver. I learnt some of my more aggressive anti-traffic tactics there, since moderated in London. My wife says that when I get angry I sound more Australian than Kiwi  1

However there are hunders of k of fantastic independent if kinda windy bike lanes in Melbourne that follow streams and I ended up using most of the time, and it is a great city. The lanes however end on the edge of the CBD and all other busy areas.

This is just the sort of 'biffo' that only makes the two sides polarise even more. Obvious which side I am on!

OldRidgeback | 13 years ago

If Liz Hurley has any more lifts she'll have a beard. Says it all about her judgement in men or what she says on Twitter supporting said aggressive twits.

big mick | 13 years ago

Cricket,says it all the man mannequin is a complete f--k wit,also looks like a big girls blouse too no doubt he will be playing f--king golf next.Like i say girls blouse.

WolfieSmith | 13 years ago

I'm stumped as to why we've veered away from the silly cricket analogies. I was enjoying them more than being reminded of the very existence of that dreadful couple. Glad they're on the other side of the planet although it's still not far enough.

Alan Tullett | 13 years ago

Shane Warne and Liz Hurley are twats! Made for each other!!

djc1245 | 13 years ago

Liz who???? Jumped up, stuck up bitch

I remember giving Warney loads of abuse when he was playing against England at The Oval..Glad to know he deserved it

barryoz | 13 years ago

I hope Liz Hurley gets shot in the face! Calm down, just joking.

Whippet | 13 years ago

Exactly same thing happened to me, but it was not famous cricketer. The guy ended up paying for repairs on the bike.

gazpacho | 13 years ago

His Twitter description says he has 'found calm in my life'... really?  14

mustard | 13 years ago
Argy replied to mustard | 13 years ago
mustard wrote:

Nice piece on it here:

Great read! Thanks for sharing that!.... Warne is a twat!...  14

phy2sll | 13 years ago

Think he needs to cut down on the hydrochlorothiazide and amiloride.

Carlton Reid | 13 years ago

I see from Liz Hurley's twitter feed that she has a rage (sic) of organic snacks.

One of them is beef jerky. Appropriate.

PhilRuss replied to Carlton Reid | 13 years ago
Carlton Reid wrote:

I see from Liz Hurley's twitter feed that she has a rage (sic) of organic snacks.

One of them is beef jerky. Appropriate.

[[[[[[[ Carlton, would a bit of porridge fit the bill too?

kaptnkrunch | 13 years ago

What is Liz hurley talking about?

She's wrong on two counts.
First: There's no danger of getting muscular thighs riding a boris bike.
Second: muscular thighs are frikkin sexy.

Crazy woman.

RoadChimp | 13 years ago

Silly stretched-face fool, doesn't he realise that cycling into a stiff headwind can give you the same results as plastic surgery, and it's cheaper.

Peace & love Warney, get yourself a bike mate.

A V Lowe | 13 years ago

Hurley & Warne have both clearly shown why their PR machines make such great efforts to stop them using twitter.

They as a fallible as you or I in losing the plot and saying the most stupid things - problem is that when they do so , it will run & run.

Hurley definitely gone down in my estimation of her commonsense, and as for the attempt to recover the situation by PR that really hit a nadir in poor spin.

1961BikiE | 13 years ago

Shane Warne = Kn£b. Who would have guessed. Maybe the hair implants have dug through his scalp to his brain. No, sorry that's ridiculous, hair roots surely couldn't grow that long?

Apple Tree | 13 years ago

Sounds like Shane has been at his Mum's pills again !  19

The Good Shepherd | 13 years ago

I'd like to see Warne try that stunt on Bernard Hinault!

jazzdude replied to The Good Shepherd | 13 years ago

I'd like to see him try it with Robbie McEwan, he'd get head butted!


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