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Kirklees community bike group hit by thieves for second time in three months

Five bikes and parts stolen in second targeted attack

Five bikes worth £600 and a box of parts worth £400 have been stolen in the second raid on a Kirklees community bike project in three months.

Staff at Streetbikes in Littletown, Liversedge found that the shutters had been prised open on Tuesday night at their storage unit where they keep bikes that local people learn to restore.

The facility had still not recovered from a similar incident in May in which £800 of parts and other bikes were taken. In that incident, the entire stock of adapted bikes for disabled riders was taken.

Gill Greaves, managing director of Streetbike, told the Huddersfield Daily Examiner: "We haven’t got back on track from last time as we are still waiting for our insurance claim to be processed.

“We are a small group and don’t have cash flow.

“[The council] installed extra security after the May break in. They put up security lights and changed the locks, but we have still been hit.

“We don’t pay rent on the council building because we help them with their disability scheme. But we are now looking for premises to move all our bikes to as its no good if they are not secure.”


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Sarah Barth | 12 years ago

Ha, the word I was going for was 'prised' -

Definition of prise

[with object and adverbial of direction]

use force in order to move, move apart, or open (something): I tried to prise Joe’s fingers away from the stick


Jack Osbourne snr replied to Sarah Barth | 12 years ago

As long as there's no Zee in it, it's all good.  4

Jack Osbourne snr | 12 years ago

Either the shutters were very valuable or they were pried open...

On a less pedantic note though, its always maddening to see charities and people doing good work targeted by scumbags.

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