A second Conservative politician has spoken out about the viral video which has been doing the rounds on Twitter and shows a motorist driving past a five-year-old cyclist within touching distance.
Just as Tory peer Baroness Foster did yesterday, Susan Hall — the leader of the Greater London Assembly Conservatives and chair of the Police and Crime Committee — argued the child should not have been cycling on the road in the first place.
Responding to a Jeremy Vine tweet suggesting anyone who does not think "the driver must go dead slow, or stop" should "cut up their driving licence and send the pieces back to the DVLA", Hall argued: "Surely the issue here is that a 5-year-old should not be on the public highway riding a bike!"
Then responding to a replier who pointed out the footway is part of the public highway, Hall doubled down, saying the child should cycle "slowly on the footway, or preferably in the park".
"I'm amazed however that given road behaviour by all that you find it acceptable for a five-year-old to be on a bike in the road," she responded to another before writing another reply saying the "worry" is children are "generally so small [...] they might not always be seen".
Conservative peer Baroness Foster — appointed to the House of Lords by then Prime Minister Boris Johnson in December 2020 — yesterday argued similar, writing: "A child that small should not be cycling on a road! A completely irresponsible decision along with your comments that put the entire onus on the car drivers if/when something goes horribly wrong!"
> Driver – in untaxed car with expired MOT – mounts pavement on wrong side of the road… then chastises six-year-old for cycling on same footpath
After the video went viral on Twitter, racking up 2.3 million views and more than 9,000 replies since Friday, the father of the child appeared on Jeremy Vine's Channel 5 show during a segment titled 'Cycling row: Who's in the wrong?' where Vine and journalist Mike Parry criticised the driving.
Ashley, the father, told the show "the facts are clear on this one — the driver was wrong and my son has every right to ride on the road."
He added that it would be "factually wrong" for anyone to claim the driver did not put the young cyclist at risk.
Panel guest Parry agreed, saying the debate about whether the child should have been cycling on the road is "utterly irrelevant".
"Surely human compassion, surely human nature says that if you're driving a car at speed and there's a little child coming the other way your instinct should be the protective nature of an adult in a car over a child," he told Vine.
"There's no argument there. Every time I see this I flinch, I get a shiver down my back [...] I don't know whether the child should have been there or not, that's a separate scientific argument on roadcraft and all that... but when you see a child on a bike, a little five-year-old coming towards you, you pull in just to make absolutely sure no harm is going to come to the child. It's natural instincts."
"He's certainly riding competently and with confidence"
In response to a question from the Sunday Times Driving, Tim Shallcross of IAM Roadsmart said: "There is no minimum age limit for cycling on a road; the lad is a little younger than most cycling organisations recommend to be on a road, but he's certainly riding competently and with confidence and under supervision, so no problem there."
He also pointed to Rule H3 of the Highway Code, referencing the 'hierarchy of road users', which tells drivers to "stop and wait for a safe gap in the flow of cyclists if necessary".
"Highway Code guidance is for cars to give 1.5m clearance to cyclists in 30mph limit, and since the cyclist was already passing parked vehicles and there was clearly not room for 1.5m clearance, the car should have waited until the cyclist was clear before carrying on," he concluded.
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Having looked at Hall's twitter thread, it seems that something like 90%+ are supporting the cyclist; good.
My two'pennorth:
"But you're chair of the Police and Crime Committee; shouldn't you have some understanding of the law, and why the law exists? Hint; it isn't to allow drivers to put other people in danger. You should resign now, you're not competent to be there."
Unfortunately you don't need to be competent to be a politician (and from my observation, a high degree of incompetence seems to be beneficial - I wonder if party donors prefer stupid yes-people?), You merely need to be electable, which seems to be an ever-descending bar.
Well below ground level judging by the current cabinet.
But what if the park doesn't lead from their home to the shops/school/swimming pool/other chosen destination?
Exactly this.
I've just seen the Twitter feed of the show and Mike Parry is 100% right. It doesn't matter the legality or whatever you think, its irrelevant. What is not irrelevant, it's a 5 year old kid FFS!
Even if the child and parent were in the wrong (which they aren't) for the driver to drive a car at a child under any circumstances is deplorable. Anyone defending that driving needs to take a long look in the mirror.
Wow! These Evil Tory caricature baddies Hall and Foster are going all out for the DM vote, with full scale victim blaming. A pair for right-thinking people to shun!
The tory party is now a blatantly irresponsible gang, more akin to a group of teenagers desperately showing off to demonstrate their power and attractiveness to the opposite sex. Full of people with no idea how the average person lives, with utter contempt for the public, incompetent, bullying and useless. Gavin Williamson being the perfect example.
Martin is going to lose his shit completely when he hears a tory chair of the PCC advocates cycling on the pavement. Is anyone not amazed that the tory chair of the PCC has nothing to say about the illegality of the driving. In fairness, I am amazed at forthrightness of the IAM. I shouldn't be, it's straightforward but I've not always held them in the highest regard.
Rakia sweetie, if you're not originally from round here, may be best to gen up on the local law before you comment. You'll look less like a tit.
To be fair I don't think Martin is a Tory. Just because all Tories are complete wankers doesn't mean every complete wanker is a Tory. I think his hatred of cyclists and cycling done any other way than the extremely limited way in which he does it is so virulent it's probably ecumenical.
You're getting better at this. If there's one thing I think you've learned it's to stop using misogynistic insults as personal abuse. I take personal credit for this.
Are you sure you posted that from the correct fake account?
Slipped up rather there, hasn't he? Reported to mods as clear admission that a PBU is back.
This is the funniest thing I've read on here in a while. Thanks for the chuckle.
Ah, so you are Nigel. Thought so. Off to mods with you.
Maybe point out his racism in the first few posts, ala pretending to be someone foreign with a phrase he thinks foreigners might use.
Although I doubt they will do something as it is quite clear Martin is Socraticyclist and they love the clicks generated from these so allow them back.
BTW, it makes sense who it was with his weird comments when you posted a picture of yourself the other day.
Labour council does something completely idiotic and anti-cycling, Road.cc calls it "Halifax council blah blah blah".
Conservative politician states the obvious that a wobbly 5 year old shouldn't be riding a bike on the road for their own safety and Road.cc, without context, calls it "Should not be on the public highway riding a bike: Conservative politician".
Also the car passed nice and slowly and NOT in touching distance. Unless you're assuming the 5 year old child has arms longer than Mr Tickle.
Boo/Nigel/Lance/EnjoyTheRide comes back AGAIN pretending initially to be foreign, people give him the benefit of the doubt. Within 20 posts he drops the facade and returns to his normal behaviour which just shows his "a child knows this" approach was just racism and seems to be inherent in him being as the previously bans were for that as well.
And weren't you previously arguing you let your four year old ride on the roads and this is just the father being vocal?
I hate trolls
Especially racist ones.
Can we just develop the self-discipline to starve them? I'm going to try.