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Near Miss of the Day 597: Driver overtakes cyclist despite oncoming bus ... then turns left

Our regular series featuring close passes from around the country - today it's Essex...

Today's video in our Near Miss of the Day series is one of those where you do wonder what on earth was going through the motorist's head before overtaking a cyclist despite a double-decker bus approaching from the opposite direction.

And underlining the pointlessness of the driver deciding to put themself and any other occupants of the vehicle at risk, as well as of course endangering the cyclist, bus driver and passengers, the motorist promptly took the next left, saving a couple of seconds at most compared to waiting behind the bike rider.

Tony, the reader who filmed the incident told us it took place a couple of days ago.

He said: "I was out for an early morning ride in Thurrock, cycling through a part of Chadwell St Mary, when this driver dangerously overtakes with oncoming traffic all so they weren't held up pulling into the next side road!"

Tony added: "I reported this to Essex Police who have confirmed that driver has been given the option of a conditional offer or driver awareness course."

> Near Miss of the Day turns 100 - Why do we do the feature and what have we learnt from it?

Over the years has reported on literally hundreds of close passes and near misses involving badly driven vehicles from every corner of the country – so many, in fact, that we’ve decided to turn the phenomenon into a regular feature on the site. One day hopefully we will run out of close passes and near misses to report on, but until that happy day arrives, Near Miss of the Day will keep rolling on.

If you’ve caught on camera a close encounter of the uncomfortable kind with another road user that you’d like to share with the wider cycling community please send it to us at info [at] or send us a message via the Facebook page.

If the video is on YouTube, please send us a link, if not we can add any footage you supply to our YouTube channel as an unlisted video (so it won't show up on searches).

Please also let us know whether you contacted the police and if so what their reaction was, as well as the reaction of the vehicle operator if it was a bus, lorry or van with company markings etc.

> What to do if you capture a near miss or close pass (or worse) on camera while cycling

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Muddy Ford | 3 years ago

Driver awareness course for risking the life of the cyclist and the safety of the bus passengers? We need British Cycling etc. to push for a law change that makes this 'cop-out' action impossible. This driver had utter contempt for any other road user, and a driver awareness course isnt going to fix it. Impounding and crushing their car might.

Velophaart_95 replied to Muddy Ford | 3 years ago

Agree - I wonder if these courses actually work. That is worthy of a ban, and then a re-test after a ban is served.

grumpyoldcyclist | 3 years ago

It was dangerous, they got away lightly but thanks for taking the time to report it. Every little helps.

wtjs replied to grumpyoldcyclist | 3 years ago
1 like

thanks for taking the time to report it. Every little helps.

I can tell GOC is not a policeman- troublemakers who report offences are the people the police really hate.

TonyE-H replied to grumpyoldcyclist | 3 years ago

This one just felt really bad the time, and then seeing the driver turn left shortly after, well, that annoyed me just as much as the pass. Being Essex police though it's always a bit of potluck whether they'll do anything.

AlsoSomniloquism | 3 years ago

And even with the cyclist and the oncoming bus, he also decided to do the manoeuvre on a speed bump which did  cause a wobble in the bike and also could have caused one in the car if hitting it as an angle like he probably had to. Police have bottled that with just the driver course in my eyes as multiple bits of due care and attention failures in one clip. 

Awavey replied to AlsoSomniloquism | 3 years ago
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seems odd to have speed bumps on that road, but then make them still drivable over at 30mph still, kind of wonder what purpose they serve.

not that making them bigger, or lowering the speed limit, actually ever slows down the real crazy drivers, but you like to think it damages their car more.

AlsoSomniloquism replied to Awavey | 3 years ago
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I expect they are there to keep the speeds at 30mph. As we know from a few weeks ago, some roads the speeds get set by how fast the drivers can go along them so I suspect it was "fast" speed bumps or 50mph speed limit. 

TonyE-H replied to AlsoSomniloquism | 3 years ago
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This was Essex police, so to get anything from it is a result imo.

Even if they only do the course, they have to pay for it themselves, sit in a classroom/zoom call for a around four hours and won't be able to do another course for at least year.

wtjs replied to TonyE-H | 3 years ago

won't be able to do another course for at least year

Lancashire Constabulary are so desperate to preserve their 'we never prosecute' record for close-passing, I suspect they would bend that 'rule'. I witnessed this desperation in court only this week, although it is CPS strictly speaking. Driver- proves to be a caricature of a golf professional with a really 'loud' tie and check jacket- failed to attend a course in the specified period after the offence. I'm convinced he was trying it on in the hope that the case would just get forgotten. I didn't let LC forget it, but they/ CPS fought back and bent the rules so that he is now allowed to attend the course as long as he completes before November. 2 years and 2 months after the offence, and he's then got away with it. I now understand there are 2 parts to the course: a super-joke online only part and another bit that it appears you can do on Zoom/ Teams etc.

Result: LC has still never prosecuted anyone for non-contact close passing. But I'm still working on it.

TonyE-H replied to wtjs | 3 years ago

That's insane. Really should have been referred back for further action (court or points & fine).

It really does seem as if some forces go out of their way to do nothing. Essex police do seem to have slightly improved recently on taking action, but is still hit and miss.

wtjs replied to TonyE-H | 3 years ago

It really does seem as if some forces go out of their way to do nothing

You're a newcomer, so you wouldn't know that I am continually harping on about Lancashire Constabulary being institutionally 'we do nothing'. That close-passing case is nowt! You should see them doing nothing about large Range Rovers going through A6 traffic lights 2 seconds after they turned red.

wtjs | 3 years ago

you do wonder what on earth was going through the motorist's head

I don't wonder- it was: I am in an Audi, I have multiple exhaust pipes, I dream of being in a Tiger tank on the steppes, or the stainless steel warrior crushing human skulls at the beginning of Terminator 2.

He's not going to get any more points or a retest- just the joke get-out course.

Velophaart_95 | 3 years ago

Points on the licence and a re-test should suffice......

andystow | 3 years ago

Obviously, if he'd waited for the traffic in the opposite lane to pass, he wouldn't have had time to pass you before turning left!


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