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Near Miss of the Day 916: Cyclist detached from group during club ride gets close passed by motorist... who's let off with a warning letter from police

“It’s frustrating given the number of KSI’s on our roads that Essex Police don’t deem driving like this to warrant further action”

A cyclist who was on a club ride in north Essex was close-passed by a motorist before a blind bend, however, the police decided to proceed with just a warning letter, leading to the cyclist and a cycling campaign raising questions about how will "driver behaviour improve if there are no consequences for poor driving".

The incident took place on Birchwood Road, just north of Colchester, last Saturday as Nick was at the end of his club run. He told that he and other club riders often use the road to get out into and back from the quieter country roads in North Essex and South Suffolk.

Nick, chair of VC Revolution, a Colchester-based cycling club, said: "I had got detached from our group waiting for another rider before they turned off, and as I was riding back to my group was passed by this driver, who also close passed the other group up the road but I didn’t get footage. 

"Myself and the [club] committee take our riders' safety extremely seriously and have invested a not-so-insignificant amount into Cycliq cameras to all groups have video recording.

"What is frustrating is Essex Police and their Safer Roads campaign. Submission which most other forces would take action on are either no further action or warning letters which does nothing to change driver behaviour, and their outcomes are far below other forces

"The majority of drivers are patient and wait for a safe opportunity to pass but not all," he added. "It's frustrating given the number of KSI’s on our roads that Essex Police don’t deem driving like this to warrant further action."

Nick shared the front camera footage of the close pass as well, noting: "Almost like it’s just the easiest way for them deal with it. Looks like they’re acting on it, but not doing a thing... At least they gave empty space 1.5m."

The police force's decision to send the driver a warning letter after this close pass has even drawn criticism from Colchester Cycling Campaign, who said: "We have written to the Essex Police Chief Constable, Roger Hirst, and the chair of Safer Essex Roads about the poor performance of the Extra Eyes service. Cyclists across Essex have lost confidence in the service and Essex Roads Policing's ability to punish dangerous drivers."

Twitter user Ride Primary TVL said: "Policing has been so poor since cops stopped riding bikes that some people think warning letters, and awareness courses are suitable for careless or dangerous driving. That's a minimum of a 3 point fix penalty offence."

Camera cyclist CyclingMikey also chimed in, saying: "I get a number of emails and messages about Essex Police dropping 3rd party allegations that the Met Police would almost certainly have prosecuted. It's my impression that Essex Police are failing to meet their obligations and are substandard on this issue."

Colchester Cycling Campaign replied: "Frustratingly, they were okay until a couple of months ago. They claim to have been impacted by some regulatory changes, but this doesn’t seem to have impacted other forces like West Yorkshire."

> Near Miss of the Day 910: Cyclist "let down" by police response to shocking close pass by speeding driver

Cyclists have previously expressed their discontent with the Essex Police, most recently in our Near Miss of the Day series, when a cyclist who was on the receiving end of a shocking close pass from a speeding driver with a traffic island approaching that left him "shaken" criticised the force for offering the offending driver the choice of points or a fine as punishment reader Tony, who goes by the name CykelTony on YouTube, said: "I was approaching a traffic island by the entrance to a country club when I was shockingly passed at high speed by this driver, coming incredibly close to my right-hand side and cutting back in front sharply to make the traffic island. I was shocked at the recklessness, and shouted at the driver.

"It's one of the few incidents that truly left me shaken, I found myself having to stop a couple of times afterwards to collect myself and calm down, as it kept replaying in my mind.

"I reported it to Essex Police as soon as I got home. After chasing for the result, they stated the driver will be offered the choice of a driving course or points and fine. 

"I felt let down by this and did write to them to complain about the outcome, but to date have not received a response."

> Near Miss of the Day turns 100 - Why do we do the feature and what have we learnt from it?

Over the years has reported on literally hundreds of close passes and near misses involving badly driven vehicles from every corner of the country – so many, in fact, that we’ve decided to turn the phenomenon into a regular feature on the site. One day hopefully we will run out of close passes and near misses to report on, but until that happy day arrives, Near Miss of the Day will keep rolling on.

If you’ve caught on camera a close encounter of the uncomfortable kind with another road user that you’d like to share with the wider cycling community please send it to us at info [at] or send us a message via the Facebook page.

If the video is on YouTube, please send us a link, if not we can add any footage you supply to our YouTube channel as an unlisted video (so it won't show up on searches).

Please also let us know whether you contacted the police and if so what their reaction was, as well as the reaction of the vehicle operator if it was a bus, lorry or van with company markings etc.

> What to do if you capture a near miss or close pass (or worse) on camera while cycling

Adwitiya joined in 2023 as a news writer after completing his masters in journalism from Cardiff University. His dissertation focused on active travel, which soon threw him into the deep end of covering everything related to the two-wheeled tool, and now cycling is as big a part of his life as guitars and football. He has previously covered local and national politics for Voice Cymru, and also likes to write about science, tech and the environment, if he can find the time. Living right next to the Taff trail in the Welsh capital, you can find him trying to tackle the brutal climbs in the valleys.

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JLasTSR | 5 months ago

I saw the front camera first and that didn't look too bad. The rear one was not good. 

I think this is one where the driver delayed their overtake without slowing to allow the approaching car past. It suddenly made what would have been a reasonable pass a close one. 

The added danger in these situations is if there is a change of incline. If the cylist suddenly starts climbing and the driver is not slowing the consequences can be severe. Drivers seldom appreciate the effect a hill has on a cyclists speed. 

Hirsute | 5 months ago
1 like


" Here’s the piece on road crime reporting on R4 Today programme at 7.15.  

90% of all reports to ⁦@WMPolice result in action against reckless drivers. 150,000 reports a year from drivers, cyclists and pedestrians about reckless driving nationally every year. "

Here's essex for sept.


chrisonabike replied to Hirsute | 5 months ago

So in Essex ... of the minority of people with cameras, of all the ones that they actually bother to report, the BEST outcome is that 67% get warned they may be taken to court - but that's motorcyclists.  (I guess this depends on whether you feel that "Advice Letter" is worth anything, and what "other is").

BUT AFAIK the vast majority of reports are from motorists (simply because there are more of them and it's simple to run a camera) so overall this is likely to be more like 26%.  That's not "26% where people are taken to court" - just where there's the possibility.  (That then needs reducing by the number of cases which don't proceed, then by those which don't plead guilty / aren't convicted).  I guess finally we should take into account the lack of deterrence of some of the "now don't do it again" punishments also.

Hirsute | 5 months ago

Essex Police have offically given up on close passes



Most of it is bullshit - why do they need to calculate speed? Just use 1.5m as the max.

They can look up road widths on google maps/earth, they can find vehicle widths from the reg.

Other forces are issuing NIPs but why are Essex doing nothing ?

I think this guidance from a yorkshire force



chrisonabike replied to Hirsute | 5 months ago
1 like

Wonder if that is in relation to an actual instance of successful lawyering against them * OR it's just a case of "people doing their jobs" e.g. if there's some forensic consultant supplying them with guidance on being really watertight (true - lawyers are known for logical pedantry) and they're proactively taking this advice.  Which just so happens to mean that they can immediately remove a ton of workload...

* (e.g. like the early speed camera case where some lawyer pointed out that a *still* image of e.g. car in front of police car showing police speedo was logically no proof that anything in the image was moving at all...)

Hirsute replied to chrisonabike | 5 months ago

But that doesn't explain why other forces are taking action.
CI Kevin Smith of this parish did comment on one of my photos that I should raise an official complaint if there was no action taken.
There is clearly a disjoint between forces of what can be done.

mdavidford replied to Hirsute | 5 months ago
Essex Police wrote:

the investigator is seeking to determine a speed of distance when viewing digital footage

A what now?

quiff replied to mdavidford | 5 months ago
mdavidford wrote:
Essex Police wrote:

the investigator is seeking to determine a speed of distance when viewing digital footage

A what now?

Presumably just a typo for speed or distance

chrisonabike replied to Hirsute | 5 months ago

I believe what they're referring to is below.  It sort of makes sense - though I'm no expert here and I imagine you could take a (very) broad view of what must now be done in a standard fashion by approved experts or what may still be valid in a more narrow one.  (Presumably just sending the "warning letter" doesn't technically require a forensic legal standard of evidencial scrutiny, unless your force wants to make this work go away?):

Part F1 - FSAs to which the code applies
85. FSA – DIG 301 – Specialist video multimedia, recovery, processing and analysis
85.3.1 The following sub-activities are considered to constitute ‘Specialist video multimedia, recovery, processing and analysis’:
a. Recovering, processing or analysing any part of the content of an image or video file, including any of the following:
v. Enhancement/processing of digital images/video, including optimisation for viewing purposes and the application of filters or techniques.
b. The examination/analysis of any part of the content of an image or video file to produce an evidential report includes any of the following (which are opinion evidence):
v. Speed estimation from video.
vi. Analysis of precision and accuracy of timing information related to video footage.

They specifically exclude ANPR though, so that's alright..

mattw replied to Hirsute | 5 months ago

Will the NPCC lead for road policing possibly tell them that they are shit-shovelling?

mattw replied to Hirsute | 5 months ago

One further thought.

Does an audible tap on the window as the vehicle does its close pass dodge any of this garbage by demonsrating how close it was?

Oldfatgit replied to mattw | 5 months ago
1 like

In this car-centric world, an "audible tap" will probably see the cyclist done for criminal damage and assault after the driver slams their brakes on and physically attacks the cyclist for damaging their car ...

mattw | 5 months ago
1 like

Thank-you for this.

Please keep covering it, as the consistent coverage is a pillar of our campaign on this issue.

Legin | 5 months ago

Having lived in Essex for 55 years, before commenting you need to understand the mentality. The area politically is right-wing and like most right wing cultures image and  perception is everything. Therefore what matters is the ability to defend their actions and not do the best job possible. This is often demonstrated by things such as potholes, where they are repaired, they are done as cheaply as possible, so they reappear quickly,  footpaths are not maintained in country areas making it dangerous for people to walk, speed restrictions on roads are an absolute mismatch, commonly an A road will be 40 or 50 mph with single track side lanes running off them unrestricted at 60mph. The police like the easy nick and to manage their statistics to best affect (hence this warning), the politicians only galvinise themselves in to action in the run up to elections and then it is all fluff over substance (The local MP's sudden interest, pre election, to the planned closure of a local hospital), Essex County Council, highly rated by the measures of Local Government, unable to run effective bus services in what (as a surprise to many) is a very rural county, a process of avoiding support for children with special needs, forcing parents to numerous appeals, in the hope that the parents give up. Essex is a truly wonderful place to live, despite it's reputation, there are a lot of great community minded people here living in beautiful countryside enjoying a great quality of life, who make the place work. However if you are relying on the Local Authorities and state institutions for support, with a few exceptions, it is all waffle, BS, and you are stuffed.

Cycloid replied to Legin | 5 months ago

You are a dangerous, cynical, leftie radical - But then so am I.

mctrials23 | 5 months ago

I'm always amazed at the number of people who give me space but are so impatient or unwilling to slow down and speed up that they will overtake me on blind corners. Luckily most of the roads I cycle are quiet but they are just rolling the dice. 

Last ride there was a very close call where there was something coming the other way. They had to swerve back and the car coming the other way had to slam on their brakes. 

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