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Police increase patrols on Swansea prom due to rising number of cyclists

Pedestrians and cyclists head to seafront for daily exercise

South Wales police have increased the number of patrols along Swansea promenade in response to an increase in the number of cyclists. A spokesperson said the force had received complaints of people cycling quickly or in a dangerous manner.

The coronavirus lockdown has seen growing numbers of people cycling for their permitted daily exercise with many drawn to Swansea seafront.

In a statement on its website, Swansea Council announced: "Police are increasing patrols in some of the busiest areas of Swansea prom and the seafront due to a rising number of cyclists and the potential risk of accidents or incidents.

"We're asking cyclists to take care and avoid accidents by observing the Welsh Government's two metre rule and watch out for other cyclists and pedestrians."

A South Wales Police spokesperson explained: "Our Swansea city neighbourhood policing team have received a number of complaints of people cycling fast or in a dangerous manner on the promenade, Marina.

"There is an increase in both cyclists and walkers using these routes during the lockdown and we would ask both of them to be considerate of each other and stick to designated lanes when available and social distancing guidelines."

Nick Guy, from Swansea Bay cycle campaign group Wheelrights, told Wales Online that distancing was more difficult in some areas.

"We have been lobbying the council to make paths wider for pedestrians,” he said. “Between Blackpill and Sketty Lane there is a wider lane for cyclists and it's narrow for pedestrians.

He added that he was pleased to see more people cycling and said the majority did respect others on the promenade.

"We are actually really pleased more people are getting exercise and experiencing the health benefits of cycling," he said.

"Speaking personally, my daughter is cycling several times a week now and has not cycled before. I also have two friends who have got their bikes out of the shed and it has got them out cycling, so it's a good trend.

"We would always advise cyclists to be courteous and obey the Highway Code."

He added: "We are planning to do a leaflet about good behaviour for cyclists, raising for example other issues of using lights at night and obeying traffic signals, and giving priority to pedestrians and children and slowing down.

"We would expect cyclists to slow down when it gets crowded, and obey the two metre rule."

Alex has written for more cricket publications than the rest of the team combined. Despite the apparent evidence of this picture, he doesn't especially like cake.

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Muddy Ford | 4 years ago

Motorists are speeding and killing cyclists, police response is to tell cyclists to wear hiviz, helmets and share road. No increase in police monitoring of speeding drivers or to take video evidence more seriously. Pedestrians out for a stroll (exercise?) complain about cyclists going fast (zero evidence of any increase in pedestrian injuries) and the police muster up a force to deal with these errant cyclists. People protecting a car industry that has no UK ownership. 

Simon E replied to Muddy Ford | 4 years ago

Muddy Ford wrote:

Motorists are speeding and killing cyclists, police response is to tell cyclists to wear hiviz, helmets and share road. No increase in police monitoring of speeding drivers or to take video evidence more seriously. Pedestrians out for a stroll (exercise?) complain about cyclists going fast (zero evidence of any increase in pedestrian injuries) and the police muster up a force to deal with these errant cyclists. People protecting a car industry that has no UK ownership. 

To be fair, that we have not seen evidence is not to say it doesn't exist. But sadly cyclists are an easy target, both for the media and, it seems, some in the police force.

However, if Swansea council officers did their job and put measures in place to protect the cyclists on the adjacent road then the cyclists could whizz along there more safely while the peds could walk without being afraid of being hit by someone on a bike. Less risk, fewer injuries, everyone is happy.

Better still, create a separate lane for cycling and, as Jim points out, get WAG to drop the ridiculously short-sighted and counterproductive "walking distance" restriction.

dodpeters | 4 years ago

If only they would take this kind of approach on the roads when there is the potential for accidents to occur....

Gasman Jim | 4 years ago

Completely predictable following last weekend's tightening of the WAG's rules so that recreational cycling is only permitted within walking distance of home (whatever that is).

If everyone is corralled into a compact urban environment it is inevitable that there will be these problems. I do wonder about the intellect of many of our politicians.

brooksby | 4 years ago

Look, I know that some people on here will take a pop at me for saying this, but:

how come suddenly all the police forces have the staffing levels to be able to enforce no-cycling or no-sunbathing or "What are you buying, sonny-jim,?"

Gus T replied to brooksby | 4 years ago

brooksby wrote:

Look, I know that some people on here will take a pop at me for saying this, but:

how come suddenly all the police forces have the staffing levels to be able to enforce no-cycling or no-sunbathing or "What are you buying, sonny-jim,?"

Well in SWP's case it looks like they've had to stop filming Police, Camera, Action due to social distancing so don't need to reserve offices for car chases. Of course I could be wrong and there are no motorists driving at excessive speeds in Wales during the lockdown.


roubaixcobbles replied to brooksby | 4 years ago

Because bullies, who make up a significant minority of police officers I'm afraid, like weak victims. It's far easier to harass and shout at a lone cyclist than try to take on a souped-up Escort full of stoned teenagers hooning round 30mph zones at 70+. It's the same mentality that saw a friend of mine, a petite 40-something woman, whilst delivering food to isolated individuals, stopped and subjected to a highly aggressive, non-socially-distanced grilling by three burly male officers who refused to believe that she was working for a charity and instead claimed she must be visiting friends. For that type of officer the lockdown is a wet dream and exactly what they joined up for, the right to order other people about in a way that their personalities and intellectual capabilities would never allow them to in any other walk of life. They have no concept of policing by consent and are a disgrace to the uniform and the majority of decent, professional officers.

Rick_Rude replied to roubaixcobbles | 4 years ago

Exactly. Law is generally only applied to the mostly law abiding. All the antisocial laws that penalise everyone are aimed at chavs but they'll just carry on regardless.

These Covid cops seem to be making the law up as they go along anyway.

billymansell replied to brooksby | 4 years ago

Don'cha know shop lifting's down 75% - thanks for that incredible insight Priti - plus other scrote crimes like housebreaking (because most people are at home all the time), therefore they can target resources to a more public presence with regard to coronavirus.

Wierdest thing I saw today was a police officer hiding behind a park sign keeping a distant eye on the park's play equipment and about a dozen dog walkers who were chatting but at a distance. Strange times.

eburtthebike replied to billymansell | 4 years ago

billymansell wrote:

Don'cha know shop lifting's down 75% - thanks for that incredible insight Priti -

I heard her say that too, and try to take the credit for shoplifting being down when most of the shops are shut.  Either she's incredibly stupid or she thinks we are.

Sniffer replied to eburtthebike | 4 years ago

I would suggest she has only kept her job because of Covid-19.  She was under immense pressure due to her unacceptable behaviour before everything in the media pivoted to the virus.

Now she is hidden away so that these stupid comments are not obvious.  She has done only two briefings, remarkable when the PM was ill and she is Home Secretary during the most unique change to personal freedoms.  Both those briefings were at the weekend, one Easter weekend, when media scrutiny is at its lightest.

ktache replied to Sniffer | 4 years ago
1 like

The non apology/apology was shocking!

Zebulebu replied to eburtthebike | 4 years ago
eburtthebike wrote:

billymansell wrote:

Don'cha know shop lifting's down 75% - thanks for that incredible insight Priti -

I heard her say that too, and try to take the credit for shoplifting being down when most of the shops are shut.  Either she's incredibly stupid or she thinks we are.

It's a bit of both. She's thick as pigshit, but arrogant enough to believe she isn't - and everyone else is. Classic Dunning-Kruger

Rome73 replied to Zebulebu | 4 years ago

God almighty - has Priti Vacant still got a job? (Sorry I don't follow the news so am ignorant of such matters. I knew she was Foriegn Secretary or something?) Also isn't she one of those second generation immigrunts who hates immigrunts ?

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