Lara has been riding bikes for longer than she'd care to admit, and writing about them nearly as long. Since 2009 she has been working as part of the review team whilst championing women's cycling on the side, most notably via two years as editor of the, sadly now defunct, UK's first and only women's cycling mag, erm, Women's Cycling.
Believing fervently that cycling will save the world, she wishes that more people would just ride a bike and be pleasant to each other.
She will ride anything with two wheels, occasionally likes to go fast, definitely likes to go far and is always up for a bit of exploring somewhere new and exciting.
I caught a clip involuntarily the other day – popped up on Facebook – of an interview between him and his fellow lump of unspeakableness Piers...
Minimum Speed Limits, isn't it?
More like neighbouring e.g. US towns building a 6 lane motorway between them, covering less than a mile, then claiming "people travelling on foot...
From the footage we got here, there's nothing to suggest the driver's behaviour was anything other than proceeding as normal along the road, then...
There's permeable and then there's permeable, though. Even a permeable driveway is likely to increase runoff vs the garden it replaced - just not...
I initially baulked when the I saw that the BBC felt it necessary to point out that 97mph is "well over the 70mph speed limit" seeing this as a...
Mainline closed after car crashes on to railway...
Thanks for the advice, you're a man after my own heart in terms of keeping after them! I haven't been able to focus much on this over the last...
Also you can get a decent Chinese copy of Rock Bros for about a tenner less than that 👌🏾
The excellent Garmin software and firmware is what you're paying for when you buy expensive Garmin gadgets. I'm a great fan and they're not going...