Ribble Cycles has launched the latest version of its BikeBuilder platform that makes it simple for you to select the frame that you want from the Ribble range and have it built up with the components you want.
You’ve been able to use BikeBuilder to put together the exact bike you want for years, the latest iteration of the platform simplifying the process by now offering recommended builds with enriched digital content.
The system could hardly be easier. You select the type of bike you’re after, choosing from road, cyclocross, and so on.
If you want a road bike, for example, you then choose between racing and sportive options. You get to select from several different models within the different categories, each with a recommended spec list.
You can either go with that recommended spec, with a cheaper ’save’ spec or a more expensive ‘upgrade’ spec.
“BikeBuilder V3 presents customers with three recommended specs, far simplifying the choice and making the differences between components far more apparent, making for a much cleaner, simpler shopping experience,” says Ribble.
“The full BikeBuilder experience does however, remain. For customers looking for an advanced level of customisation, the full custom option is still available through Ribble’s ‘Advanced BikeBuilder’, opening the door to an unrivalled selection of components, wheels and finishing kit.”
It’s simple to alter components according to your taste and budget. All you need to do is click on what you’d like.
One of the most notable changes is the introduction of dynamic images to BikeBuilder. The on screen bike visual now presents a true representation of the final product. Swap standard wheels to a set of deep sections, for example, or change the colour of the bar tape and you can see how your final build will look.
The best way to see how it works is simply to head along to www.ribblecycles.co.uk and have a play.
Not sure who is "grinding to a halt" in London. My journey this morning during rush hour from Paddington Station to my office by Trafalgar Square...
Errrm - they do... https://www.fiafoundation.org/ https://www.fia.com/fia-action-road-safety
Thanks - was about to say that.
".. there were no criminal acts which would allow prosecution”...
Don't buy American.
So many motorists don't observe zebra crossings....
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Well they're definitely not cheap
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