At last year’s Eurobike, we along with many others spotted a curious-looking concept bike with a pin protruding out of the front end on Argon 18’s stand.
It was then dubbed ‘Smart Bike’, and was conceived as an add-on to Argon 18’s bikes that can calculate, in real-time, a rider’s drag coefficient in conjunction with a GPS head unit (plus a monumental amount of post-ride data to analyse). Since then Argon 18 have been busy, and as developer Mark Graveline explains in the video, they've created a separate company called Notio Konect and remade the device as a separate unit that can be fitted to any bike.
The device's complex measuring system can be split into six categories - aerodynamics, environment, the bike, rider biomechanics, rider physiology and traditional metrics such as speed, cadence and power. It's too much to get your head around all at once on the bike and even post-ride for most of us, but Argon 18 say they have two platforms for users to analyse their data - one for those who want the basics and another more complex programme for pure data geeks. You can customise your GPS to have metrics on your screen, (for example your CDA) and as Graveline explains, it's as easy to interpret as watts.
Notio Konect has embedded bluetooth so will sync with most bluetooth-enabled devices. It connects directly to a computer via usb, and data can be shared on third party platforms.
We and Argon 18 still don't know how much it will cost, but they say there's huge demand and will aim for a gradual release between the end of the year and early 2018.
Most of the minor crashes happen with touches of wheels within the peloton, often when they are not even going full tilt, just a moment's...
I am completely fed up with entitled motorists coming to a cycling website and creating an account solely in order to troll. Give it a rest!
👍🏼 IMHO, one of the main things to look out for is butted tubes, double or even tripple butted. ride safe and have a great Christmas
Ah yes, just spotted where "performance line" is quoted on the website. Couldn't see any that fall into both 'evolution' and 'performance' line...
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And we can be sure that Police Scotland would be similarly disinterested...
The self-professed cyclists are really self-claimed cyclists of the 'I'm a cyclist myself' variety
They should read scampercraft and not exaggerate the danger of scuttling along. I discourage squirrel predation by acting like one.
You can get the Varia for £10 less from Decathlon.
Perhaps they should apply the same standard to dangerous, unsafe, poorly designed roads and COMPLETELY rip them out rather than "fix" or "redesign"...