Beds Road CC Reliability Ride
A welcome to riders from all clubs ... Our next Reliability Ride for 2015 - on the 22nd February.
£5.00 gets you entry plus you get free soup and rols and a cracking fun atmosphere at the clubhouse! If you rode the event on 8 Feb, you get in free for the 22nd.
We had 198 riders at the last event, so come along and be part of the buzz!
There is a choice of routes
52 mile route
70 mile route
See the forum ( for times and late-breaking info...
They might do... I know this company in Poole, they were a client and still friends of old colleagues. I'm buying popcorn right now.
I think the changes are going to be of more benefit to pedestrians and the shops along Park St, but there's usually a fair amount of two wheeled...
No. Journalists report facts.
Thanks! This is what we need - market research....
Holding BMW's beer
Army Air Tech (A&E) helicopters here, again through the 70's 80's & 90's 'till they found out I was an old knacker and biffed me out to...
Which one rides better on astroturf?
I'm more interested in the Sonder with a "97mm" wheelbase...might have some toe overlap 😂
Agreed. Use Evo Zero and the transition is pretty quick.
Obviously a Lancashire Constabulary outstation, where they train the police up for getting all reports into the bin as quickly as possible...