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Bristol - Pictures show exactly how Park Street will change after major transformation


There's some interesting changes planned for Park Street - looks to me as though their going to use appropriate design language for the road/pavement


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chrisonabike | 2 hours ago
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(The Post didn't seem to have all the pics - they are available on the council's news site here).

The design details - such as you can see on a very cursory inspection - look good.  In particular the continuous footway (Robert Weetman has a good guide to different "styles" and a checklist for assessing "quality" / effectiveness here).

But how does it look at the network level?

Obviously with Bristol's hills, quite a few people would appreciate public transport to get up them - but will it feel safe grinding uphill with the buses?  (Answer: probably an improvement compared to doing same plus cars?)  Will the buses just get stuck behind all the traffic at the "bus gates"?  (AKA "where do you want us to put the congestion?")

Does it aid any "cycling network"?

hawkinspeter replied to chrisonabike | 1 min ago

I think the changes are going to be of more benefit to pedestrians and the shops along Park St, but there's usually a fair amount of two wheeled traffic up and down there. The hill won't be so problematic for the e-bike/e-scooter riders.

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