Setup Events, Cape Fear Cyclist, and Echo Haiti are teaming up to bring you the "HOTTEST" Event of the year! THE HOT HUNDO is a 12, 20, 40, 60, 80 or 100 mile self-paced ride, with several loops out of Malpass Corner Elementary School. Want a leisurely family ride - pick the 12 mile loop! Want to just get out and have fun with friends - pick the 20, 40 or 60 mile loops! Training for fall long distance endurance events OR want to earn your badass card…go all in for 80 or 100 miles!!! Malpass Corner Elementary school serves as home base and the aid station. Stop in between loops to refill nutrition, hydration and when you have finished your ride, join your fellow cyclist for an old fashioned Labor Day BBQ! Complete with BBQ (pork and chicken) with all the fixins, watermelon, homemade desserts, snow cones, sprinklers, shade tents, and music!
NEW for 2019 we are adding a time trial! Cyclists who want to test their mettle against the clock are invited to join us at 7:00am for a closed course time trial.
Your race registration includes:
*BBQ lunch
*Aid station at Malpass Corner School with snacks and hydration (there are no other aid stations on the routes)
*SAG vehicles on course for mechanical issues and minor medical issues
Register early to get the BEST Swag Package:
All registrations by Aug. 9 will receive a Tech Tee and the first 150 registrations will receive Without Limits Cycling Socks.
Hot Hundo: USD 50.00
Time: 7:00 am - 3:00 pm
Venue Details: Malpass Corner Elementary School, 4992 Malpass Corner Road, Burgaw, 28425, United States
Because of the coverage of the 100 on the beeb I have started to eat pombear crisps, and indeed enjoy them, though the change from cheese and onion...
I had this on my Forerunner 955 yesterday, needed a hard reset. The instructions were on the Garmin website. A time wasting annoyance but easily...
What's the power meter they use to provide the reference figure against which they make the claims for this one? Surely the former must be the...
I dunno, they complain that they spend all this money on cycle lanes and nobody uses them and then one does and...
It would be very interesting to know if there's any backward compatibility with anything. If a lever breaks on my rim braked Tiagra equipped bike,...
Sounds like you won't be either.
I think he's got a screw loose. ...
Pretty much all roads in the south lead to Argos, but beware some long lead times. ...
I'm not sure that 800 lumens is enough for a pitch black off road trail. I switched from an 800 to an 1800 and now I can actually see where I'm...
From world bollards "Just drive around it. Honestly, it’s much cheaper."