Saturday 21st June 2014 -
New year, New Challenge… ride to ‘Chase the Sun’ on June 21st, 2014
‘Chase the Sun’ is an annual cycle challenge, riding across the UK on the year’s longest day, departing at sunrise from the east coast and aiming to reach the west coast before sunset. It is a free event, open to all riders inspired to tackle the endurance, navigational, and motivational elements involved in riding more than 200 miles and every minute of the summer solstice.
In 2014 the ride will depart at 4.30am as the first rays of morning sun rise over Kent’s Isle of Sheppey, and participants will target a scheduled finish some 17 hours and 200 miles later at sunset on the seafront at Brean Sands, Somerset.
The route is a carefully considered cross-section of the UK’s diverse geography and history, from coastal industry to natural wetlands, Roman roads to the suburbs of London, parks to green pastures, picturesque villages and vales, climbing hills and descending gorges, following rivers to once again reach the coast.
Despite the physical challenge of completing the distance against the clock, the ride is first and foremost a group event, with a good spirit on the road. Teamwork, enthusiasm and motivation are the essential elements for a successful ride. Its a ride, not a race!
Chase the Sun is free to join in, to find out more information, or to sign up to participate in this year’s ride, refer to the website –
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Last few weeks to sign up to ride Chase the Sun on 21st June 2014 - get in touch via the website
this is interesting....when i heal up this could be a great goal to aim for.
Yes please! I'm going to go and register now. Especially as it is a Saturday.
This is exactly my sort of madness and a good mid season goal, I'm in!
How about North Shields to Bowness, you know, the narrow bit.
Does that mean extended cake/lunch/tea stops?
i'll be up for it if i'm mended though
bung it on the events calendar if you haven't already done so...
Hi all at, this is a small ride that is growing in numbers year-on-year, i've ridden it since 2008, its a great way to spend the longest day! Hope to see some of you there at sunrise?