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Cyclists who never stop for red lights

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OnTheRopes | 10 years ago

and how is a camera going to identify this red light jumping cyclist?

jacknorell replied to OnTheRopes | 10 years ago
OnTheRopes wrote:

and how is a camera going to identify this red light jumping cyclist?

Probably not, and don't care.

I do care about dangerous vehicles being blasted through red lights by drivers who don't give a shit who they endanger.

jmaccelari | 10 years ago

I'd love to see stricter enforcement against RLJ jumpers. And I don't really see any specific demographic to this sub-class: lycra, jeans, shorts, cheap, fancy, male, female, ... They're all just dumb twunts. Nearly hit one of these morons as I was going through the green this morning. The berk was completely oblivious. I love the POBSO descriptor, though. I have been trying to think of a suitable sobriquet such as this for a while...

And the argument that motorists also jump lights is daft. If they drove over a cliff...?

Initialised replied to jmaccelari | 10 years ago
jmaccelari wrote:

the argument that motorists also jump lights is daft. If they drove over a cliff...?

the cyclist would have a much better chance of landing safely:

wknight | 10 years ago

A cyclist can get 3 points on their license (even if they don't have one) for jumping a red light. Since many cyclists also own cars it would be a good place to start and even if they don't when they do apply for their provisional license it will come with 3 points

farrell replied to wknight | 10 years ago
wknight wrote:

A cyclist can get 3 points on their license (even if they don't have one) for jumping a red light. Since many cyclists also own cars it would be a good place to start and even if they don't when they do apply for their provisional license it will come with 3 points

No they can't.

That would be like having your gym membership revoked for an overdue library book.

giff77 | 10 years ago

@ ike2112
I'm going to take this one literally. So, the genuinely ignorant cyclists wear jeans? I've seen loads of 'ignorant' cyclists clad in Lycra, HiViz, helmets on hi spec carbon bikes jump lights, weave, hop footpaths and demonstrate a total lack of road craft. I've also seen plenty of cyclists wearing regular clothes demonstrate brilliant road craft. The fact of the matter is that there are a***h***s out there in control of 2 wheels or 4 wheels. When I'm out training in full kit or shopping/socialising in regular duds I do my utmost to practice good road craft as do many others on this forum. Please do not continue to strengthen the dichotomy of what cyclists wear determines their road sense or what tribe they belong to.

Cheekyjohn replied to giff77 | 10 years ago
giff77 wrote:

@ ike2112
I'm going to take this one literally. So, the genuinely ignorant cyclists wear jeans? I've seen loads of 'ignorant' cyclists clad in Lycra, HiViz, helmets on hi spec carbon bikes jump lights, weave, hop footpaths and demonstrate a total lack of road craft. I've also seen plenty of cyclists wearing regular clothes demonstrate brilliant road craft. The fact of the matter is that there are a***h***s out there in control of 2 wheels or 4 wheels. When I'm out training in full kit or shopping/socialising in regular duds I do my utmost to practice good road craft as do many others on this forum. Please do not continue to strengthen the dichotomy of what cyclists wear determines their road sense or what tribe they belong to.

Couldn't agree more! Don't be so single minded and ignorant to think what people wear matters!

jacknorell | 10 years ago

This country needs red-light cameras. And loads of them.

kie7077 replied to jacknorell | 10 years ago
jacknorell wrote:

This country needs red-light cameras. And loads of them.

I honestly think that wouldn't raise safety, just funds for councils.

Beatnik69 replied to kie7077 | 10 years ago
kie7077 wrote:
jacknorell wrote:

This country needs red-light cameras. And loads of them.

I honestly think that wouldn't raise safety, just funds for councils.

[wishful thinking]just think of all that lovely revenue that could be put into decent cycling facilities [/wishful thinking]

badbobb replied to kie7077 | 10 years ago
kie7077 wrote:
jacknorell wrote:

This country needs red-light cameras. And loads of them.

I honestly think that wouldn't raise safety, just funds for councils.

would raise safety of the 4th or 5th fine!!!! bike or car, you are a xxxxx jumping a light..... simple

jacknorell replied to kie7077 | 10 years ago
kie7077 wrote:
jacknorell wrote:

This country needs red-light cameras. And loads of them.

I honestly think that wouldn't raise safety, just funds for councils.

I didn't see many red lights jumped in Colorado when I spent (a good while) time there. The cameras are common as muck there. People stop on amber.

andyp replied to kie7077 | 10 years ago
kie7077 wrote:
jacknorell wrote:

This country needs red-light cameras. And loads of them.

I honestly think that wouldn't raise safety, just funds for councils.

as with speed cameras - that's irrelevant. You only end up paying if you're a c*nt.

daddyELVIS replied to andyp | 10 years ago
andyp wrote:

as with speed cameras - that's irrelevant. You only end up paying if you're a c*nt.

...I take it you've never broken a speed limit in a car (if you've never driven a car, fair enough).

kie7077 | 10 years ago

I love the idea of making red lights = give way for cyclists just to make everybody shut up about the minority who RLJ and the stupid fallacious arguments that include RLJing.

hampstead_bandit | 10 years ago

It just seems to come down to a lack of Police enforcement of the roads.

Every day in London I ride my bikes on the roads. Every day I see multiple RLJ from cyclists, motor vehicles, heavy goods, buses, even the Police. The buses and hgv are the most frightening because of the vehicle size.

Cannot 'blame' any group, they all seem to have cottoned onto the lack of enforcement = lack of consequences. It will take more cyclist and pedestrian to get killed before the political will is there to properly fund and brief the Police, terrorism gets a much bigger share of funding despite RTC killing 1000's more every year  3

felixcat | 10 years ago

There are certainly plenty of motorists RLJing.

MaxP | 10 years ago

Why does the type of bicycle make any difference as to a person jumping a red light and lying about it?

Rather silly thing say.

glynr36 replied to MaxP | 10 years ago
MaxP wrote:

Why does the type of bicycle make any difference as to a person jumping a red light and lying about it?

Rather silly thing say.

Exactly this, I've seen plenty of people on a high end race bike jump lights, and plenty of people on a £199 halfords special stop for them.
Doesn't matter what they ride, they are an arse if they jump lights.

ike2112 replied to MaxP | 10 years ago
MaxP wrote:

Why does the type of bicycle make any difference as to a person jumping a red light and lying about it?

Rather silly thing say.

Its far from a hard fact, but it fits my experiences. I live in the country but work mostly in the city and sometimes commute by bike, but drive around for work, so I see a lot of different sights in different situations.
There's two types of dangerous cyclist - the one who is genuinely ignorant, and the one who is a chancer. The genuinely ignorant ones are in jeans, weaving around the road, making unexpected movements across lanes, into traffic etc. They are also, in my experience, the ones more likely to be adamant they are in the right, to the point they will gesture and shout and even stop in the road to argue and make their point that apparently the world should get out of their way.
Cyclists in the sense of the lyrca-wearing road bike folks are more prone just to old-fashioned impatience. They will jump a light, or avoid a light or difficult part of their route via the pavement, in order to keep going at the pace they wish. This is not necessarily any less dangerous, but it is far less prevalent.

As an avid cyclist myself, I am more aware than most of cyclists. Just two weeks ago I nearly hit a kid of about 18 riding a mountain bike, in the dark, weaving up the middle of the outside lane of a 2-lane road with one hand on the handlebars and the other holding a backpack on his shoulder. I nearly hit or even killed him as I genuinely didn't see him until quite late, and as I moved to avoid him he weaved into my way again. I slowed right down as I was so concerned I had no idea what he was going to do next, he weaved more, looked over his shoulder, shouted at me, gave me the finger 3 times then turned off up another road.
I think the biggest problem with cyclists on the road is that the ones who are the problem, don't know they are the problem.

Nzlucas | 10 years ago

I ride through London every day. I see loads of POBSO's (mostly commuters but some scrags) running red lights as well as couriers.

I rarely see lycra (and helmet) wearing cyclists running lights. Although i do see then try to Track stand which is kinda funny, don't they know they look silly?

In my head I have formed a distinction between 'cyclist' and 'person on bike', i.e. not all people on Bikes are cyclists, yet they seem to be the ones who ride the pavement and run red lights.

I also see JUST AS MANY IF NOT MORE CARS run red lights. Cars just seem to do it after it has changed. Some are so blatant that the traffic has to pause from moving off from their fresh green light.

2 nights ago I nearly got hit by a taxi going onto London bridge, because i moved off faster than the bus behind me and the taxi driver looked straight at me, knew he was running the light and drove straight at me!

justin baines | 10 years ago

I saw, and stopped to assist a cyclist who had rode past me , through a red light and got hit by a car (I was stopped at the red light on my bike) I called the police and ambulance as there were some severe injuries, all the time the cyclist was yelling at the car driver that he should have given way, guess what I did, I gave a statement to the police that told the truth, that the cyclist had run the red light without slowing or stopping and that the lights had changed about 20 seconds prior to the incident, this was a clear case of the cyclist (and I use the term loosely, he was more a POBSO (translation - Person On Bicycle Shaped Object)) being in the wrong, (and just for all the flamethrowers and trolls - if the light had been green for us and the car had come through I would have given a truthfull account as well saying that the car was at fault), this POBSO was giving law abiding cyclists a bad name

PonteD | 10 years ago

When I spoke to the police about that, they were understanding but wouldn't admit the driver was in the wrong for choosing to pass at that point and blamed it instead on the layout of the road.

From that I can only infer that he meant that if you hit a cyclist whilst swerving to avoiding road furniture (instead of slowing down for a few seconds) its not your fault  102

bikebot | 10 years ago

This one was more interesting.

Ruddy hell.


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