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Incident on my commute home

Hi all,

This is my first post on the forums so bear with me.
I'm just asking for advice really.

Today on my cycle ride from the hospital in Southampton I passed a Sixth Form college. There was lots of traffic with cars parked on both sides of the road. As I'm passing the parked cars one decides to pull out, they're facing the oncoming traffic. As I see this I shout "NO!" and both the car and I grind to a halt, with me just avoiding slamming into the car. Now, I put my hand up to say sorry and in reply the passenger in the car tells me to F*** off and begins to undo his seat belt and get out of the car. Not wishing to be involved further I make my escape. But as I pull away another person crossing the road decides to clock me on the shoulder as I pass. Thankfully I was able to maintain my balance and could cycle off, albeit rather shaken up after, probably, my scariest experience on the road so far.

I've written a letter to the principal of the college outside of which this occurred, I presume these were all students.

I am just asking if any of you would have done anything else in this situation?
I am intending to invest in a camera as soon as possible, preferably a GoPro because I have had far too many cars just pull out infront of me in the few weeks I have been here.

Thanks very much  1

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Gkam84 | 10 years ago

Get an AirZound horn, scares the crap out of anyone  105

Abbie | 10 years ago

Sounds like a horrid experience. It's amazing how a lovely ride can turn into a really nasty one so quickly. I've a pretty short fuse (could be because of my 5'2'' stature)! And probably would of squared up to them. I 100% don't recommend this action. So annoying that you apologised as well. I'd probably take a different route next time if thats possible. I can't afford a camera sadly. But what's next? scumbags nicking cameras off cyclists. Be careful out there.

Raleigh | 10 years ago

I punch cars the whole time.

I don't recommend making the next step though and actually punching a person.


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