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f**k the police

Ok that might sound a bit dramatic but I got pulled over tonight and had a blazing row - all because I didn't signal to pull across the road outside my house ...
The fact that I was coming downhill and had both hands on the brakes didn't wash ...

I explained my personal safety was more important than the need to give hand signals but it didn't matter

Its a pity they aren't as committed to bike crime ...

ps my daily commute is 9 miles each way so I'd like to think that after 2 years ( of no accidents) I'm a good judge of what works

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sjb2332 replied to guyonabike | 9 years ago

Thanks for the advice, all I ever wanted was a little bit of help / guidance .....!!!!!!!!

Much appreciated  41

Russell Orgazoid replied to sjb2332 | 9 years ago

If I were in your position, I'd have accepted their point of view (reluctantly) made my point, then be on my way.
Getting openly angry with them will make matters worse. Let them think they are in charge...
But I agree with you about wishing their attitude to cyclists own safety was as strong.
The world is full of prats. These rozzers just sound like more of the same.

KiwiMike replied to Russell Orgazoid | 9 years ago
Plasterer's Radio wrote:

If I were in your position, I'd have accepted their point of view (reluctantly) made my point, then be on my way.
Getting openly angry with them will make matters worse. Let them think they are in charge...

Gotta disagree. I'd politely but firmly argue my point, and if they stuck to their line I'd take their collar number and file a complaint. You'd hope they would end up having a chat with a Sergeant, who would (probably after looking it up themselves) put them right.

That way you've helped make the lives of future cyclists better, and helped improve the standard of Policing.

Stumps | 9 years ago

Is it not just common decency to let the person behind you know your going to cut across the road ?

I'm sure you would feel aggrieved if someone cut across in front of you without giving any warning.

sjb2332 replied to Stumps | 9 years ago

It's single lane each way and I exit a corner at the point of my house, so I don't always know what's coming the other way before I'm able to indicate / cross

I wish I hadn't posted the message, too many keyboard warriors on this site - whatever happened to helping each other ?

Brown dog replied to sjb2332 | 9 years ago
sjb2332 wrote:

It's single lane each way and I exit a corner at the point of my house, so I don't always know what's coming the other way before I'm able to indicate / cross

I wish I hadn't posted the message, too many keyboard warriors on this site - whatever happened to helping each other ?

I don't think it helped with the title of your post

You could always slow down to a speed you feel confident with and then indicate

Leodis | 9 years ago

Are you 15? Indicating when you can is a common courtesy for other road users. I get a little tired of having to indicate for other cyclists as they swerve into the road for parked cars, its usually the same ones who don't shoulder check as well.

"ps my daily commute is 9 miles each way so I'd like to think that after 2 years ( of no accidents) I'm a good judge of what works"


sjb2332 replied to Leodis | 9 years ago

You're quite right "indicating when you can" is the nub of it ...

Thanks !

farrell replied to Leodis | 9 years ago
Leodis wrote:

Are you 15? Indicating when you can is a common courtesy for other road users. I get a little tired of having to indicate for other cyclists as they swerve into the road for parked cars

This is a particular pet hate of mine.

A car is parked up on the left, quite often causing the traffic to move out to the right in order to get round it, as driving straight in to the back of a parked car would be ludicrous even for most drivers.

So why is it such a shock that cyclists will also go around the parked car? Why do people have such difficulty comprehending that this will happen?

Unless somebody could fill me in on any magical techniques that mean you can just cycle through parked cars like some sort of two wheeled ghost?

jacknorell replied to farrell | 9 years ago
farrell wrote:

So why is it such a shock that cyclists will also go around the parked car? Why do people have such difficulty comprehending that this will happen?

Same, seems so simple, but clearly mustn't be.

KiwiMike | 9 years ago

As best I can work out / Google, there is no legal requirement for a cyclist to use hand signals.

Possibly specifically because both hands are needed for braking/steering, particularly when coming down a hill.

glynr36 | 9 years ago

Swap you for a motorist in this tale of rebellion, and the same argument 'I've drove down this road for 2 years and never had an accident'. Doesn't wash so well now does it?
Grow up and get over it.

sjb2332 replied to glynr36 | 9 years ago

Grow up and get over it ?
Twunt alert

Al__S | 9 years ago

Overtaken by plod on the way home, just before I turned off the road onto a cycletrack. I was on a level crossing- so double white lines- and doing more than 10mph. She saved all of about two seconds by breaking the law.


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