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Apropos of nothing

...other than being bored & venting my predicament to a community that will truly understand...

I can't ride my bike for a whole week!  102

I know, horror right? Had a tooth out this afternoon in prep for an implant & the dentist said to leave off exercise for a week. I guess getting the blood pumping isn't great if you're trying to get a blood clot to stick in a wound & heal.  31

As recompense for my self sorry state I've ordered myself a garmin to stuff full of routes for next week. Other than that I guess I'll just have to give the old girl a clean & polish.

How does everyone else cope with time off the bike? It feels so... unnatural  1 Even cake doesn't seem that appealing at present, though I guess TDF's on soon.

If you're new please join in and if you have questions pop them below and the forum regulars will answer as best we can.

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Batchy | 9 years ago

101 Damnations by Ned Boulting helped me through some of my darkest moments of my recent bikeless two week holiday !

thesaladdays | 9 years ago

For most of the time I spend on the bike I'm trying to push myself a bit harder, so on the rare occasion when I'm deliberately going slower (usually happens when I'm out riding with somebody who doesn't cycle much) I find that the effort is next to nothing and quite relaxing. I know it can be hard not to try and go fast when that's what you're used to doing, but surely you can still go out for some idle pootling, mix in a picnic or something, and at least not suffer from total withdrawal. Bring someone slower along to help you.

Otherwise just read books about cycling for the next week or wash your bike(s) a few times  16

Spiny replied to thesaladdays | 9 years ago

That's a good idea - I'm sure I have David Byrne's Bicycle Diaries* on kindle somewhere.

* Maybe not about a bike in the same way Jaws isn't about a shark #wittertainment

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